1/11 PBE Update: Esports Summoner Icons, Lunar Revel Loot Assets, & More

Posted on at 12:27 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 8.2 PBE cycle, today's patch includes forty-six new Esports summoner icons, some Lunar Revel themed Loot assets, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

New Esports Summoner Icons

Forty-six new Esports themed summoner icons are now on the PBE! These join seventy-two other icons seen in the 8.1 PBE cycle:

Lunar Revel Event Assets

Assets for Lunar Revel themed loot are now on the PBE! 


Here are the descriptions for each of the items:
  • Revel Golden Coin: Used to craft Golden Lunar Revel Chromas
  • Revel Token: Granted for completing Lunar Revel missions. Craft into exclusive rewards during the event. Tokens expire from inventory on March 12, 2018 at 11:59 p.m. PT.
  • Revel Grab Bag: Open to reveal 5 skin shards, one from every skin tier up to Legendary.
  • Revel Skin Shard: Contains a skin shard for a random Revel skin. Does not include Lunar Empress Lux, Lunar Guardian Nasus, or Lunar Guardian Warwick
  • Revel Orb: Get a guaranteed Skin Shard with a chance to contain bonuses like a Revel Orb, Revel Grab Bag, or Gold Coin. Gemstone and Gemstone Skin Shard drop rate multiplied by 1.5.

This seems to confirm that the matching Golden Chroma and icons for the older Lunar Revel skins that we saw in the 1/9 PBE Update will be craftables.


Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.

[Note: As of today's build, Practice Tool is temporarily disabled due to a bug!]

[Context][note: empowered E tooltip bugged in current build, normal E tooltip displays correct numbers]
  • Whiplash (E)
    • Unempowered damage changed from [4% max health (+2.5% per 100 AP)] to [3% max health (+1.5% per 100 AP)]
    • Empowered damage changed from [6% max health (+3.5 per 100 AP)] to [4% max health (+2.5% per 100 AP)]

  • Mystic Shot (Q) damage changed from 35/55/75/95/115 to 15/40/65/90/115

  • Base AD increased from 67 to 70
  • Consume (Q)
    • [New Effect] Well Fed now additionally grants 3/5/7/9/11 (+5% AP) magic damage on basic attacks.
      • "(the new on-hit bonus from Q is per stack, so you can get 5x the listed amounts if you're super well fed)" 
  • Blood Boil (W)
    • [New Effect] Now additionally increases AP by 40% for both targets
      • Max: 40/60/80/100/120 AP

  • Final Hour (R) bonus AD lowered from 30/50/70 to 20/30/40

Hunter's Talisman, Hunter's Machete
  • Now notes "Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle Item."

Runic Echoes
  • Unique Passive - Echo damage increased from 60 to 80

[Context - These are the TT versions of the support items that were change in the 1/9 PBE Update!]

[New - TT Only] Timeworn Ancient Coin, Timeworn Nomad's Medallion, Timeworn Talisman of Ascension

[New - TT Only] Timeworn Spellthief's Edge, Timeworn Frostfang, Timeworn Frost Queen's Claim

[New - TT Only] Timeworn Relic Shield, Timeworn Targon's Brace, Timeworn Face of the Mountain

Manaflow Band (S2)
  • [Removed] Ability mana or energy cost no longer refunded
  • [Added] Now restores a flat amount of mana - [~23 + 1 per level]
  • Missing Mana restore increased from 8% to 10%
  • Cooldown reduced from 75s to 60s

Grasp of the Undying (R1)
  • Ranged champion rules changed from "Damage and healing are halved and gain 2 permanent health instead" to "Damage, healing, and permanent health gained reduced by 40%."

Glacial Augment (I1)
  • Ranged attack slow increased from [20% - 40%] to [30% - 40%]
  • Melee attack slow increased from [40% - 50%] to [45% - 55%]
  • Freeze ray slow increased from 50% to 60%


[Context - "No, those are purely informational. Minions now have an "inventory" that displays some of their mechanics (i.e. the aura buff that super minions give to nearby friendly minions, etc)"

Anti-Tower Socks


Phreakish Gusto

Super Mech Armor

Super Mech Power Field

Context & Notes

1) Riot Maple provided a changelist on the Evelynn changes in today's update:
"The current changes for Eve (since it looks like they're not showing up for you?)"

2) Riot Maple also noted some Viktor changes that should be coming to the PBE soon:
"Got another on for Viktor that didn't hit the PBE today. We're talking about whether we have room for another line, but for now we're pretty confident in this as a direction."

3) KateyKhaos noted some changes for each of the new skins would be trickling into each daily PBE update:
"Hi friends! We've been discussing feedback for all of the skins on PBE. Tweaks won't be in tomorrow's build - we need a bit of time to implement them - but you should see things trickling onto PBE by the end of the week. No spoilers!"
4) Ricklessabandon shared a tentative changelist for Nunu from today's PBE:
[1] "putting some nunu changes in for the next pbe build (should be tomorrow) should have updates to aftershock and guardian a full day -after- that"
[2] "quick preview for anyone curious about the nunu changes:"
[3] "(the new on-hit bonus from Q is per stack, so you can get 5x the listed amounts if you're super well fed)" 
He also noted that the Blood Boil interaction is bugged at the moment:
"heads up on the nunu changes on pbe today — pretty sure there's a bug 
< bug > blood boil gives both beneficiaries 40% of the -target's- ability power 
< expected > blood boil gives himself 40% of his ability power, and gives the other beneficiary 40% of their own ability power"

5) Check out Meddler's quick gameplay thoughts for January 10th, covering large patches vs small patches, targeted spells and minion aggro, Unsealed Spellbook bringing back old spells, and more!

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !