Continue reading for more information and look for these skins in the upcoming 8.17 PBE cycle!
PBE Preview: Enduring Sword Talon & Divine Sword Irelia
KateyKhaos posted turnaround pictures:
Enduring Sword Talon
Divine Sword Irelia
The splash arts for each skin were also released on Twitter:
Divine Sword Irelia
Enduring Sword Talon
Riot Stellari noted the reason for the different timing on the release of these assets:
"We're releasing the PBE preview and splash art for the new Immortal Journey Irelia and Talon skins early. They're in patch 8.17 (not *this* patch cycle) - just trying something different."She continued:
"No, there's lots in the next patch. That's part of the reason why we did this for these two :)"Look for more on these skins in the 8.17 PBE cycle, starting next week!