PBE Preview: Enduring Sword Talon & Divine Sword Irelia

Posted on at 10:24 AM by Aznbeat
A new PBE preview for Enduring Sword Talon & Divine Sword Irelia is now out on Riot social media, showing off some in game footage as well as their splash art!
Continue reading for more information and look for these skins in the upcoming 8.17 PBE cycle!

PBE Preview: Enduring Sword Talon & Divine Sword Irelia


KateyKhaos posted turnaround pictures:

Enduring Sword Talon

Divine Sword Irelia

The splash arts for each skin were also released on Twitter:

Divine Sword Irelia

Enduring Sword Talon

Riot Stellari noted the reason for the different timing on the release of these assets:
"We're releasing the PBE preview and splash art for the new Immortal Journey Irelia and Talon skins early. They're in patch 8.17 (not *this* patch cycle) - just trying something different."
She continued:
"No, there's lots in the next patch. That's part of the reason why we did this for these two :)"
Look for more on these skins in the 8.17 PBE cycle, starting next week!