A new 50% off champ & skin sale starts soon! December 4ththru December 7thyou can snag Arcade Hecarim for 675 RP, Superb Villain Veigar for 487 RP, Butcher Olaf for 375 RP, Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate for 260 RP, Illaoi for 487 RP, Graves for 440 RP, Ezreal for 440 RP & Shaco for 395 RP.
Continue reading for a better look at this sale's discounted skins!
Arcade Hecarim (675 RP)
Superb Villain Veigar (487 RP)
Butcher Olaf (375 RP)
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate (260 RP)
Sale & Skin Related News
The December Saleshave been announced! Check out the link to get a peek of what's coming up for the next month!