2/12 PBE Update: Even More Tentative Balance Changes

Posted on at 1:10 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we continue the 9.4 PBE cycle, today's patch includes tentative balance changes, a look at the VFX updates for Kennen, Olaf, Wukong, and Riven, and more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents


Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.


  • Ardent Blaze (W) 
    • Mana cost increased from 50 at all ranks to 70 at all ranks
    • damage lowered from 85/125/165/205/245 to 75/110/145/180/215

  • Echoing Flames (Passive)
    • Bonus damage lowered from 40/50/65/80/90/100% AD to 30/40/55/70/80/90% AD
  • Purge (W)
    • Mana cost changed from 45/50/55/60/65 to 65 at all ranks
    • Shield strength changed from [60/90/120/150/180 (+30% Bonus HP)] to [30/70110/150/190 (+15% Bonus HP)]

[Vi has extensive changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Denting Blows (W) Attack speed changed from 20/30/40/50/60% to 30/37.5/45/52.5/60%

[Zed has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • Razor Shuriken (Q) damage increased from 90/120/150/180/210 to 90/125/160/195/230
    • Vs Live: from 80/115/150/185/220 to 90/125/160/195/230

Essence Reaver
[Essence Reaver has other changes in testing on the PBE!]
  • AD increased from 60 to 65

Spellthief's Item Line
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 2/12]
  • Tribute:
    • Now required an allied champion within 1500u range of the player in order to earn the gold. Procs are still consumed regardless of this.
    • Gold Per Proc increased from 10/20g to 11/22g

Ancient Coin Item Line
[These changes were hotfixed to live on 2/12]
  • Favor:
    • Now required an allied champion within 1500u range of the player for gold coins to drop. Drops exclusively mana coins otherwise.
    • Gold per Gold Coin increased from 25/45g to 28/50g

Context & Notes

1) Maple Nectar provided a cha/gelist for item hotfixes that are also now in place on the PBE:
"Heads up! 
We'll be shipping a hotfix tomorrow to address the 0 cs top lane strategy that's emerged in both solo queue and pro play in the past few weeks. We don't take this lightly, as we generally want to support as many unique ways to play League as possible, but the gameplay offered via this strategy asks you to ignore many of the skills learned playing League over the years, provides very little counterplay, and also lends itself to a fairly poor viewing experience at the highest levels of play. We are choosing to act quickly rather than adopt a wait and see approach since the risk to the quality of many games of League is too high should this strategy become optimal/widespread. These aren't the most elegant changes, but we wanted to prioritize expediency rather than wait on finding the perfect change. Thanks everyone"
2) Riot Repertoir provided an Urgot changelist for this cycle:
"This is what's being tested this morning, I believe."

Check out [THIS PAGEfor a comprehensive list of the new content & changes currently on the PBE as a part of this cycle or catch up with the individual update links below !