8/13 PBE Update: Elderwood & Infernal Skins, Chromas, Icons & More!

Posted on at 4:00 PM by Aznbeat
The PBE has been updated! As we start the 9.17 PBE cycle, today's patch includes new skins, chromas, summoner icons, and much more!
Continue reading for more information!

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and subject to change - what you see below may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers at the end of the cycle! Manage your expectations accordingly.)

Table of Contents

Champion Skins

New skins are now on the PBE:

Elderwood Ahri

1350 RP

Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Elderwood Ahri:
"Elderwood Ahri heads onto the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Elderwood Ahri is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you've got any questions, post 'em here, and we'll do our best to answer them! 
Elderwood Ahri is set to be 1350 RP. 
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

Elderwood Nocturne

1350 RP

Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Elderwood Nocturne:
"Elderwood Nocturne heads onto the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Elderwood Nocturne is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you've got any questions, post 'em here, and we'll do our best to answer them! 
Elderwood Nocturne is set to be 1350 RP.
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

Elderwood Veigar

1350 RP

Here's KateyKhaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Elderwood Veigar:
"Elderwood Veigar heads onto the Rift featuring:
  • New models and textures!
  • New VFX!
  • New SFX!
  • New recall animation!
Elderwood Veigar is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so feel free to comment in the thread below! Likewise, if you've got any questions, post 'em here, and we'll do our best to answer them! 
Elderwood Veigar is set to be 1350 RP. 
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

Infernal Galio

1350 RP
[Images when skin is available on the PBE!]

Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Infernal Galio:
"KiWiKiD here taking you to heroism lane with Infernal Galio.
  • New model and textures - Sleek designs that’ll easily make your enemies admire
  • New Spell VFX - Featuring heated orange among all abilities.
  • New SFX - SFX on all spells!! Flaming energy highlighted throughout~.
  • New recall animation 
Infernal Galio is now available on PBE! Remember to report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. And of course: if you’ve got any questions, I’m here for them, and you. 
Infernal Galio is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"

Infernal Shen

1350 RP
[Images when skin is available on the PBE!]

Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Infernal Shen:
"Hello gamers, it’s KiWiKiD again with the awesome Infernal Shen skin! Can’t wait for this fiery man to ult to my side and give me a crimson shield. 
  • New model and textures - See the Shenpai in his full glory.
  • New Spell VFX - to compliment his sleek flame.
  • New SFX - New or additional SFX on all spells! The E is my personal favorite.
  • New recall animation - Recall home in flaming, underground style.
  • New death animation - One must die to be reborn from the ashes. 
Infernal Shen is now available on PBE! Go forth and show some players the Shenobi way. Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, you know who to call. Me! 
Infernal Shen is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"

Infernal Varus

1350 RP
[Images when skin is available on the PBE!]

Here's Riot KiWiKiD with a bugs & feedback thread for Infernal Varus:
"Sup players, I’m back with the latest Infernal style showcased by Varus! His firey dedication may or may not help you snipe that Teemo at max range with Q. He’s got:
  • New model and textures - you see the bowler hat, you be the bowler hat, you are the bowler hat.
  • New Spell VFX - Featuring those hot orange-reds all over.
  • New SFX - Flame SFX on all spells! Let me know which one you like the most!
  • New recall animation
Infernal Varus is now on PBE! Report back here with any bugs that occured or feedback that you have. If you’ve got any questions, I’ll be the support you need to carry your bugs and feedback to the team. 
Infernal Varus is currently set at 1350 RP (subject to change)"


Tons of chromas are now on the PBE for the new skins this cycle:

Elderwood Ahri 
[8 Chromas]
No images yet!

Elderwood Veigar
[8 Chromas]

Elderwood Nocturne
[8 Chromas]

Infernal Galio
[5 Chromas]

Infernal Shen
[5 Chromas]

Infernal Varus
[5 Chromas]

Summoner Icons

Five new summoner icons are now on the PBE:

Elderwood Ahri Icon, Elderwood Nocturne Icon, Elderwood Veigar Icon

Chuseok Nasus Icon
"This icon was earned by completing 2019 Chusoek mission."
[Upcoming Korean holiday!]

Chuseok Poro Icon
"This icon was acquired by purchasing 2019 Chuseok item."
[Upcoming Korean holiday!]


Three new TFT themed emotes are now on the PBE!

Looking for This?, Good as Gold, See Ya!


  • The file for Elderwood Nocturne's special loading screen is incorrect, and shows an image of a woman with a giant gun (?). [This has since been patched out!]
  • Eternals assets added to the PBE! Check out this /Dev blog for more details:

Balance Changes

NOTE*: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, & experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be relative to other changes earlier this cycle! These are not official notes.


Aurelion Sol
[Changelist - Highly experimental, no guarantee to ship! Back for more testing this cycle!]
  • Center of the Universe (Passive)
    • Damage changed from [20-130] to [16/18/20/22/24/27/30/35/40/45/50/60/70/80/90/100/110/120]
    • AP ratio changed from [18-35% (based on level)] to 25%
  • Starsurge (Q)
    • Cooldown changed from 10 to 11/10/9/8/7
    • movement speed increased from 10% to 20%
    • If Aurelion Sol is faster than his Q, the missile will speed up to keep up.
  • Celestial Expansion (W)
    • [New] Now causes Aurelion Sol's stars to expand, gaining increased damage and rotating at high, but decaying, speed. Upon reactivating or after 3 seconds, the stars retract, granting 40% movement speed, decaying over 1.5s.
    • Cooldown:  8/6.5/5/3.5/2
    • Mana Cost changed from [40+22/24/26/28/30 per second] to [70/80/90/100/110]
  • Comet of Legend (E)
    • [Removed] Passive movement speed
    • Range increased from 3000/4000/5000/6000/7000 to 5500/6000/6500/7000/7500
    • Cooldown changed from 60/55/50/45/40 to 80/70/60/50/40
    • Speed changed from 600 to 600/650/700/750/800

[Changelist - Highly experimental, no planned release date! Back for more testing this cycle!]
  • Armor increased from 26 to 29
  • Attack speed changed from [.625 + 1.5% per lvl] to [.667 + 2.5% per lvl]
  • Divine Ascent (Passive)
    • Innate (Level 1)
      • Movement speed changed from [15% towards champions] to [10% in all directions]
      • Can now stack vs. towers
      • Moved ranged form to rank 1 evolve
      • Moved AoE attacks to rank 2 evolve
    • Ranged form (level 6)
      • Range lowered from 550 to 525
      • Attack speed per stack while ranged lowered from 10% to 6%
    • Transcended form (level 16)
      • Removed true damage
      • Now adds +50 Range (575 total)
  • Radiant Blast (Q)
    • [New] Now refunds 50% mana cost if it hit a champion
    • Cast delay lowered from .5 to .25
    • Cast time changed from [AA timer] to .25
    • Missile speed lowered from 2000 to 1600
    • Range lowered from 950 to 900
    • Shred lowered from 20% to 15%
    • Shred duration increased from 3 to 4
    • "Fixed a bug where Q wouldn't pierce as far if hit at point blank range"
  • Starfire Spellblade (E) 
    • execute damage changed from [8-16% (+1% per 100 AP)] to [8/9/10/11/12% (+2% per 100 AP)]
    • Passive damage AP ratio increased from 20% to 30%
    • Passive damage AD ratio increased from 100% tAD to 120% tAD
  • Divine Judgement (R)
    • Cooldown lowered from 160/120/80 to 120/100/80
    • Mana cost lowered from 100 to 100/50/0
    • AoE radius increased from 475 to 500
    • AP ratio increased from 80% to 90%

Context & Notes

1) Riot Scruffy tweeted a tentative Garen changelist coming to the PBE soon:
"CatchesAxes is a Garen enthusiast and has been working on some changes. 
Goals are:
-Remove villainy passive to push power back into core pattern
-Move to a more early game lane bully power curve
-Add AS scaling to open up more builds  
Current changes below coming to PBE soon"