Tonight's red post collection include The Dream Thief a new short story featuring Lissandra, a look at the new LoL website, Legends of Runeterra open beta information, new Lunar Revel and Mecha Kingdoms themed merch, & more!
Continue reading for more information!
- PBE Preview: True Damage Senna Prestige Edition & Jinx + Yuumi skins!
- Patch 10.2 & TFT Notes
- Guardian of the Sands Janna, Rengar, and Ryze now available!
Table of Contents
- Universe Update: The Dream Thief
- Lunar Revel & Mecha Kingdoms Merch
- Legends of Runeterra Open Beta Info
- Miscellaneous
- Reminders
Universe Update: The Dream Thief
A new short story featuring Lissandra is up on the Universe - check out The Dream Thief by Matt Dunn:
"The Ice Witch does not sleep in her citadel. She sleeps anywhere, and everywhere, and nowhere. Sometimes all at once.
The cavernous place where she now chooses to lay her body down for a few hours could hold a thousand fortresses. A veritable sea of True Ice stretches from underground horizon to underground horizon. They are not the horizons of the tumultuous world above, but closer—much closer—to an entirely different kind of madness.
She visits this place often, and always by herself, but she is never alone.
Some called them monsters. Some called them gods. Regardless, the vast shadows that slumber beneath the icy blanket can only dream. Lissandra checks in dutifully. Makes sure their bedding is comfortable.
The Watchers must not awaken."...
Over on twitter, L J Goulding/Riot Scathlocke commented:
"IT'S HERE. IT'S FINALLY HERE. 'The Dream Thief' by @thatmattdunn, now presented IN FULL with a canonical ending, inspired by the choices made by our wonderful RU players, and edited by the talented @Hulk__Harvey.
Here's a link to the full version of the accompanying art piece:
Lunar Revel & Mecha Kingdoms Merch
The Riot Games Merch store has been updated with new Lunar Revel & Mecha Kingdoms themed merch!
- Lunar Revel Tibbers Plush - ""C'mon Tibbers, let's play one more!" Ring in the new year with Lunar Revel Tibbers Plush."
- Mecha Kingdoms "J8X" Hoodie - "For the kingdom. For the world. Take the battle higher with Mecha Kingdoms Jax."
- Mecha Kingdoms Pin Pack - "Stand your ground with this set of Mecha Kingdoms enamel pins featuring the crests of Garen, Leona, and Jax."
- The posters section has also been updated to include the Mecha Kingdoms skin as prints!
Legends of Runeterra Open Beta Info
Legends of Runeterra, the new League of Legends digital card game, open beta is coming later this week - on January 23rd for those who have pre-registered and full open access on January 24th! Get ready with several news articles including the Open Beta patch notes, an FAQ, an update on the Open Beta economy.
- Open Beta Patch Notes - Check 'em out to see what's new since the last public preview patch, including individual champion, follower, & spell card updates, upcoming features such as boards & guardians, friends list & social features, ranked in beta season,
- Open Beta Economy Updates - a quick article covering the nitty gritty of things like the final account wipe heading into open beta. coin pricing, various updates to rewards (chests, expeditions, and the vault), XP rewards, and more.
- Open Beta FAQ - an article for everything else, including a recap of the open beta, info on the exclusive Monnstruck Poro Guardian on LoR launch, how ranked is going to work, what to expect in beta vs full launch, and more!
The LoR developmental team also posted this letter to the LoR community on social media:
"In a few days, Legends of Runeterra will be in open beta. Over a hundred developers have contributed countless hours preparing for this very moment.
As lifelong CCG players and fans of League of Legends, we're honored by the opportinuty to bring these passions together. The open beta is our chance to learn a ton about what works and what doesn't. Our commitment is to always do right by you, the player, and to prioritize your experience over all else.
If you're a long-time League player, we're proud to bring new life to the champions you know and love, along with their allies and enemies. We hope you find details in each card that surprise, excite, and delight you. And if you're brand new to the world of Runeterra --- welcome! We can't wait to show you around.
We are so grateful that you've chosen to spend y our time with us and the game we've made. We cannot wait to play alongside you, hear your feedback, and improve the game for years to come. Open beta is just the beginning.
Thanks for playing, and we'll see you in Runeterra.
- Jeff, Andrew, and the entire LoR development team"
"At 11 AM PT on January 23, LoR service will be back online. Anyone who played during the preview patches OR has pre-registered on PC by 11:59 PM PT on January 19 will gain access on 1/23. Pre-registered folks who did not play in the preview patches should look for an invite email—some of these may take a few hours to roll out, so don’t stress if you don’t have access right at 11 AM.
Note that only those who’ve pre-registered on PC (not mobile) will get access on 1/23. If you’ve only pre-registered on mobile, you’ll need to also do so on PC at in order to get access on 1/23.
The next day, at 11 AM PT on January 24, open beta officially begins and LoR will go completely open access—anyone will be able to immediately create an account, download, and play for free."
- The League of Legends website has received a visual update including a new look and navigation! Head on over to check it out.
The various champion pages have also been updated, including a new flow, champion specific third party links to,, &, and more!
- ICYMI in the PBE coverage, VFX updates for Annie & Nautilus have been previewed by Riot Sirhaian over on the boards! These are aiming for release in 10.3. See the preview images & videos below and be sure to check the full thread for breakdown of what's new!
- Here's Riot KateyKhaos with a thread on the PBE boards how the team will be approaching PBE skin feedback as we head into 2020:
"Beginning with our 2020 skins, the Skins team will be taking a new approach with how we tackle PBE feedback. (We tried this a bit towards the end of 2019 and found it to be super efficient!)
With the influx of players, it’s been difficult to keep up with all of the comments, bugs, and questions and giving a meaningful response to every one of them. Additionally, more feedback means more time to parse and compile it for the dev teams -- especially when we’re going to be making more skins than ever!
What’s Changing?
In order to get feedback in front of the devs sooner, we’re going to change how we interact with the PBE boards posts. We’ll no longer be answering as many questions and comments as possible in each thread, but instead, we’ll be reading all comments, which will allow us to compile feedback much more quickly.
That said, we’ll still be responding to comments here and there, we won’t be totally radio silent!
Getting feedback to the devs sooner means that we, as a team, have more time to discuss suggestions and potentially make changes to upcoming skins.
Lastly, to better help you help us when it comes feedback, we'll be making another boards post (soon TM!) with some general do's and don'ts guidelines when talking about skins, so keep an eye out for that!
As always, thanks for helping us shape skins with your help on PBE!
-- Riot KateyKhaos"
- Over on twitter, Riot Rovient shared a fix for rare Kayn bug should be coming in 10.3:
[1] "I believe I have fixed the Kayn bug where in something like 0.0001% of games, he could select NEITHER form after collecting enough damage orbs. We finally found a set of instructions to reproduce the bug, and thus I could fix it! Should be in 10.3 if it passes QA testing."
[2] "Another bug-fix worth noting; you should no longer be able to see the Infernal Soul explosion proc through fog of war. You won't give away your sneaky Baron plays by having the Soul anymore!"
Your semi-weekly dose of server problem-os, NA League news, and other!
2020 has started! We’ve got LCS about to start, LoR is soon to enter open beta, Sett is punching an awful lot of things, and everyone loves giant Mechs.
- Mac voice still not working properly Bug grouped with other Mac bugs. More .plist fun (No progress since last check).
Server Stuff:
- None
Game Stuff:
- Aphelios’ Passive/R/E abilities in LCU video not loading(12/10, ~1 month) NOC is notified that Aphelios’ Passive/W/E videos in LCU don’t work. Needless to say, they failed to work because the videos were designed in LCU format to work with a champion with 1 passive and 4 abilities. Since the problem couldn’t be micropatched out, it needed to be fixed with 10.1.
- PayOn payments not resolving properly(1/9, ~184 minutes) Reports filter in that there’s problems with PayOn. Engineers discover the issue isn’t on League’s side, and work with PayOn engineers to fix the problem.
- Sign on problem increases(1/13, ~29 minutes) Automated alerting notifies the NOC that signing in problems are reaching problematic levels. Investigation leads to a dependent service (the backup) wasn’t properly resolving issues when the primary was having problems. Updates will need to be made to the dependent service to prevent this from happening in the future.
- Sign on problem increases(1/13, ~29 minutes) Automated alerting notifies the NOC that signing in problems are reaching problematic levels. Investigation leads to a dependent service (the backup) wasn’t properly resolving issues when the primary was having problems. Updates will need to be made to the dependent service to prevent this from happening in the future.
- Players unable to log into Riot services(1/14, ~61 minutes) Automated alerting notifies the NOC that sign on errors are reaching unacceptable levels. Engineers find that a core part of the sign in process isn’t responding to requests. Issues expand to impact other core services as well. Engineers need to spin up new instances and help offset the load as the systems start to recover.
- High CPU Utilization across game servers, requiring mitigation steps(1/15, ~178 minutes) Due to warning levels of CPU utilization, NOC technicians set minimum numbers for custom games, as well as enabling queues for TFT and ARAM. As usage lowers, throttles are removed.
- High CPU Utilization across game servers, requiring mitigation steps(1/17, ~220 minutes minutes) See above
- High CPU Utilization across game servers, requiring mitigation steps(1/18, ~115 minutes minutes) See above above
- High CPU Utilization across game servers, requiring mitigation steps(1/19, ~209 minutes minutes) See above above above
- High CPU Utilization across game servers, requiring mitigation steps(1/20, ~112 minutes minutes) See above above above above
- Social Panel missing from LoL Client(1/16, ~6 hours) A change is made to the backend servers during a change window. However, the change sees the social panel go down. Issue starts to impact all regions, and a triage team starts work on a hotfix. The hotfix is about to be deployed, only to find it’d cause another problem if deployed as is. Hotfix undergoes another QA pass and is approved for deployment, which solves the problem.
- ARAM expanded F2P rotation list not updating(12/23, ~1 month) NOC is notified that changes fail to execute on the F2P rotation list. Investigation leads to the expanded F2P rotation as a starting point. Investigation ends noticing that it happened due to a manual config change that was incorrect.
- With the LEC and the LCS Spring Splits kicking off later this week, LoL Esports has been cranking out the announcements and content to get ready!
- [Video] #LEC Spring 2020 Opening Tease
- [Video] The 2020 #LEC Format Explained
- [Video] LCS Spring: Rise of the Elements
- [Video] The Dive | Rift Changes & Power Rankings (Season 4, Episode 1)
- [Video] Drive: Bjergsen | Presented by Honda
- [Video] Phreak Show | Back in the Game
- [Artcle] Co-Streaming Pilot Program: 2020 LCS Spring Split
- [Article] Huya Becomes Exclusive 2020 Chinese Broadcast Partner of the #LCS and #LEC!
- [Article] The Perfect Brew: Bud Light Serves up A Draft of Esports with LCS
To round out this red post collection, here are a few reminders on current promotions or limited time events!
- The Mecha Kingdoms 2020 event is now running from now until Feb 18th! Play ARURF, grab new skins &, chromas, complete missions to earn loot, and more!