Ionia 2013 Tournament (7/10 UPDATED)

The Ionian 2013 Tournament is a 5v5 Tournament Draft battle that will be held on Summoner’s Rift. A max of 128 teams are able to register for the event. In the event we do not reach our 128 team threshold, the remaining teams at the end of the bracket will receive a bye until the bracket updates.
Continue on reading for more information about The Ionian Circuit 2013!

This is our first Summoner’s Rift Tournament. After this is complete, we’ll be showing our EU counterparts some love! Just hang tight guys :]

Here's the list of the 128 that were randomly selected using this site (we had 782 teams in total).  Remember to schedule your Qualifier Game within the time frame given!

>>UPDATE<< Player roles may be switched/swapped due to team composition and/or player substitution. We understand that life happens and schedules may change, so we are not strict on making sure you adhere 100% to the role you have listed on your registration! :]

The following link will show the bracket and match-ups:  >>HERE<<
Brackets are updated! Sent out Quarter Final email information packet!

  • Team Vibe
  • Dunk Team Six
  • MotherFatherGentlemen
  • Hereje
  • Maximum Overfeel
  • Warmogs and Cleavers
  • Toopor
  • Turtul Bros
  • Storm Dynasty
  • Make Moves Son
  • MafiaStyle
  • Curse Snapdragon
  • Attack on Titan
  • OHSNAPZUH Gaming
  • Schweag
  • Carried by Bandit
  • Tag Ur It
  • YordleSnMClub
  • Team Maybach Music
  • Legendary Threats
  • Chinatown Five
  • Ants In My Drink
  • Sleeping Pillows
  • xAIIMIAx
  • The Agony
  • Odd Future
  • weareinfamous
  • Digital Dreams
  • Justice League NA
  • Soul Hunters
  • GMT+10
  • NNach1Tz
  • GainsForDays
  • Xuf Gaming
  • Synchronous
  • Ready to Ram
  • New World Creations
  • El Alma Del Reyes
  • Stay Frosty Gaming
  • French Maid Volibear Team
  • Summoners with Benefits
  • Emu Escape Squad
  • Victacious
  • Room 604
  • Rabadon’s Death Frappe
  • 5hunters
  • Lightning Stars
  • Unitus
  • AchievingProcrastinators
  • PUC Paragons
  • In for the Feed
  • Steamed Bun
  • How Dose Farm
  • Team Angry Monkies
  • Supreme Team
  • Greed is Good
  • The Fade Administration
  • Best Teamfights NA
  • Eskies
  • TeamNoFun
  • Team W
  • Inertia
  • Droid Gaming
  • Team Soar
  • DroidRam
  • GPT3N GP10
  • AFK Pentakillers
  • Men In Long Friendships
  • (10000leaguesUnderTheYi)
  • Time To Get III
  • NateDogActual
  • Team Bot Army
  • Team Armstrong
  • No Salvation
  • colima gaming
  • The Elite Brotherhood
  • wwdy
  • ComeBack Gaming
  • Suave Gentlemen’s Club
  • We Lack 0riginality
  • Knights of the Noob table
  • Blue BOOF
  • Soldiers of Fate
  • Otaku Knightmare
  • Young Money Militia
  • Furry Love Bugs
  • iTZz Just Gaming
  • PentaKssist
  • Yung Bloodz
  • Easter Platypus
  • Off The Team
  • GLHF in Tribunal
  • Team Cheeky Dom
  • Aurum Squad
  • The Raging Goliaths (Auscanmurica)
  • xLauhging Coffinx
  • wtTribe
  • Team Explicit Gaming
  • The Old Sports
  • Calamity Swag
  • Exemplify
  • Dlash
  • The Fightin Overnabz
  • RawrFlocka
  • Canadian Logic Gaming
  • Asian Insane Crew
  • Natrually Selected
  • A State of Trance1
  • Los Combos Wombos
  • HashtagFYouKyle
  • Azubu Blues
  • Pix or GTFO
  • The Baconeers
  • Suriname
  • The Piltover Scientists
  • (Squirtle Squad)
  • Crowd Controllerz
  • Dividers of Zero
  • NunuEra
  • SyNkRo gaming
  • Sea Cows
  • The High Five
  • Piltover Tea Inspectors
  • Team Serenity
  • The Slick Kids

Sign-Ups (5 days)
Opens on Saturday, May 18th @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST
Closes on Wednesday, May 22nd @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST

1st Qualifier Round (2 weeks) - 64 games
Begins on Saturday, May 25th @ 12am PST / 3am EST
Ends on Saturday, June 8th @ 12am PST / 3am EST

2nd Qualifier Round (1 week) - 32 games
Begins on Monday, June 10th @ 12am PST / 3am EST
Ends on Monday, June 17th @ 12am PST / 3am EST

3rd Qualifier Round (1 week) - 16 games
Begins on Wednesday, June 19th @ 12am PST / 3am EST
Ends on Wednesday, June 26th @ 12am PST / 3am EST

4th Qualifier Round (1 week) - 8 games
Begins on Friday, June 28th @ 12am PST / 3am EST
Ends on Friday, July 5th @ 12am PST / 3am EST

Quarter Finals (2 days) - 4 game sets (Best of 3)
Friday, July 12th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST
Saturday, July 13th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST

Semi-Finals (1 day) - 2 game sets (Best of 3)
Friday, July 19th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST

Finals (1 day) - 1 game set (Best of 3)
Saturday, July 20th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST

To accommodate the significant increase of teams able to sign up for this tournament, we will be introducing the “Qualifier Round” period. The first Qualifier Round will be 2 weeks with 64 independently scheduled games.

  • Each session consists of a best of 1 game against two teams that were matched against each other by Tournament Organizers. You receive your opponent's information via your Person of Contact's email.

There will be 4 Qualifier Rounds, the ones coming after the 1st Round will be scheduled for a 1 week duration rather than 2 weeks.

Because of the sheer amount of teams and players expected in the Qualifier Rounds, we cannot individually schedule each match. Therefore once we provide the contact information of the team you are matched against, it will be both the teams’ responsibility to schedule their own match within the allotted period of time. The Team Name, Person of Contact and Roster will be released to teams via their email so that you may schedule the tournament game at a time that’s convenient. 

We highly encourage teams (to the point of almost making it mandatory) to keep records/screenshots of their correspondences with their scheduled opponents. In the event that the other team does not cooperate or does not show up at the time agreed upon, send us the correspondence history and we will make a decision with the evidence to automatically advance a team. 

How to Report a Win

  1. Email "Victory" screenshot to Winner’s screenshot must include the entire “Overview” page shown at the end of matches, and must display the player names of each team.
  2. Also email the "Show Details" (example) block from LoLKing to confirm win. Player names in the game will be checked to make sure the officially listed players and subs have participated in both teams. 
  3. Staff member will respond to email confirming the win and the tournament bracket will be updated.

***If we do not hear back from a team within the allotted period of time in the Qualifier Rounds, they will be disqualified. In this case, the team they were matched against automatically wins and is progressed through the brackets.

The Ionian Circuit will be large enough to accommodate up to 128 participating teams. If for any reason we do not meet this threshold and have an uneven number of participants, the last of the list that is unable to be matched will receive a bye until the brackets even out.
You are not required to have a Ranked Team in order to participate in the event. Simply gathering a group of your friends and sending us a completed registration email qualifies you for the games!
The first 4 rounds are the Qualifiers. Teams will be matched against another team and are expected to schedule their own best of one, 5v5 Summoner’s Rift game within the allotted period of time. You will be given the other Team Name and their Person of Contact so that you can coordinate a time best suited for both parties.

After the Qualifiers are our Best of 3 Quarter FinalsSemi-Finals and the Finals! These games will have our own Ionian Circuit bracket images, and will also be streamed and shoutcasted! Our shoutcasters will be VanityCrysis, EdwinMols, Seranaya, and some Special Guests! Our good friends from PentaCast have also agreed to do some shoutcasting for us! (0ctaviah and Skillfactory!) More information regarding scheduling for the Quarter Finals, Semi-Finals and Finals will be released closer to their dates!

The top 4 teams will receive a package of Riot Points. For the team that climbs their way up to 1st Place, they will also receive codes for the tournament-exclusive Triumphant Ryze skin!
1st place: $20 RP + Triumphant Ryze per player 
2nd place: $15 RP per player 
3rd place: $10 RP per player 
4th place: $5 RP per player

For clarity, the players actually participating in the the game for placement (4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st) will be the ones receiving the prize unless we are made aware of a prior agreement beforehand. The names of the winners are sent to Riot as they will be the ones to dish out the prizes!

  • There is no entry fee for this tournament. To be eligible to play, you must have an NA account and have a team of at least 5 players to enter. There is no limit to how many substitutes you may have as backup on your team, just please keep the number within reason, haha!
  • Please keep all team names and in-game names within ToS! Positive attitude and good sportsmanship is always encouraged :] We expect professional conduct from our players!
  • Also, players may only be a part of one team. Meaning that if you are a sub for one team, you cannot be a core or sub player for another team. This is to keep the odds fair for prizes.
  • There is no Level restriction to the tournament. Please be aware of the disadvantages of the limited Runes and Masteries pre-lv30!
  • There is no age restriction for this event! So long as you have a team and can play League, you're eligible! 

Sign-ups OPEN on Saturday, May 18th @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST and CLOSE on Wednesday, May22nd @ 8pm PST / 11pm EST. We will be selecting the 128 teams at random for the Ionian Circuit. To enter, please send an email to using the following format:

Registration emails sent before sign-ups open or incomplete submissions will not be considered.

Team Name (w/ abbreviation):

Core Roster (w/ roles):

Substitutes: (if any)

Person of Contact: (include an email, and an in-game name that may be released for independent scrims. More than one person of contact is acceptable)

Other Info: (optional)

Teams are chosen at random, this is not first-come, first-served. At the end of the sign-up period we will be using a random list generator to pick the teams for the tournament. The teams will be notified via their email submission and the list posted on the site.

You will receive a confirmation email from the staff when your registration is accepted, and your team name will be added to the brackets. From then on it is your responsibility to make sure your person of contact checks their email for any updates from the tournament.

For any tournament-related questions, please email Nurse Flan at: You can also email our shoutcaster VanityCrysis with questions at

***UPDATEFinding a Team, or Finding a Player***------------------------------------------------

So finding teams via the commenting system and in-game chat channel seem a little rough. Thanks to Raid, we now have a form that a partial team, or a solo player looking for more members, can fill out to let the Community know they need more members!

Fill out >>THIS FORM<< if you are a partial team looking for more, or a solo player looking for a partial team. (it's the same form)

To find a team, check out >>THIS LINK<< for a spreadsheet of teams looking for more, or solo players looking for a team. You will see a list of Summoner's Name or Team Captain's names as a point of contact. It's up to you to contact these people with the Summoner Names provided!