5.16 PBE Cycle

This mega post was last Updated on 8/14 with the 8/14 PBE Update

( With the release of patch 5.15 to live on August 5th, we started the new 5.16 PBE cycle )

Previous PBE Cycles in 2015
[4.21][5.1] [5.2] [5.3] [5.4] [5.5] [5.6] [5.7] [5.8] [5.9] [5.10] [5.11] [5.12] [5.13] [5.14] [5.15]

Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else  is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.

( Note: As the cycle continues, some images may be outdated! )

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Skins

5.16 will include a total of SIX new skins!

Arcade Riven

1350 RP

Here's Riot Katey Khaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Arcade Riven:
"While some may say it’s dangerous to go alone, Riven has no problem doing so, especially when she takes her broken blade along with her. 
Arcade Riven will be 1350 RP* and includes –
  • New model and Texture!
  • All new particles!
  • All new sound effects! (K.O!.)
  • New recall animation! 
Arcade Riven is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so please feel to comment in the thread below. Likewise, if you've got any questions, post ‘em here and we’ll do our best to answer them! 
*Prices on PBE are subject to change."

Battle Boss Blitzcrank

1350 RP

Here's Riot Katey Khaos with a bugs & feedback thread for Battle Boss Blitzcrank:
"All your Rift are belong to us. 
Battle Boss Blitzcrank rolls his way onto the Rift. Whatever you do, do not take your eye off of the claw; otherwise, it could be game over for you! 
Battle Boss Blitzcrank will be 1350 RP* and includes –
  • New model and Texture! 
  • All new particles! 
  • All new sound effects! 
  • New run animations 
  • New recall animation!
    Battle Boss Blitzcrank is now available to play on PBE! We always find bug reports and feedback super helpful, so please feel to comment in the thread below. Likewise, if you’ve got any questions, post ‘em here and we'll do our best to answer them! 
    *Prices on PBE are subject to change."

    We also have a set of four academy themed skins!
    Here's Galetta with a bugs & feedback thread for these four Academy themed skins!
    ""Ahhh, I'm late!" 
    Straight out of the Academy and onto the Rift: Ahri, Darius, Ekko, and Vladimir are ready to school the competition! These skins include:
    • New models and textures!
    These skins will be 750RP each. (pricing on PBE is subject to change) 
    Your feedback and bug reports are extremely helpful to us, so please check out The Academy skins and let us know what you think! Feel free to drop any bugs you find in this thread as well! 
    See you on the Rift!"

    Academy Ahri

    750 RP

    Academy  Darius

    750 RP

    Academy Ekko

    750 RP

    Academy Vladimir

    750 RP

    New Summoner Icons

    We also have four new summoner icons - "Arcade Sona Poro", Final Boss Veigar's staff, Blitzcrank & Poro, and one of Dragon.

    Gameplay Update: Juggernauts

    As announced earlier, this cycle includes big changes for DariusGarenMordekaiser, and Skarner as part of the Juggernauts Gameplay update!
    Click the links to quick jump each of the updates:


    "Hey all, 
    Now that everyone's favorite dunkmaster has hit the PBE, wanted to make a consolidated thread where we can discuss the design direction and talk about potential tweaks we can make before he hits the Live servers. 
    • Some of Darius' early lane power has been shifted more towards the mid and late game
    • We expect Darius to build much more tanky items than he has previously done with the help of Bloodrage
    • In order to accommodate for the strength and importance of Bloodrage, a lot of Darius' base damage numbers needed to be reduced 

    • Attack Range increased to 175 from 125
    • Attack Damage per level increased to 5 from 3.5
    • Health per level increased to 100 from 93
    • Armor per level increased to 4 from 3.5
    • Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.679
    • Attack Speed per level reduced to 1% from 4%
    Hemorrhage (P)
    • Darius now enters Bloodrage for 5 seconds whenever an enemy champion reaches max Hemorrhage or dies to Noxian Guillotine. During Bloodrage, Darius gains 40-200 bonus Attack Damage and applies max Hemorrhage to enemies hit.
    • Bleed now deals physical damage instead of magic
    • Bleed damage reduced to 10-27 from 12-36
    • No longer grants Movement Speed per enemy champion bleeding
    Decimate (Q)
    • Now has a 0.75 second delay before swinging
    • Darius now heals for 10% of his missing Health for each enemy champion hit by the blade (max: 30%)
    • Blade damage (outer circle) changed to 20/40/60/80/100 (+1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4 total Attack Damage) from 105/157.5/210/262.5/315 (+1.05 bonus Attack Damage)
    • Handle damage (inner circle) reduced to 50% from 66%
    • Enemies hit by the handle no longer receive a stack of Hemorrhage
    • Mana cost reduced to 30 from 40 
      Crippling Strike (W)
      • Damage adjusted to 140% total Attack Damage from 120/140/160/180/200%
      • Slow amount increased to 90% from 20/25/30/35/40%
      • Slow duration reduced to 1 second from 2 seconds
      • No longer slows Attack Speed
      • Cooldown changed to 9/8/7/6/5 seconds from 8
      • No longer reduces base cooldown per Hemorrhage stack on the target
      • Mana cost reduced to 30 from 30/35/40/45/50
      Apprehend (E)
      • Fixed a bug where enemies would be pulled in if they escaped the area during the cast time
      • Cast time reduced to 0.25 seconds from 0.32
      • Now slows enemies grabbed by 90% for 1 second after landing
      Noxian Guillotine (R)
      • Damage reduced to 100/200/300 from 160/250/340
      • No longer refunds Mana on re-casts, instead all re-casts cost no Mana
      • At rank 3, Noxian Guillotine no longer has a Mana cost
      • Upon executing an enemy champion, all nearby lesser creatures (non-champions) become terrified for a few seconds
      Feel free to leave feedback. I'll be checking back here every so often to answer your guys' questions and see how Darius is performing."

      Here's a look at Darius' currently abilities, stats, and tooltips:

      Base Stats
      • Health per level increased to 100 from 93
      • Armor per level increased to 4 from 3.5
      • Attack Damage per level increased to 5 from 3.5
      • Attack Range increased to 175 from 125
      • Base Attack Speed reduced to 0.625 from 0.679
      • Attack Speed per level reduced to 1% from 4%

      Hemorrhage (Passive)
      Whenever Darius damages an enemy with the axe's blade, they bleed for 10-27 (+.3 bonus ad) physical damage over 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times. 
      Whenever an enemy champion reaches max Hemorrhage or dies to Noxian Guillotine, Darius enters Bloodrage for 5 seconds, gaining 40-200 bonus Attack Damage and applying max Hemorrhage to enemies hit.

      Decimate (Q)
      30 Mana
      9/8/7/6/5 sec Cooldown 
      After a short delay, Darius swings his axe around himself, striking enemies in its path. Enemies hit by the axe's blade take 20/40/80/100 (+1.0/1.1/1.2/1.3/1.4) physical damage. Enemies hit by the handle take 50% damage (does not apply Hemorrhage). 
      Darius heals for 10% of his missing Health per enemy champion hit by the blade (max:30%).

      Crippling Strike (W)
      30 mana
      9/8/7/6/5 sec cooldown 
      Darius' next basic attack deals (140% total AD) physical damage and slows the target by 90  for 1 second.

      Apprehend (E)
      45 Mana
      24/21/18/15/12 sec Cooldown 
      Passive: Darius's physical damage ignores 5/10/15/20/25% of his target's armor. 
      Active: Pulls in all enemies in front of Darius and slows them by 90% for 1 second

      Noxian Guillotine (R)
      100 Mana
      120/100/80 Sec Cooldown 
      Leaps to target enemy champion and strikes a lethal blow, dealing 100/200/300 (+.75 bonus AD) true damage. For Each Stack of Hemorrhage on the target. Noxian Guillotine deals an additional 20% damage.  
      Maximum Damage: X
      If Noxian Guillotine kills the target, it may be re-cast at no cost within 20 seconds.
      At rank 3, Noxian Guillotine unlocks - it's cooldown now resets entirely on kill and it no longer has a Mana cost.

      Here's an updated ability preview for Darius:

      Updated Skin Previews

      Here are the updated previews for each of Darius's skins:


      Here's RiotRepertoir with a changelist and feedback thread for Garen's update:
      "8/7 Closing Edit 
      I'm putting this at the top of both Garen and Skarner's PBE threads just to close the loop with everyone as the two champions approach Live in 5.16. 
      First off, I fully understand that not everyone is psyched about all the changes going on here, and I am truly sorry if something you love about either of these champions is being taken away next patch. My hope is that most of you find your way back to the champions and/or that you can still find at least the same level of enjoyment in them after these changes. 
      The level and quality of feedback you've provided in the last week has been of tremendous value in pushing the champions in directions that hopefully will serve them well not just currently, but also for the foreseeable future. Between tweaking Garen and Skarner in reaction to feedback over the week, I unfortunately didn't get to respond to as many of you personally as I would have liked, but I think it's important that you know I was reading everything you were saying. The nightly updates were an attempt at keeping you guys in the loop and showing you the changes you were influencing. 
      That isn't to say I made all the changes you wanted to see, but your feedback definitely wasn't just disappearing into the abyss. Many of you are clearly very passionate about these champions, and your feedback, suggestions, and questions have helped get them to a spot where they're ready for Live servers. 
      Garen and Skarner will both be on PBE until the patch is cut for 5.16, but tweaks and balance changes to them on PBE from here forward will be few (if any). If you enjoy them and want to keep stomping around with them on PBE to get a feel for them before Live, feel free to do so. 
      Until next time, good luck in your games, and thanks one last time for all the input you've provided. 
      Main Post (8/4)
      Hi everyone, 
      Since Garen's headed to PBE now, I wanted to get a thread up to centralize feedback, as well as a place to put his up-to-date changelist. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them below. 

      • General:
        • Rec Items updated
        • Attack Frame improved, but doesn't scale as well with Attack Speed (time between attacks unchanged)
      • Base Stats:
        • (Nerf) Health/lvl 96 >>> 84.25
        • (Buff) AD/lvl 3.5 >>> 4.5
        • (Buff) Armor/lvl 2.7 >>> 3.0
        • (Buff) Attack Range 125 >>> 175
      • Passive - Perseverance - unchanged:
      • Q - Decisive Strike:
        • (Nerf) Silence Duration 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 >>> 1.5 all ranks
        • Movement Speed Duration 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 >>> 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
      • W - Courage:
        • (Removed) 20% increased bonus Armor and Magic Resist
        • (Added) Killing units permanently grants 0.25 Armor and Magic Resist, up to a maximum of 30 total Armor and Magic Resist
        • (Removed) Active Tenacity component
      • E - Judgment:
        • Base Damage per tick 10.0/22.5/35.0/47.5/60 >>> 14/18/22/26/30
        • Total Attack Damage Ratio per tick 0.35/0.40/0.45/0.50/0.55 >>> 0.34/0.35/0.36/0.37/0.38
        • Base ticks per cast 6 >>> 5
        • (Buff) Cooldown 13/12/11/10/9 >>> 9 at all ranks
        • (Added) Judgment’s spin speed permanently increases at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16, resulting in a total of 5/6/7/8/9/10 maximum ticks of damage per cast
        • (Added) Cancelling Judgment early returns cooldown of Judgment equal to the remaining duration of the buff
        • (Removed) Garen no longer moves 20% slower while moving through minions
        • (Added) Judgment deals 33% increased damage when striking a single enemy
        • (Removed) Judgment no longer deals 75% damage to minions
      • R - Demacian Justice:
        • (Added) Passive: The enemy champion with the most recent kills is the Villain. Judgment ticks and basic attacks on the Villain deal an additional 1% of its max Health as true damage
        • (Added) Demacian Justice now deals true damage to the Villain instead of magic damage
        That should be the full list for now. If you get a chance to check him out in game on PBE, let me know how it goes, or even if you don't, feel free to just leave your feels on the changes generally. 
        8/5 Update (available to test in 8/6 PBE build)
        Hi guys, 
        Sorry about not communicating much with everyone about Garen since yesterday. I spent much of last night and today reading yours and the rest of the community's thoughts on the changes to get a good grasp of where to go with Garen for the next iteration, which takes us to today's changes. There was a lot of consistent feedback on certain elements of yesterday's changes, so today's changes aim to address some of those concerns. 
        The main goals of today's changes are:
        • Address Judgment's relatively low counterplay in a way that gives more gameplay to Garen and opponents, rather than just taking gameplay opportunity from Garen (as in the last set of changes)
        • Reduce some of the weirdness with the changed W passive. It isn't really intended that Garen feels like a champion that needs to invest heavily into 'farming up' a ton of minions (much moreso than other champions, anyway), but we do feel this W passive is a good direction for two main reasons: flat resistances synergize well with Health scaling that Garen has on his passive and other items, and as a champion recommended for beginners, it teaches some of the importance of farming. 
        As a side note to the above goals, I agree with everyone that W active is pretty boring now, but that gains in nuance have been made across the kit elsewhere that can justify this change if need be. That said, I am actively thinking about a few relatively simple solutions to making W active just a bit more interesting in ways that don't undermine some of his intended weakness (like being peelable, for example). 
        On to the day's changes:
        • P - Perseverance
          • HP/sec at level 16 1.6% >>> 2.0% (Live value)
          • Q - Decisive Strike
          • (Added) Garen now moves up to 50 units toward his target when attacking with Decisive Strike from max attack range
        • W - Courage
          • Armor/MR per kill 0.2 >>> 0.3
          • Armor/MR per Champion/LargeMonster/EpicMonster kill 1 >>> 0.3
          • Armor/MR cap per rank 10/15/20/25/30 >>> 30 all ranks
        • E - Judgment
          • Base Damage 12/16/20/24/28 >>> 20/25/30/35/40
          • (Removed) Garen is no longer slowed when moving toward champions he's hitting with Judgment
          • (Added) Judgment now deals 25% reduced damage when hitting multiple units
          • (Removed) Judgment no longer deals reduced damage to minions
        • *R - Demacian Justice - unchanged
        Hopefully this is a step in the right direction for the character. The most noteworthy changes in here are probably the adjustments to Judgment. This direction for Judgment is aimed at adding optimization to the spell that really wasn't there before, in a way that isn't just Garen being slower. Edging enemies in lane and isolating opponents is intended to be that added optimization. Additionally, I've added in some accommodation to using Q given the new attack range changes, so that Garen doesn't start Judgment at the edge of the spell's range. Finally, W passive should require less mindshare and be less weird about when to rank it and how to stack it. The simplified version is now "kill things to get some defense. At 100 things (whatever they are), you're done." 
        As always, please continue to keep feedback coming, be that here, Boards, Reddit, whatever. 
        8/6 Update (available to test in 8/7 PBE build) 
        Hey guys, 
        Tomorrow's build won't have a ton of changes for Garen, just a few small late game nerfs and the re-introduction of Crit to Judgment (E). I know it's a bummer to see a few nerfs in the changes, but seriously, this guy is currently a late game monster. Either way, I'm happy to discuss more if people have concerns. 
        Here's the changes:
        • Q - Decisive Strike
          • Movement Speed Duration changed 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5 >>> 2/2.5/3/3.5/4
        • W - Courage
          • Armor/MR stacking effect reduced to .25 from .3
            • Effectively requires 120 unit kills to be fully stacked now
        • E - Judgment
          • Total Attack Damage Ratio .47/.49/.51/.53/.55 >>> .46/.47/.48/.49/.50
          • (Reintroduced) Judgment can once again critically strike for bonus damage
        That's it for changes today. 
        Thanks for all the great feedback thus far,

        Here's a look at Garen's currently abilities, stats, and tooltips:

        Base Stats:
        • Health per level reduced to 84.25 from 96
        • AD per level increased to 4.5 from 3.5
        • Armor per level increased to 3 from 2.7
        • Attack Range increased to 175 from 125

        Perseverance (Passive)
        If Garen has not been struck by damage or enemy abilities in the last 9/6/4 seconds, he regenerates X health every 5 seconds (2/4/10% of max health). Minion damage does not stop Perseverance.  
        At level 11, damage from non-epic monsters will no longer stop Perseverence.
        At level 16, the power of Perseverance is increased significantly

        Decisive Strike (Q)
        No Cost
        8 sec Cooldown 
        Garen breaks free from all slows affecting him and gains 35% movement speed for 1.5/2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds.  
        His next basic attack within 4.5 seconds deals 30/55/80/105/130 (+.40 AD) physical damage and silences his next target for 1.5 seconds.

        Courage (W)
        No Cost
        24/23/22/21/20 sec Cooldown 
        Passive: killing units grants 0.25 armor and magic resist , up to a maximum of 30. Current Bonus: X
        Active: Garen gains a defensive shield for 2/3/4/5/6 seconds, reducing incoming damage by 30%.

        Judgment (E)
        No Cost
        9 sec Cooldown 
        Garen rapidly spins his sword around his body for 3 seconds, dealing X physical damage to nearby enemies -- 14/18/22/26/30 plus 34/35/36/37/38% of his attack damage (+X), 5 times (increased by 1 every 3 champions levels -- over the duration.
        Judgment deals 33% increased damage when striking only one enemy.Cancelling Judgement returns cooldown equal to the remaining duration. Judgment can critically strike for bonus damage.
        • [So total number of ticks are 5/6/7/8/9/10 at levels 1/4/7/10/13/16]

        Demacian Justice (R)
        No Cost
        120/100/80 sec Cooldown 
        Passive: The enemy champion with the most recent kills in the Villain. Judgment and basic attacks on it deal an additional 1% of its maximum health as true damage. 
        Active: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to attempt to execute an enemy champion, dealing 175/350/525 magic damage plus 1 damage for every 3.5/3/2.5 health the target is missing. Deals true damage to the Villain

         Above is the visual indicator for the villain, who also appears next to Garen's name.
        When the villain is low enough to die to Garen's R, the indicator lights up and plays a sound.

        Here's a preview of Steel Legion Garen's unique Villain indicator.
         Once in R kill range, the indicator opens up into Steel Legion Garen's sword.

        Here's an updated ability preview for Garen:

        Updated Skin Previews

        Here are the updated previews for each of Garen's skins:


        Here's CertainlyT with a changelist and feedack thread for the Mordekaiser update:

        [Note: Some of the stat numbers on this list seem to be incorrect vs Modekaiser's live numbers..]
        "Hey PBE'ers, 
        Let's discuss the planned Mordekaiser changes now on PBE. For further context, check out the Juggernaut Dev Blog.http://na.leagueoflegends.com/en/page/gameplay-update-juggernauts 

        • Recommended Items updated
        Base Stats
        • (Nerf) MS 340 >>> 325
        • (Nerf) HP 555 >>> 525
        • (Buff) HP/lvl 73 >>> 80
        • (Buff) AD/lvl 3.5 >>> 5
        • (Nerf) AS/lvl 2.6 >>> 2.2
        • (Buff) HP5 3.3 >>> 4
        • (Buff) HP5/lvl 0.3 >>> 0.55
        • (Buff) Range 125 >>> 200
        • Attack frame improved
        • (Buff) Armor/lvl 2.7 >>> 3.0
        • (Nerf) Base AS 0.694 >>> 0.6 
        • Attack Frame improved, but no longer scales as well with Attack Speed (Attack Frame should feel more consistent across game time)
        • Shield decay per second now 2% of base hp (up from 3% max shield)
        • Shield no longer decays below 25%
        • Max shield from per level to 25% of max HP
        • Shield generation is now 25% of damage dealt, from 35%
        • Now buffs Mordekaisers next 3 attacks.
        • Each does 2x-3x the last, increasing with spell rank (e.g., if the first hit deals 100 damage, the third deals 900).
          W: Reworked
          • New passive: Mordekaiser receives full experience from any lane minion he kills
          • New active -- Harvesters of Sorrow: Mordekaiser and target ally champion gain 75 MS while moving toward one another.
          • When close to one another, both deal magic damage to nearby enemies over 4 seconds.
          • Ability can be reactivated to instantly deal ~40% of the total DoT and heal Mordekaiser and his ally for the damage dealt (heal takes 3 units maximum; 33% heal to minions)
          • Health cost removed.
          • Base damage reduced from 70/115/160/205/250 >>> 35/65/95/125/155
          • Now also scales with 0.6 total AD
          • Cooldown from 6 >>>> 6/5.75/5.5/5.25/5
          • Now grants 15% of maximum shield on champion hits
          • Added: Passive -- Dragon Force: Dealing damage to the Dragon curses it. If Mordekaiser’s team kills a cursed target, Mordekaiser gets a ghost of that target.
          • Ghost Duration up from  30 >>> 45/60/75 
          • Planned: Ghost scaling cleaned up [This is not yet on PBE]"

          To go along with his champion update, Mordekaiser has a brand new set of ability icons.

          [Passive, Q, W, E, R]

          Mordekaiser also has a few extra icons for his various spells effects - these will be on the buff bar.
           [Q2, Q3, W2, R - Dragon]

          Here's a look at 

          Mordekaiser's currently abilities, stats, and tooltips:

          Base Stats
          • Movement speed lowered to 325 from 340
          • HP lowered to 525 from 555
          • HP per level lowered to 73 from 80
          • HP regen per 5 increased to 4 from 3.3
          • HP regen per 5 per level lowered to .3 from .55
          • Armor per level still 3.5
          • AD increased to 61 from 59.5
          • AD per level increased to 5 from 3.5
          • Base Attack speed lowered to .6 from .694
          • Attack Speed per level decreased to 2.2 from 3
          • Attack Range increased to 200 from 125
          • Attack Frame Improved

            Iron Man (Passive)
            Mordekaiser's abilities cost health, but he converts 25% of the magic damage they deal into a temporary shield.
            • Maximum shield is 25% of maximum health.
            • The shield decays by 2% of base health per second when above 25% shield.
            • Shield conversion is halved against minions. 

            Mace of Spades (Q)
            Costs: 20/23/26/29/32 Health
            10/8.5/7/6.5/5 sec Cooldown 
            Mordekaiser's next 3 hits are empowered. The first deals 4/8/12/16/20 (+.25/.2625/.275/.2875/.3 total AD) (+.2 AP) bonus magic damage. Each extra strike deals 2/2.25/2.5/2.75/3 times the bonus damage of the last, up to X (+X total AD) (+X AP).
            • [Max damage is 4 to 9 times the first hit damage based on rank. For example:
            • rank 1 is (Attack 1 = x. Attack 2 = 2x, Attack 3 = 4x). 
            • rank 5 is (Attack 1 = X. Attack 2 = 3X. Attack 3= 9X)]

            Harvesters of Sorrow (W)
            No Cost
            12/11/10/9/8 sec Cooldown 
            Passive: Even with allies present, Mordekaiser gains full experience toward leveling up from minions he kills. Experience Earned: X.
            Active: Target an ally champion:
            • Both gain 75 movement speed toward one another.
            • When they touch, both deal 140/180/220/260/280 (+.6 AP) magic damage over 4 seconds. 
            • Reactivate to both instantly steal 50/70/90/110/130 (+.3 AP) health from nearby enemies (33% heal on minions, max 3 unites; deals magic damage).

            Siphon of Destruction (E)
            Costs 24/36/48/60/72 Health
            6/5.75/5.5/5.25/5 sec Cooldown 
            Mordekaiser deals 35/65/95/125/155 (+.6 total AD) (+.6 AP) magic damage in a cone.  
            For each Champion hit, he gains 15% maximum shield. 

            Children of the Grave (R)
            No Cost
            120/105/90 Sec Cooldown 
            Passive - Dragon Force: Damaging the Dragon will Curse it for 10 Seconds. 
            Active: Curse target Champion and steal 25/30/35 (+.04)% of their maximum health (half initially, half over 10 seconds; deals magic damage). 
            Curse Effect: When killed by Mordekaiser's team, the Cursed unit's soul will follow Mordekaiser for 45/60/75 seconds. 
            Mordekaiser gains 30% of their ability power and 25% of their bonus health. 
            The ghost gains 10/25/50 attack damage and 15% of Mordekaiser's maximum health.  
            The ghost can be controlled by hitting the alt key and using the right mouse button ot by reactivating this ability.
            Here's an updated ability preview for Mordekaiser:

            Updated Skin Previews

            Here are the updated previews for each of Mordekaiser's skins:


            Here's RiotRepertoir with a changelist and feedback thread for Skarner's update: 
            "8/7 Closing Edit
            I'm putting this at the top of both Garen and Skarner's PBE threads just to close the loop with everyone as the two champions approach Live in 5.16. 
            First off, I fully understand that not everyone is psyched about all the changes going on here, and I am truly sorry if something you love about either of these champions is being taken away next patch. My hope is that most of you find your way back to the champions and/or that you can still find at least the same level of enjoyment in them after these changes. 
            The level and quality of feedback you've provided in the last week has been of tremendous value in pushing the champions in directions that hopefully will serve them well not just currently, but also for the foreseeable future. Between tweaking Garen and Skarner in reaction to feedback over the week, I unfortunately didn't get to respond to as many of you personally as I would have liked, but I think it's important that you know I was reading everything you were saying. The nightly updates were an attempt at keeping you guys in the loop and showing you the changes you were influencing. 
            That isn't to say I made all the changes you wanted to see, but your feedback definitely wasn't just disappearing into the abyss. Many of you are clearly very passionate about these champions, and your feedback, suggestions, and questions have helped get them to a spot where they're ready for Live servers. 
            Garen and Skarner will both be on PBE until the patch is cut for 5.16, but tweaks and balance changes to them on PBE from here forward will be few (if any). If you enjoy them and want to keep stomping around with them on PBE to get a feel for them before Live, feel free to do so. 
            Until next time, good luck in your games, and thanks one last time for all the input you've provided. 
            Main Post (8/4)
            Hey guys, 
            With Skarner on PBE, I wanted to get a full changelist up for people to read over, as well as establish a place to leave Skarner feedback during his time on PBE. 

            Here's the changelist:
            • General
              • Recommended Items updated
              • Attack Frame improved, but doesn't scale as well with Attack Speed (time between basic attacks unaffected)
            • Base Stats
              • (Nerf) Health/lvl 96 >>> 90
              • (Buff) AD/lvl 4.2 >>> 4.5
            • Passive - Crystal Spires
              • (Removed) Crystallizing Sting (moved thematically to E - Fracture)
              • (Added)
                • Skarner’s presence causes crystals to spawn in set locations around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing on top of them. Capturing prevents them from being captured by the opposing team for 15 seconds.
                • While near active crystals, Skarner gains 100 Movement Speed and 42%+6%/lvl Attack Speed, and he restores 3% of his maximum Mana per second.
                • Zone effect radius is 1150
              • Crystal capture specifics:
                • Crystals remain captured permanently for the capturing team until recaptured by the opposing team
                • Capturing a crystal grants 30g split among players that helped capture it, or 15g to a solo captor
                • Crystals are locked out of being recaptured for 15 seconds after being captured
                • Crystals provide a 1.5s burst of vision in the area on capture
                • If a member of the team owning the crystal is standing on the crystal, it cannot be captured
            • Q - Crystal Slash
              • Shifts in damage/cooldown/cost/effects:
                • Uncharged base damage replaced with 0.33/0.36/0.39/0.42/0.45 Total Attack Damage ratio
                • Charged base damage replaced with 0.33/0.36/0.39/0.42/0.45 Total Attack Damage ratio
                • Uncharged Bonus AD ratio removed
                • Cooldown 3.5 >>> 3.50/3.25/3.00/2.75/2.50
                • Charged duration 5 >>> 4
                • Cooldown reducing effect on basic attack against non champion 0.5 seconds >>> 0.25 seconds (effect against champions unchanged at 1 second)
                • Mana Cost 16/17/18/19/20 >>> 10/11/12/13/14
              • (Removed) Stacking Movement Speed and Attack Speed buff
            • W - Crystalline Exoskeleton:
              • Shifts in shield value:
                • Base shield value removed (AP ratio maintained)
                • Now shields for 12/13/14/15/16% of Skarner’s maximum Health
            • E - Fracture:
              • (Added) Missile speed now decreases for each champion hit
              • (Added) Enemies hit by Fracture are afflicted with Crystal Venom for 5 seconds, causing Skarner’s next basic attack against them to deal 25/50/75/100/125 additional physical damage and stun them for 1 second.
              • (Added) Crystallizing enemies with Fracture and Impale now grants Skarner Crystal Charge (Skarner's new passive buff) for the duration of the disable and reduces the cooldown of Fracture by the same amount.
              • Mana Cost 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 55 all ranks
              • Cooldown 12/11.5/11/10.5/10 >>> 13/12.5/12/11.5/11
            • R - Impale
              • Shifts in damage:
                • Base Magic Damage 100/150/200 >>> 20/60/100
                • Now deals additional physical damage on both ends equal to 100% of Skarner’s Attack Damage
              • (Buff) Mana Cost 100/125/150 >>> 100/100/100
              • Cooldown 110/100/90 >>> 120/100/80
              • No longer deals bonus damage to targets with Crystal Venom
              If you get a chance to check out Skarner, let me know how it goes. Or if you just have some feedback given the changelist above, that works too.
              8/5 PBE update (playable 8/6 build)
              Thanks for all the detailed feedback to this point. After parsing what you've all been saying, the general attitude is that Skarner is currently being sold short by some of the current changes, and I agree with lots of what you guys are saying. The version of Skarner that appears tomorrow should be pull the strings back a bit on some of the more conservative changes, as well as hopefully amplify the effect and usability of Skarner's new passive. 
              Below are the main problems we've identified that we're setting out to address with these changes:
              • Skarner has made a few too many sacrifices to baseline power in this update
              • Passive zones currently aren't generating enough usable power for Skarner in a game
              • Damage generally seems on the low side
              Changes for 8/6:
              • Base Stats
                • Base Movement Speed 330 >>> 345 (Live values)
                • Health/lvl 84.25 >>> 90
              • P - Crystal Spires
                • Zone area of effect increased by ~63%
                • Zone Attack Speed 35%+5%/lvl >>> 42%+6%/lvl
                • Zone lockout duration 10 seconds >>> 15 seconds
                • Zone vision duration 10 seconds >>> 1.5 seconds
                • Maximum gold given to a team on capture capped at 30g total (split evenly), or 15g if captured solo
                • Neutral zones are no longer able to be captured until 1:30 game time
              • Q - Crystal Slash
                • Total AD ratio .32/.34/.36/.38/.40 >>> .33/.36/.39/.42/.45
              • W - Crystalline Exoskeleton - unchanged
              • E - Fracture
                • Slow Duration 2.0 >>> 2.5 (Live values)
                • Mana Cost 50/55/60/65/70 >>> 55 all ranks
              • R - Impale - unchanged
              That should be it for changes in the next PBE build. I do understand that this isn't everything everyone is asking for, but I think it's a step in the right direction for the character. Again, I very much appreciate the targeted feedback I've received from many of you, and would encourage you to keep delivering it in a way that helps us get this guy in a spot where we're happy with him. I know for some out there, that that means reverting the whole package and what-not, and though you're free to deliver that feedback and have me read it, you also probably know that that type of change isn't going to happen at this point. If you get a chance to play him in the coming days with the above changes, please do let me know how it goes, and we can hopefully get another more refined iteration in a day or two.
              8/6 PBE update (playable 8/7 build) 
              Today has a pretty substantial change to the E that aims to give some better baseline effectiveness to Skarner, namely outside of passive zones. The goal is to give Skarner some better plays and more optimizations around the multi-hit/stun case. 
              To the changes:
              • P - Crystal Spires
                • Movement Speed bonus nerfed 150 >>> 100
              • Q - Crystal Slash - unchanged
              • W - Crystalline Exoskeleton - unchanged
              • E - Fracture
                • (Added) Crystallizing enemies with Fracture and Impale now grants Skarner Crystal Charge (Skarner's new passive buff) for the duration of the disable and reduces the cooldown of Fracture by the same amount.
                • Cooldown increased by 1 second at all ranks
              Pretty interested in knowing how this E passive plays out. Some nice things it does include:
              • Provides a pretty short cooldown on E when Skarner stuns multiple units (minions count in this as well)
              • Gives him some really potent bursts of Movement Speed and Attack Speed in fights that aren't around zones
              • Makes his R a bit more dangerous once landed, as he will always have his passive's Movement Speed bonus while dragging his victim
              • Allows E stun > R > E stun to happen pretty quickly, since using R will reduce the cooldown of E by 1.75 as well 
              Let me know how it goes, and thanks for all the valuable feedback thus far. 

              Here's a look at Skarner's currently abilities, stats, and tooltips:

              Stat Changes
              • Base Movement Speed reduced to 330 from 345 Back to 345!
              • Health Per Level reduced to 90 from 96
              • AD per level increased to 4.5 from 4.2

              Crystal Spires (Passive)
              Skarner's presence causes crystals to spawn in set location around the map. Crystals can be captured by either team by standing close to them. Capturing them prevents them from being captured by the opposing team for 15 seconds. 
              While near crystals his team owns, Skarner gains Crystal Charge. 
              Crystal Charge -  Grants 100 movement speed and [42+6 per level]% attack speed, and restores 3% maximum mana per seconds. 
              Here are the shrine locations on each map:

              Crystal Slash (Q)
              10/11/12/13/14 Mana
              3.5/3.25/3/2.75/2.5 sec Cooldown
              Skarner deals (.33/.36/.39/.42/.45 total AD) physical damage to all nearby enemies. If a unit is struck, he charges himself with Crystal Energy for 4 seconds.  
              While Skarner is charged, Crystal Slash deals (.32/.34/.36/.38/4 total AD)(+.2 AP) bonus magic damage.  
              Basic Attacks lower Crystal Slash's cooldown by 0.25 seconds (Quadrupled against champions).

              Crystalline Exoskeleton (W)
              60 Mana
              13/12.5/12/11.5/11 sec Cooldown 
              Skarner is shielded for X (+12/13/14/15/16% of his maximum health) (+.8 AP) damage for 6 seconds. While the shield persists, Skarner gains movement speed that ramps up to 16/20/24/28/32% over 3 seconds.
              Fracture (E)
              55 Mana
              13/12.5/12/11.5/11 sec Cooldown 
              Passive: Crystalizing enemies with Fracture and Impale grants CRYSTAL CHARGE for the disable duration and reduces the cooldown of Fracture by the same amount. 
              Active: Skarner summons a blast of crystalline energy dealing 40/75/110/145 (+.4 AP) magic damage, slowing targets hit by 45/50/55/60/65% for 2 seconds and redusing the blast's speed. A maximum of 6 targets can be hit by Fracture before the blast dissipates entirely. 
              Enemies hit by Fracture are afflicted with Crystal Venom for 5 Seconds, causing Skarner's next basic attack, against them to deal 25/50/75/100/125 additional physical damage and stun the target for 1 second.  

              Impale (R)
              100 Mana 
              120/100/80 Sec Cooldown 
              Skarner suppresses an enemy champion for 1.75 seconds, dealing (100% AD) physical damage plus 20/60/100 (+.5 AP) magic damage up front. Skarner can move freely during this time, and will drag his helpless victim around with him. When the effect ends, Skarner's target will be dealt the same damage again."

              Updated Skin Previews

              Here are the updated previews for each of Skarner's skins:

              Arcade Login

              With Arcade Riven and Battle Boss Blitzcrank coming in 5.16, we also have an Arcade login theme!

              Here's the static image:
              The login's music is available for download here, just right click and "save as"! This track, titled "Bit Rush", also includes this art of Arcade Riven's sword as it's album art.  

              Client Animations

              An animation was added of a poro wielding Blitzcrank being chased by Baron. Unsure what this is for at the moment!


              • Instead of only dimming the portrait, there is now also a on the scoreboard beside the name of anyone who is currently not visible. 

              Balance Changes

              * Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical changes. The changes you see below may be lacking context or other accompanying changes that didn't make it in - don't freak out! These are not official notes.

              • Essence Theft (Passive) healing changed to [3/5/9/18 at level 1/6/11/16] from [2 + (1x Level)*

              • HP per level increased to 106 from 102
              • Headbutt (W):
              •  [NOTEricklessabandon has noted that Alistar's W speed is [1] "down from 1500 to 1200, which gives ~25% more reaction time on low latency environments if cast from max range" + [2]"and likewise gives players on higher latency environments a slightly longer window to attempt the headbutt-into-pulverize combo"]
              • Armor per level increased to 3.8 from 3.3


              • HP per level increased to 89 from 85

              • Armor per level increased to 4 from 3.5

              • Armor per level increased to 4.5 from 4


              • Neurotoxin (Human Q) percent of target's current health reduced to 4% from 8%.

              • [These actually went out to live in a hot fix!]
              • HP per level increased to 92 from 80
              • Damage per level increased to 3.3 from 2.5
              • Lunge (Q) mana cost reduced to 20/25/30/35/40 from 25/30/35/40/45
              • Lunge (Q) cooldown lowered to  16/14/12/10/8 from 18/16/14/12/10
              • Riposte (W) cooldown lowered to 19/18/17/16/15 from 21 / 19.5 / 18 / 16.5 / 15


              • Rift Walk (R) [new effect] now has a .2 AP ratio on the jump and a .1 AP ratio on each subsequent Riftwalk.
              • Base attack damage lowered to 51 from 56

              • Distortion (W) speed increased to 1450 from 1300*

              Lee Sin
              • Flurry (Passive) now returns 20 energy in the first hit and 10 on the second from 15 on both.
              • Dragon's Rage (R) [new effect] Tooltip now includes "Every time the target collides with an enemy champion, the target also deals 12/15/18 % of their bonus health as physical damage."

              • Armor per level increased to  3.6 from 3.1

              • Frozen Tomb (R) [new effect] Self Cast now also heals Lissandra for 100/150/200 + [(.3 AP)%], increased for 1% for each 1% health she is missing.
              • Lightslinger (Passive) second shot damage increased to 30/40/50/60% AD at level 1/6/11/16 from 30/40/50% AD at level 1/7/13
              • Ardent Blaze (W):
                • Now gives movement speed when Lucian OR his allies damage a marked target, instead of only Lucian.
                • Movement speed increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 40/45/50/55/60
                • Movement speed duration lowered to 1 from 2 seconds.
                • Mana cost reduced to 50 from 60


              • Surging Tides (Passive) movement speed bonus for allies when hit by a spell increased to 60 from 40.
              • Tidal Wave (R) [new effect] "Allies hit by the wave gain double the effect of Surging Tides"

              • Siphoning Strike (Q) [new effect] Tooltip now includes "Next basic attack has 25 additional attack range (does not stack with range from Fury of the Sands)

              • Armor per level increased to 3.75 from 3.25

              • Armor per level increased to 4.3 from 3.8
              • Defensive Ball Curl (W) return damage to attackers increased to 25/35/45/55/65 from 15/25/35/45/55

              • The Equalizer (R) cooldown increased to 120/110/100 from 105/90/75
              • [On Rumble's RRicklessabandon also added:
              [1] "rumble ult has two changes:first, cooldown values are different
              second, the zone starts 150 units closer to the starting location" 
              [2] "so total area and initial cast ranges are the same. should make it harder to 'overshoot' targets under your mouse cursor on cast" 
              [3] "but technically the max possible range is reduced. intended to be a usability buff for most cases."]


              Tahm Kench
              • [SmashGizmo tweeted out: "few small changes to tahm on pbe, r gives slightly less warning, w targeting prioritizes Champs and w has 0.25 s stun on champs"]
              • Armor per level increased to 3.5 from 3
              • [Reverted] Thick Skin (E) :
                • Shield duration lowered to 5 seconds from 6 seconds
                • Shield no longer decays over duration. [Video preview]

              • Armor per level increased to 3.7 from 3.2

              • Noxious Trap (R) now reveals enemies for the duration of the effect.*
              • Noxious Trap (R) slow no longer decays over time.

              • HP per level increased to 93 from 89

              • Ambush (Q) mana cost reduced to 40 from 60
              • Rat-Ta-Tat-Tat (R) bonus attack damage increased to 20/30/40 from 20/28/36

              • Plasma Fission (Q) range after missile splits range increased to 1100 from 900
              • Plasma Fission (Q) reactivation time lowered to .25 from .3

              • Thunder Claws (R) [new effectnow strikes up to 4 near by enemies for 75/115/155 (+.3 AP) on the initial cast. [video preview]

              • Elastic Slingshot (E) range increased to 1200/1350/1500/1650/1800 from 1150/1250/1350/1450/1550.

              • Death Mark (R) delay between reactivating Death Mark reduced to .5 from 1

              Abyssal Scepter

              Iceborn Gauntlet
              • Price reduced to 2850 from 2900 due to Glacial Shroud price change.

              Ravenous Hydra
              • [Has a new icon]
              Viktor's Hex Core
              • Prototype Core
                • AP per level lowered to 1 from 3
                • Now grants 10 mana per level
              • The Hex Core Mk-1
                • AP per level lowered to 3 from 4
                • No longer gives 20 flat ability power
                • No longer gives 150 mana
                • Now gives +15 mana per level
              • The Hex Core mk-2
                • AP per level increased to 6 from 5
                • No longer gives 40 flat ability power
                • No longer gives 300 mana
                • Now gives +20 mana per level
              • Perfect Hex Core
                • AP per level increased to 10 from 6
                • No longer gives 60 flat ability power
                • No longer gives 500 mana
                • Now gives +25 mana per level

              Zeke's Harbinger
              • Price reduced to 2250 from 2300 due to Glacial Shroud price change.

              New Items
              [See Riot Axe's  context post for more information on these new items]

              [ON LIVE SINCE 5.15] Dead Man's Plate
              • Armor reduced to 50 from 55

              [NEW] Sterak's Gage
              • Recipe: Long Sword + Giant's Belt + 1190g
              • Stats:
                • 500 HP
                • +25% Base Attack Damage
                • Unique Passive: Upon taking at least 400 to 1800 damage (based on level) within 5 seconds, gain PRIMAL RAGE for 8 seconds
                • PRIMAL RAGE: Grow in size and Strength, gaining increased size, +25% additional base attack damagea, and a rapidly decaying shield for 30% of your maximum health.
              • Here's a video of Sterak's Gauge's VFX in-game:

              [NEW] Titanic Hydra (melee only)
              • Recipe: Tiamat + Giant's Belt + 400g
              • Stats:
                • +400 Health
                • +50 AD
                • +100% base health regen
                • Unique Passive - Cleave: Basic attacks deal 5 + 1% of your maximum health as physical damage (x damage) to your target and 40 + 2.5% of your maximum health as physical damage (x damage)  to other enemies in a cone on hit.
                • Unique Active - Crescent: Cleave damage to all targets in increased to 40 plus 10% of your maximum health as bonus physical damage (x damage) in a larger cone for your next basic attack (20 second cooldown).
                [Passive on Left, Unique Active on right]

              Core Defensive Items Changes
              [See Xypherous's context post for more information on this set of item changes]

              Aegis of the Legion
              • Cost reduced to 1600 from 1900
              • Recipe changed to: Null Magic Mantle + Crystalline Bracer
              • HP regen increased to 100% from 0%
              • Aura
                • Magic Resistance lowered to 15 from 20
                • No longer grants HP regen as an aura 

              Banner of Command
              • Cost reduced to 2750 from 3000
              • Aura
                • Magic Resistance lowered to 15 from 20
                • No longer grants HP regen as an aura 

              Banshee's Veil
              • Cost reduced to 2700 from 2750.
              • Recipe change to: Spectre's Cowl + Crystalline Bracer
              • Magic resistance increased to 60 from 50.

              • Health increased to 400 from 300. 
              • Bonus Health % lowered to 15% from 25%
              Frozen Heart
              • Cost increased to 2600 from 2450.
              • Armor lowered to 90 from 100.

              Glacial Shroud
              • Cost lowered to 900 from 950.

              Locket of the Iron Solari
              • Cost reduced to 2750 from 2800
              • Shield
                • Shield power increased to 75-345 from 50-230
                • Shield Duration lowered to 2 seconds from 5
              • Aura
                • Magic Resistance lowered to 15 from 20
                • No longer grants HP regen as an aura 
              Negatron Cloak
              • Cost reduced to 800 from 850.

              Null Magic Mantle
              • Cost reduced to 450 from 500.

              • Cost increased to 2700 from 2600
              • Base Health regen increased to 150% from 100%
              • Point Runner: 
                • Movement speed maximum reduced to 20% from 30%. 
                • Movement Speed now decays over 2 seconds instead of instantly dropping off when you leave the proximity of a tower.

              Randuin's Omen
              • Cost lowered to 2700 from 2850. 
              • Health lowered to 400 from 500.
              • Armor lowered to 60 from 70. 
              • [New] Now reduces critical strike damage taken by 10%.
              • Unique Active's slow now always lasts 4 seconds f rom scaling based on armor / mr.
              • Icon was updated.

              Raptor's Cloak
              • Cost increased to 1100 from 1000.
              • HP Regen increased to 150% from 100%
              • Point Runner: 
                • Movement speed maximum reduced to 20% from 30%. 
                • Movement Speed now decays over 2 seconds instead of instantly dropping off when you leave the proximity of a tower.

              Righteous Glory
              • Cost lowered to 2400 from 2500. 
              • Unique Passive - Catalyst Removed

              Spectre's Cowl
              • Magic Resist increased to 40 from 35

              Spirit Visage
              • Cost reduced to 2700 from 2750.
              • Magic resistance increased to 60 from 55
              • Health Regen increased to 150% from 100%

              • Cost increased to 2300 from 2100. 
              • Passive: Now reflects [15% of pre-mitigation damage and 25% of your bonus Armor.] instead of [30% pre-mitigation damage]
              Warden's Mail
              • Cost increased to 1100 from 1050.

              Warmog's Armor
              • Price increased to 2750 from 2500
              • HP Regen increased to 200% from 0%.
              • Old Passive : REMOVED.
              • New Unique Passive: Grants Warmog's Heart if you have more than 3000 maximum Health. Warmog's Heart restores 3% of your maximum life per second when you haven't taken damage in 8 seconds.
              ZZ'Rot Portal
              • Cost decreased to 2750 from 2800.
              • Health regen increased to 150% from 100%
              • Point Runner: 
                • Movement speed maximum reduced to 20% from 30%. 
                • Movement Speed now decays over 2 seconds instead of instantly dropping off when you leave the proximity of a tower.
              • Unique Active
                • Void Spawn Health Decay: Is now a % of their current health rather than maximum
                • [New] Void Spawn Gold Counter: Now shows you how much gold you earned from Voidlings.
                • Empowered Voidlings now scale off 15% of your maximum Health rather than your resistances.

              Patch History for this cycle:

              8/4 PBE Update
              • New Skins
              • Gameplay Update: Juggernauts
              • Core Defensive Items Pass
              • New Items - Sterak's Gage and Titanic Hydra
              • Balance Changes

              • Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank Splash Art
              • Miscellaneous
              • Balance Changes

              • Randuin's Omen Icon
              • Balance Changes

              • Steel Legion Garen R Indicator
              • Balance Changes

              • Arcade Riven & Battle Boss Blitzcrank Splash Art Change
              • Client Animations
              • Balance Changes

              • Balance Changes

              • Academy Splash Art
              • New Summoner Icons
              • New Item Icons
              • Sterak's Gage VFX
              • Mordekaiser Ability Icons
              • Miscellaneous
              • Balance Changes

              • Battle Boss Blitzcrank Skin Changes
              • Balance Changes

              • Arcade Login