6.21 PBE Cycle

This mega post was last Updated on 10/12 with the 10/12 PBE Update
( With the release of patch 6.20 to live on October 5th, we started the new 6.21 PBE cycle. )

Previous PBE Cycles in 2016
[6.1] [6.2] [6.3] [6.4] [6.5] [6.6] [6.7] [6.8] [6.9] [6.10] [6.11] [6.12] [6.13] [6.14] [6.15] [6.16] [6.17] [6.18] [6.19] [6.20]

Below you will find a comprehensive list of new content, balance changes, and whatever else  is included in the current PBE cycle! Be aware that these changes are extremely tentative, there is a possibility that things you see below will be changed or even reverted prior to the live patch.

( Note: As the cycle continues, some images may be outdated! )

(Warning: PBE Content is tentative and iterative - what you see may not reflect what eventually gets pushed to live servers! Manage your expectations accordingly. )

Table of Contents

New Champion Skins

Three new spooky skins are haunting this cycle! These should all be legacy skins!

Bewitching Morgana

Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Bewitching Morgana:
"The time has come for Bewitching Morgana to unleash a new world of torment upon the Rift by summoning a diabolical terror from the depths. Try not to get spellbound or you might find yourself unwillingly participating in the sacrifice! 
Frighteningly Fun Facts 
Bewitching Morgana uses the poor frog from Dark Star Thresh's joke to summon a variety of spooky stuff from her cauldron! 
Spooky Skin Summary 
  • All-new model and textures! (A spooky dress with a monstrous hat!)
  • All-new VFX! (You'll go bats over these haunting new particles!)
  • All-new SFX! (Magically eerie sound effects!)
  • All-new animations! (She's brewing up trouble!) 
We always love hearing your feedback and feelings! All bug reports and thoughts help us make these skins even more awesome, so please keep 'em coming! 
Thanks, cuties! <3"

Little Devil Teemo

1350 RP

Here's Nurse Flan with a bugs & feedback thread for Little Devil Teemo:
"Little Devil Teemo 
The end is nigh! A bewitching duo have sacrificed countless minions to the bubbly abyss and called forth Little Devil Teemo! 
Has Teemo been transformed, or is this his true form!? 
  • Completely new model (so devilish!)
  • All new VFX! (fire and brimstone!)
  • All new SFX! (muahaha!)
  • New Recall! (dat face)
  • Some new animations! (some new, some touched up!)
  • Set to be 1350 RP (pricing subject to change) 
We'd love to hear your thoughts and feelings on Little Devil Teemo as you take a first look at this in-progress skin! The feedback and bugs you leave here will help us get a better idea of what we may still have to take a look at. :] 
See you on the Rift!"

Bewitching Tristana

Here's Riot LoveStrut with a bugs & feedback thread for Bewitching Tristana:
"Bewitching Tristana leaps through the night upon her cauldron cannon! She's determined to summon her frightening, furry friend, so don't get in the way unless you want a blast of magic to the face! 
Frighteningly Fun Facts 
The black kitty summoned from Bewitching Tristana's cauldron was created from one of Meowkai's kitties! 
Spooky Skin Summary 
  • All-new model and textures! (A witch hat, floppy ears, and a bubbling cauldron cannon!)
  • All-new VFX! (Purple magic and jack-o'-lantern bombs!)
  • All-new SFX! (Spellbinding sounds!)
  • All-new animations! (She summons a friendly familiar!) 
We always love hearing your feedback and feelings! All bug reports and thoughts help us make these skins even more awesome, so please keep 'em coming! 
Thanks, cuties! <3"

New Chroma

New chroma for Dunkmaster Darius and Headmistress Fiora added in this cycle:

Dunkmaster Darius

(250 RP each or discounted in bundles!)

Headmistress Fiora

(250 RP each or discounted in bundles!)
Remember that Chroma were recently relaunched with several changes to availability and pricing, including twice a year Chroma for IP sales. Click here for more information.

New Ward Skin

A devilish new Vamporo ward skin has been added - this new ward skin has two different spawn animations that it rotates between randomly when placed!

Vamporo Ward

Tales from the Rift 2016
640 RP

New Summoner Icons

5 spooky new summoner icons themed around the new spooky skins hit the PBE this cycle !

Splash Art Updates

This cycle includes splash art updates for both Count and Marquis Vladimir!

Count Vladimir

Marquis Vladimir

According to recent comments from Reav3Twitch should be the next splash art set update followed bKarma.

World Finals Login Theme

A new 2016 World Championship finals login theme:

Harrowing Login Theme

A spooky new login theme hit the PBE, featuring the art used as a teaser for the upcoming Morgana, Teemo, and Tristana skins.

Doom Bots of Doom Testing

[NOTE: Enabled for testing on 10/5! The gauntlet enabled on 10/6]
Doom Bots of Doom  debuted for PBE testing during this cycle!


Here's L4T3NCY with more info on the upcoming return of Doom Bots of Doom, including several changes such as increasing difficulty, upgraded bots, and a new evil overlord:

"The wind howls through the trees, carrying through an air of mystery and slight terror... 
Greetings, Summoners! 
Prepare yourselves for the ultimate Doom of your lives! Doom Bots: The Teemoing is hitting PBE! 
The Teemoing will be our fixed difficulty version of the mode. This version does not have the difficulty voting. However, it has all of the same crazy content as The Gauntlet version of the mode! :) 
There are lot of complexities on the mode, but if you see issues with the following, please report them here or via the Bug Reporting Tool: 
  • Evil Boss does not path properly/does not attack targets/etc
  • Bots do not properly path/attack targets
  • Curses do not work properly
  • Game crashes! (PLEASE submit your bugsplats! <3) 
We have a few known bugs currently with the mode: 
Resolved Bugs: 
  • Ryze Warp Curse has a slightly higher rate of spawn than normal -- We may keep this though if it's fun :) So let us know what you think! This has been fixed! Go forth... or go forth less?
  • This version may be slightly less difficult than intended! We ran into an issue where the bots aren't quite as buff as intended, so we're working on that. Expect Bot buffs tomorrow :D Fixed! Bots are slightly stronger now.
  • Some Curses may be missing sounds! Everything should have sounds now! Let us know if something is missing. :)
  • Teemo or champions may become invincible if put into an invulnerable state before the summoning. This should be fixed! Let us know if you're still seeing this!
  • Regular Malzahar cannot spawn more than 1 voidling -> Resolved!
  • Ryze Warp curses causes hitching -> Resolved!
  • Some bots don't have skins T_T -> This should be resolved now
  • O o p s! Gauntlet does not scale properly from level 70 upward. -> Resolved!  
New/Unfixed Bugs: 
  • Ivern cannot attack Udyr camps summoned into lane -> Should be on PBE now!
  • Teemo can sometimes hit 1 or 0 HP but not die! -> There should be a fix on PBE now!
  • Malzahar voidlings/Udyr monsters can still attack things during the Summoning Ceremony -> There should be a fix in now!
  • There may be some performance issues with the mode! If you run into performance issues, please let us know and post your DXDiag! 
Upcoming New features: 
  • Spooky music! We heard your feedback, and we agree! We will be adding the Twisted Treeline music to the map :D -> This is active now!
  • GAUNTLET MODE ACTIVATED! -> This is active now!
  • Some bots will have skins! :D -> This is active now!
  • Map is still purple, but less purple. -> This is active now!
  • Made the Giant Darts a little more accurate. So you may get hit more. :D -> This is active now!
  • Gangplank generates silver serpents passively! -> This is active now!
  • Adding Quick Charge Tear items! -> In progress 
As always, any feedback you have is also welcome here! :) Hit us with it! 
You should expect to see The Gauntlet version of the mode active within the next day or so. 
Happy hunting!"

Through the in-game strings it appears DEVIL TEEMO will be the Doom Bots new evil overlord.
  •  Text countdown timer - ex:"10 minutes before HE arrives..." and "1 minute left! Your end is nigh!"
  • "The Teemoing has begun!"
  •  "Destroy Devil Teemo to stop The Teemoing!"
  • Little Devil (Teemo): What?! My servants haven't destroyed you yet?"
That's not all though, there are also a slew of text chat lines from Teemo to announce the various doombots abilities,  curses,  etc

Bugs & Feedback Thread 

Here's Riot Stephiroth with a bugs & feedback thread for Doom Bots of Doom!
"The wind howls through the trees, carrying through an air of mystery and slight terror... 
Greetings, Summoners! 
Prepare yourselves for the ultimate Doom of your lives! Doom Bots: The Teemoing is hitting PBE! 
The Teemoing will be our fixed difficulty version of the mode. This version does not have the difficulty voting. However, it has all of the same crazy content as The Gauntlet version of the mode! :) 
There are lot of complexities on the mode, but if you see issues with the following, please report them here or via the Bug Reporting Tool: 
  • Evil Boss does not path properly/does not attack targets/etc
  • Bots do not properly path/attack targets
  • Curses do not work properly
  • Game crashes! (PLEASE submit your bugsplats! <3) 
We have a few known bugs currently with the mode:
  • Ryze Warp Curse has a slightly higher rate of spawn than normal -- We may keep this though if it's fun :) So let us know what you think!
  • This version may be slightly less difficult than intended! We ran into an issue where the bots aren't quite as buff as intended, so we're working on that. Expect Bot buffs tomorrow :D
  • Some Curses may be missing sounds!
  • There may be some performance issues with the mode! If you run into performance issues, please let us know and post your DXDiag!
As always, any feedback you have is also welcome here! :) Hit us with it! 
You should expect to see The Gauntlet version of the mode active within the next day or so.  
Happy hunting!"

DOOM Abilities + Curses

Here's a list of the various doom bots and their doom abilities:

 Doom of the Sad Mummy - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Amumu also:  
  • Shares his Despair with nearby minions
  •  Has a much larger Curse of the Sad Mummy
  •  Is still quite sad
Doom of the Dark Child - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Annie also:
  • Automatically Disintegrates nearby minions
  • Incinerates units in a circle around her
  • Summons Tibbers when she dies, who will be quite angry
  • Likes her teddy bear
Doom of the Great Steam Golem - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Blitzcrank also:
  • Casts triple Rocket Grab
  • Constantly goes into Overdrive
  • Has a much larger radius on Static Field's active
  • Has a heart...?

Doom of the Burning Vengeance - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Brand also:
  • Creates multiple Pillars of Flame around targets
  • Is on fire
  • Looks mean 
Doom of the Terror of the Void - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Cho'gath also:
  • Passively gains Feast stacks
  • Creates multiple Ruptures based on his size
  • Knocks back units hit by Feral Scream
  • Is often hungry
Doom of the Prodigal Explorer - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Ezreal also:
  • Shoots multiple Mystic Shots when cast
  • Shoots multiple Essence Fluxes when cast
  • Shoots a plethora of Trueshot Barrages when cast
  • Does not need a map
Doom of the Harbinger (of Doom) - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Fiddlesticks also:
  • Drains HP from all nearby enemies when cast
  • Periodically spawns spectral clones that cast Crowstorm
  • Is ironically bad at scaring crows
Doom of the Sentinel's Sorrow - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Galio also:
  • Casts Resolute Smite in a circle around him
  • Creates multiple Righteous Gusts in a line
  • Periodically spawns Taunt zones near him
  • Flies, sort of 
Doom of the Revered Inventor - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Heimerdinger also:
  • Passively spawns H-28G Evolution Turrets near him
  • Causes H-28G Evolution Turrets to shoot in multiple directions
  • Changes Hextech Micro-Rockets to return along their trajectories
  • Modifies CH-2 Electron Storm Grenades to fragment on detonation
  • Is smarter than you are
Doom of the Radiant Dawn - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Leona also:
  • Shields nearby minions with Eclipse when cast
  • Passively generates Eclipses near her
  • Calls down massive Solar Flares
  • Praises the sun 
Doom of the Fae Sorceress - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Lulu also:
  • Places up to five additional Pix, Faerie Companions on nearby allies
  • Causes all nearby Pixes to randomly cast Whimsy when she does
  • Makes all nearby allied champions grow when Wild Growth is cast
  • Knows what colors taste like
Doom of the Lady of Luminosity - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Lux also:
  • Creates starbursts of Light Bindings
  • Causes Lucent Singularity to generate Light Bindings
  • Fires multiple Final Sparks in a circle around her
  • Really likes laughing
Doom of the Prophet of the Void - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Malzahar also:
  • Constantly opens portals to the Void
  • Passively summons Void creatures into lane
  • Is originally from Shurima
Doom of the Fallen Angel - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Morgana also:
  • Creates additional Dark Bindings when cast
  • Spawns multiple Tormented Soil areas around her
  • Automatically Flash + Stasis when Soul Shackles is cast
  • Struggles with baking
    Doom of the Yordle Gunner - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Tristana also:
    • Simultaneously attacks two targets
    • Passively adds Explosive Charges to minions hit
    • Knocks back enemies when she lands a Rocket Jump
    • Has greatly increased knockback radius on Buster Shot
    • Trains dragons in her spare time
    Doom of the Spirit Walker - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Udyr also:
    • Periodically marks jungle camps as claimed
    • Summons unkilled monsters from claimed camps into lane after a delay
    • Guards spirits or whatever
    Doom of the Tiny Master of Evil - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Veigar also:
    • Periodically calls down Dark Matter around him
    • Has increased range and no hit limit on Baleful Strike
    • Is really evil
    Doom of the Monkey King - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Wukong also:
    • Creates Decoys that knockback nearby enemies
    • Spawns Decoys on units hit by Nimbus Strike
    • Creates multiple spinning clones when Cyclone is cast
    • Will be the best 
    Doom of the Unforgiven - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Yasuo also:
    • Creates several whirlwinds whenever Resolve expires
    • Creates a whirlwind when projectiles are blocked by Wind Wall
    • Creates clones that use Last Breath when faraway enemies are Airborne
    • Is sometimes a robot and sometimes a cowboy but never a robot cowboy
    Doom of the Shepherd of Souls -In addition to bonus stats, Doom Yorick also:
    • Constantly raises hordes of Mist Walkers to fight alongside him
    • Plays guitar
    • Has a last name
    Doom of the Hexplosives Expert - In addition to bonus stats, Doom Ziggs also:
    • Leaves behind mines on Bouncing Bombs
    • Creates Mini Inferno Bombs around Mega Inferno Bomb's blast zone
    • Is not the star this time

    And here are the various "curses" or global buffs that bots rotate:
    • Curse: Akali (Twilight Shroud) - This Bot creates a smoke cloud in an area for a short time. While within the cloud, this Bot's allies are stealthed. They will briefly appear when they attack or use an ability.
    • Curse: Aurelion Sol - The Bots have Aurelion Sol's stars orbiting them, dealing magic damage on contact.
    • Curse: Bard - Bard's Tempered Fates are randomly falling out of the sky! Any unit or turret hit will be put into stasis for 2.5 seconds.
    • Curse: Karthus (Death Defied) - Bots will randomly enter a state of undeath, becoming invulnerable and untargetable. Unlike Karthus, they can still move and cast spells, so watch out!
    • Curse: Pantheon (Aegis Protection) - Bots have a shield that blocks the next Champion or Turret attack. They get the shield back every 4 attacks or spellcasts.
    • Curse: Mordekaiser (Children of the Grave) - A ghostly clone of each Player has spawned, and will assist the Bots in attacking you! Even worse, they'll keep coming back, even if you kill them.
    • Curse: Ryze (Realm Warp) - The Bots will open Ryze's Realm Warp portals under your feet, which lead somewhere behind them.
    • Curse: Shaco (Hallucinate) - Whenever a Bot falls below 40% health, it creates a clone of itself. This clone explodes on death, dealing magic damage in an area around it.
    • Curse: Singed (Poison Trail) - The Bots are leaving a noxious cloud behind them. Touching it will poison you, taking magic damage over time.
    • Curse: Warwick (Blood Scent) - When a player falls below 50% health, all nearby Bots run much faster and gain vision of the injured player.
    • Curse: Yasuo (Windwall) - The Bots will randomly charge up and emit a wall of wind that blocks your team's projectiles.
    • Curse: Devilish Duplicates - This Bot will disguise itself as Little Devil Teemo as long as it hasn't taken Champion damage for 2 seconds.
    • Curse: Brush Fire - All the brush on the map is on fire, and will deal magic damage to you if you stand in it.
    • Curse: Giga Blinding Darts - Gigantic, global-range darts are being fired that will damage and Giga-Blind anyone hit by them.
    • Curse: Towers Electrified - Your Turrets will periodically zap your team's Champions if you're near them, dealing True damage.


    Here's the new Doom Bots loading screen:
    Gallery of screenshots - notice the GIANT DEVIL TEEMO, spooky map decorations and changes, and more!

    Shadow Performance Improvements 

    Here's Riot JxE with context on changes to shadow performance:
    "Hey all! 
    I’m Riot JxE from the Sustainability Initiative again! We have one more treat for you before the next patch goes out. 
    The Render Team is still in a stage of exploring and getting to know our rendering code. We know how much you all love frames, so we figured while we’re exploring, why not implement some quick wins? 
    Recently we were exploring shadows and while we were in there we found a quick change we could make to improve the performance of our shadow blur. Previously, shadow blur was using 3x3 box filter twice and we changed that to be a 5x5 filter once with the weights calculated to give the same look. We’ve done some testing in our compatibility lab and so far we’ve gained back on average 2 fps across all specs, but sometimes getting 50+ fps on higher end PCs. All with little visual impact. 
    Please let us know if you encounter any visual issues with shadows while testing on the PBE! 
    Save the frames, kill the yordles 
    Riot JxE"

    Death Screen Performance Tweaks 

    Here's Riot JxE with more info on changes to post- Death Screen performance currently on PBE:
    "Hey all! 
    I’m Riot JxE from the Sustainability Initiative. Our goal is to make it easier for developers to make League of Legends awesome for years to come. 
    We recently spun up a team that’s focused on refactoring our rendering code. This team is laying down the foundation that we can build on to improve the visuals of League of Legends. These won’t be the highest quality pixels anybody's seen, but they’ll look good and run on your machine. 
    We’ve redone some of the death screen visuals which will be hitting the PBE today. This was an exercise to get to know our code inside and out that led to some cool side benefits. Prior to our changes, every object in the game had a shader attached to them that would tell the object to turn gray when someone died. This was done a long time ago to make characters render at 20% saturation while the background was completely desaturated. With our new changes, there’s a single post-process pass that sets everything to 20% saturation. 
    Once we’re confident in this change we’ll remove the old code which results in faster load times when joining a game and memory savings. You will immediately get higher fps while viewing the death screen (VFX now render 65% faster and animated objects render 33% faster). 
    We know some of you will encounter this screen more than others. While you’re reflecting on the terrible decisions you’ve made, please take some time to let us know if you notice any issues with our changes! 
    Riot JxE"

    Shop Entries for "Elementalist Lux, "Worldbreaker Nautilus" and "Jayce of the Bright Hammer"

    Shop entries for  "Elementalist Lux" (3250), "Worldbreaker Nautilus" (750) and "Jayce of the Bright Hammer" (750) skins have been found on PBE shop. While we have names for these upcoming skins, there are no in-game assets or art attached to them so there are no additional previews or information available.
    This also matches up with a popular reddit leak from earlier this year claiming Elementalist Lux would be the next ultimate skin.

    These all have since been removed from the shop. Stay tuned for more info!


    • There is now a spinning circle indicator on the bottom right corner of the load screen. IronyMoose noted on reddit it is "a simple first step to see if it fixes some of the player pain you've been experiencing when the game locks up."

    • A new personal shop has been added for the Teemoing!

    Balance Changes

    Remember *: The PBE is a testing grounds for new, tentative, and sometimes radical or experimental changes. Be aware that what you see below may be lacking context or other changes that didn't make it in or were implemented in an earlier patch this cycle! These are not official notes.

    • Quickdraw (E) 
      • True Grit now has up to 8 stacks.
      • Armor & MR per stack lowered to 5/7.5/10/12.5/15 from 10/15/20/25/30
      • Dashing towards an enemy champion grants 2 stacks, otherwise just one stack.

    • Health growth increased to 90 from 74
    • Magic resist increased to 32.1 from 30
    • Attack speed increased to 0.644
    • Attack Speed Growth increased to 3.4% from 2.8%


    • Living Artillery (R) 
      • Mana cost lowered to 40 at all ranks from 50.
        • Mana cost increase for subsequent shots also lowered to 40 from 50. 
      • Time for mana increase for subsequent shots lowered to 8 seconds from 10 seconds.
      • [new effect] Now does damage based on enemies missing health, from base up to 150% damage. Enemies below 40% still take extra (double base minimum) damage.
      • Damage changed:
        • NEW:
          • Base:  100/140/180 (65% bonus AD)(25% AP) 100/140/180 (65% bonus AD)(25% AP)
          • Base damage increased up to 150% based on missing health - 150/210/270 (97.5% bonus AD)(+37.5% AP)
          • Damage to enemies below 40% health is double minimum base - 200/280/360 (130% bonus AD)(+50% AP)
        • OLD:
          • Base -70/110/150 (+65% bonus AD)(+25%AP) to enemies above 50%
          • Damage to enemies between 25%  & 50% - 140/220/300 (+130% bonus AD)(+50% AP)
          • Damage to enemies below 25%[240/330/540 (+195% AD)(+75% AP) 

    Master Yi
    • Alpha Strike (Q) - Riot Exgeniar has posted on a ton of Master Yi Q (and P/E) bug fixes that are currently on the PBE. See this thread for more info.

    • Fury of the Sands  (R) 
      • [new effect] Now grants 15/35/55 armor and MR on use
      • [new effect] Now gains 1/2/3 Armor/MR a second for duration of effect 
      • [removed] No longer converts damage done into attack damage
      • "Q range stacks with R now"**

    • Takedown (Cougar Q) cooldown increased to 6 from 5
    • Pounce (Cougar W) 
      • Cooldown increased to 6 from 5 at all ranks.
    • Primal Surge (Human E):
      • AP ratio increased to 27.5% from 25%
      • Heal value changed, base heal value changed + heal value now scales on targets missing health.
        • Value is now [25/45/65/85/105 (+25% AP) to 50/90/130/170/210 (+50% AP) based on missing health] from [45/85/125/165/205 (+50% AP)]
    • Swipe (Cougar E) cooldown increased to 6 from 5

    • Consume (Q) maximum health per stack of Feed The Yeti reduced to 2% maximum health from 3%

    • Eulogy of the Isles (R) ["If the Maiden is summoned inside a lane, she will start pushing the lane." added to tooltip.]



    The following content has been testing on the PBE but will not be going to live in the patch.

    10/12 PBE LCU Alpha Update

    Small update went out to the PBE's LCU Alpha today, including the Ivern login theme and assets for the esports login seen earlier on the normal PBE this cycle. Worth noting this is the first time they've change to a a different login screen besides the LCU Heimerdinger login, perhaps additional testing as they aim to launch the LCU open beta later this year along with launch of replays.

    They've also added options to change your client's window size:

    10/6 League Client Update Patch

    The PBE League Client Update Alpha has also been updated! Tutorial and Battle Training have been enabled on the PBE LCU Alpha in a recent patch. These are the same training modes from the current live client.

    9/26 PBE LCU Alpha Update

    The PBE LCU Alpha was updated to include the Esports tab. Similar to it's live counterpart, this tab lists information for upcoming esports events. With the 2016 World Championship starting soon, it includes current standings, schedules, news hub, and more!

    The PBE LCU is open to all PBE testers, see [this thread] for more information on how to get started with testing as well as known issues and updates! Sign ups for the LIVE (not PBE) LCU Alpha can be found here.

    Patch History for this cycle:

    10/4 PBE Update
      • New Champion Skins
      • New Chroma
      • New Ward Skin
      • New Summoner Icons
      • Doom Bots of Doom testing soon for RGMQ
      • Death Screen Performance Tweaks 

      10/5 PBE Update 
      • World Finals Login Theme
      • Doom Bots of Doom Enabled for Testing

      • Continued Doom Bots Testing
      • 10/6 League Client Update Patch

      • Balance Changes

      • Splash Art Updates

      • Bewitching Morgana Splash Art
      • New Login Theme

      • Bewitching Morgana VFX Tweaks
      • 10/12 PBE LCU Alpha Update