Jarvan IV's abilities revealed!

Posted on at 1:56 PM by Moobeat
Q: Dragon Strike: Jarvan IV’s spear extends through his opponent, dealing physical damage and lowering their armor by a percentage. If this ability is cast on the Demacian flag, it will pull Jarvan through to his Standard, knocking up all enemies in his path.

W: Golden Aegis: Jarvan IV calls upon the ancient kings of Demacia to shield him from harm and slow surrounding enemies.

E: Demacian Standard: Passive: Grants Jarvan bonus attack speed and armor. Active: Throws a Demacian flag, dealing physical damage and granting passive benefits to nearby allies.

R:Cataclysm (Ultimate): Jarvan IV heroically leaps at his target, dealing physical damage and creating a circle of terrain around them for a few seconds.

Passive: Martial Cadence: Jarvan IV exploits his target's opening, dealing a percentage of the target's current HP as magic damage. This effect cannot occur on the same target for several seconds.

Jarvan looks to be another beefy DPS champion, similar to Renekton. His ultimate looks extremely powerful and I'm oh so interested to see how it plays out. His late game looks to be fantastic considering he has % based damage and armor pen to help his offense, a self shield and two cc effects for defense, and his ultimate is certain doom for that unlucky ranged carry that is sitting in the back of the pack.