Influence Point gain increased or decreased?

Posted on at 1:25 AM by Moobeat

There has been a lot of dismay around the forums in the passing weeks regarding IP, an in game currency used to unlock new champions and runes,system was tinkered. The IP system was reformulated to award IP based on time played, rather than the inflexible and flat system of old. Players from all ELO's of life have been swearing up and down the IP gains have been dramatically reduced compared to what they used to receive.  Here is a red post concerning the numbers to quell the rumors.

"Hey all!

We've actually been watching the numbers closely since the change and all signs point to the average amount of IP that people earn having been increased since after the change. Here's a graph that represents the before and after.

The "Before" data reflects average IP gain from February 4th to February 10th.

The "After" data reflects average IP gain from March 2nd to March 8th.

We will continue to watch the numbers closely, but we're really happy with that the results of the new system.
- Tamat, Lead Community Manger, via the official forums.


  1. The numbers are kinda the same, you can see that after is always abit more then before..

  2. awesome info and nice chart too.

  3. Excellent post man! Was a really interesting read! thanks for sharing!

  4. nice post! Man, check my blog out!

  5. maybe people just played more matches.

  6. Hmm, maybe it's because people are playing more?

  7. Hmm, interesting information. The numbers do seem pretty steady though.

  8. The only way it would be reduced is if you play a lot of 20 minute surrender matches.

  9. looks liked it got nerfed some.

  10. nice update. i always hate when shit gets nerfed

  11. Doesn't look like it was effected TOO badly though...

  12. nice post! thanks for including a chart.
