New Unreleased Skin(s)!

Posted on at 3:11 PM by Moobeat
The patch also brought us two new skins, one for Sivir and one for Malphite. A few of my friends and the forums have informed me the Malphite skin has been leaked/spoiled for a few days now, but I will post it up anyway. Sort of surprised at another Sivir skin seeing as how their is still an unreleased one from a few patches ago.


  1. Malphite's one looks nice, I may get some Riot point to get it, who knows

  2. what kind of weapon is that? looks like a Giant shuriken.

  3. malphite one is awesome! to bad i dont use him that much to even consider buying a skin for him, and i dont like sivir so yeah, im just glad they finally released a poppy skin thats not stupid/fugly

  4. the third picture looks pretty cool

  5. Why are her feet so large? Trap?

  6. cool art work makes for nice background perhaps

  7. that Malphite looks awesome! also that artwork would not make a bad wallpaper, kickass.

  8. LoL blog?? COOL! I love that game.
    btw heimerdinger= teh sex :)

    and sorry for the advertising :( but please, if you have time, check out my blog on NBA and other stuff. :) I'd love to get new readers.

  9. Woah nice one! I really like the Maphite one. Wish I could make stuff like that....

  10. really cool looking, i wish i could draw like that :p
