Brand, the Burning Vengeance

Riot has unveiled the next hero to enter the League of Legends, Brand!

"Here at Riot Games, we've been positively burning with anticipation to tell you about this next champion. And that's not just smoke and mirrors! If you've ever come under fire from critics for leaving a candle unattended, forgetting to turn the grill off, or an over-enthusiasm for fireworks displays, he's sure to spark your interest. Start getting fired up for Brand, the Burning Vengeance. He's a real spitfire who is sure to attract all you combustion connoisseurs out there like a moth to a flame.

Hey, did we mention that he's on fire.
 -ByronicHero, Community Content Specialist, via the official forums.


  1. Looks friggen sick, and I like the puns in their release statement lol

  2. pun intended? :) That was brilliant

  3. how many heroes are ther in the game now?
    more than in the original DotA?

  4. Haha, every single thing in that statement was fire, not obvious at all?

  5. If that picture is of him then he look so flippin' epic! I want!

  6. Brand is 2 letters short of being called Brandon. Oh god, a friend of mine would not shut up if there was someone named Brandon on LoL.

  7. I would use this as a wallpaper on my laptop. nice blog by the way!

  8. How many new heroes have they added? I mean, dang! Btw, i'm looking for $upport.

  9. Will burning cost him mana/energy?

  10. That is amazing! Brand = new favorite hero.

  11. Ooh, burning people. That kill other people.
    I love it already.

  12. Looks like he's been enjoying some of the habanero peppers from my garden. Poor guy...
