Phreak made an interesting post last night regarding champions with global teleports. Histrionically champions with these abilities, such as Twisted Fate and Pantheon, have been very hard to balance correctly; going from completely over powered to completely useless. From the sounds of this post, the intent will be to scale them back to something similar to Nocturne's ultimate, which has a very health range but doesn't encompass the entire map. Of course, this scaling back will free up their "power budget" to be redistributed else were, giving them buffs in different fields. I can only assume this change stems from the fact that other global abilities, such Shen's ult and the summoner skill teleport, require a component, such as another champion or minion, to be there.
"We do plan to change Pantheon's ultimate, but not to a homing missile.
We're waiting on tech to allow spell cast ranges to display directly on the minimap. Once we have that, we're going to shrink Pantheon's and Twisted Fate's ultimates to not be global, buff them in other ways to compensate, and then victory!"
- Phreak, Community Coordinator, via the official forums.