Commentary on Irelia's Power Level.

Posted on at 4:33 PM by Moobeat

Here is a little bit of information from RiotStatikk about one of my favorite champions, Irelia. She has proven time and time again to be one of the best examples of a tanky dps champion; typically requiring little more than a Trinity Force to become a wrecking ball. His post gives a bit of insight into some of the things that make the champion so powerful and gives us the impression of some potential changes that she might receive.

Personally, I'd rather have my Irelia remain a Fighter than shift to more of an Assassin, What do you all think?
"Our concerns with Irelia lie less with her overall power and more in her fundamental design.

Fighting against Irelia has very little counterplay. The ball always seems to be in her park.

For example:

1. She deals Physical, Magic, and True damage. There is no good way to itemize against her attacks.

2. Her passive makes use of CC on her ineffective.

3. The lifesteal on her ultimate calculates the heal pre-mitigation. This means that even if you build Magic Resist to lower the damage it deals to you, she will still gain life as if you had 0 Magic Resist.

Right now, Irelia's true weakness lies in the fact that she doesn't scale very well with any particular stat but scales with all of them. This is why people are so incentivized to get a Trinity Force or Wit's End and then just build tank because Irelia has very high bases to make up for the lack of scaling.

To give her a more gameplay conducive weakness, we need to push her either more towards the bursty Assassin or more towards the sustained Fighter role. Right now, she is too much of both and it makes playing against her a pain. I know right now we are leaning towards pushing her towards Assassin but that could change.
 - RiotStatikk, QA Analyst, via the official forums.

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