Is the mystery stat something like "Hardening"?

Remember a few weeks ago when I posted about Phreak teasing us with a new stat? It seems there is a bit of action stirring  on the forums regarding it. xP Greywolf and AveSatanas both posted on EU and US forums relating to this mystery stat and both of them were met with red posts. They claim the stat is called "Hardening" and will reduce the length of crowd control, such as stuns and fears, on characters, similar to Mercury's Treads.

"I know we've been thinking about a general CC reduction stat, kind of like what's on Mercury Treads right now. Not sure if that'll be in next patch, any time soon, or ever."
-ZenonTheStoic, German Community Coordinator, via the official forums.

"If this stat does get implemented (no guarantees), it will follow the rules of boots' "UNIQUE: Enhanced Movement" stat. That is to say: only the highest will take effect. So, no stacking"

-WhattayaBrian, Engineer, via the official forums .

If you ask me, it seems like a great idea. Merc Treads are a must have for most champions against any sort of acceptable enemy team composition. There are tons of characters you'd like to have the attack speed boots or cool down reduction boots early game and then be able to pick up a form of CC reduction late game. I APprove.


  1. I took a break from this game for a while, maybe I'll get back to it again soon.

  2. No stacking. Lol. pretty much what I expected, I guess.

  3. YES PLEASE. More itemization options can only enhance the gameplay.

  4. That would be pretty useful. Sounds like a good one.

  5. Kakuna uses harden! It's super effective! :D

  6. Seems like a decent idea, hope they implement it.

  7. Aww now I won't get to make fun of people for buying zerker greaves.

  8. very well written :)

    i may have to try this game out.


  9. sounds good to me will look in to the game more

  10. Pretty excited to see what it'll turn out to be...

  11. This blog has made me thinkig about trying LoL.

  12. Hardening for the win! Haha, yeah. I don't know exactly what the mystery stat is used for.

  13. Cannot decide if this is a good idea or not. Need more information on it.
