New Janna Animations inc.

Posted on at 3:03 AM by Moobeat

Some of you may have noticed the new animations on champions like Evelynn and Anivia. It would seem his is a bit of a project Riot is working on to enhance the animations/emotes of older champions to put them on par with the newer champions. RiotChaptainLx has dropped us a tid bit on this project, which I was not even aware of, and who might be next.
"We release animation updates separately. There's already a new Anivia in the game, we also updated Evelyn (though her animations are bugged right now, wait for next patch). Finally, one of my favorite new animated champs is Janna... can't wait until people see that, though there is no imminent ETA yet."
- RiotCaptainLx, Senior Character Animator, via the official EU forums.