Q&A: How does Flat Armor and Percent Armor Penetration stack?

This is one question I get emailed frequently, so when the opportunity comes to intertwine a commonly asked question and a red post; I just have to take it. This weeks question deals with the different between Flat Armor and Percent Armor penetration as well as how the two interact with each other. Keep this small synopsis in mind next time you are gearing out your AD carry for maximum effectiveness.

Flat Armor Penetration: Flat armor penetration is applied directly to your attacks and physical abilities. These attacks will deal damage as though your target has less armor than he really does, but will never bring an opponent below 0 armor. For example, if a target has 20 armor and you have 5 armor penetration, you would deal damage as though the target had 15 armor. If you had 50 armor penetration against the same target, you would deal damage as though he had 0 armor.

Percent Armor Penetration: Percent armor penetration applies its benefits after flat armor penetration. For example if you fight a target with 120 armor while you have 20 flat armor penetration and 40% armor penetration, you would deal damage to your target as though he had 60 armor.

Only armor reduction can take effective armor to negative values and deal bonus damage
- EncasedShadow, Customer Support Extraordinaire, via the official EU forums.


  1. Good news - kinda reminds me of when in WoW , whne a warrior would build stats into Arm. pen!

  2. where do you find all news? do they got their own blog or something?

  3. thanks for the tutorial, always trying to learn more about this game.

  4. Theorycrafting :) half the game

  5. http://newhypertech.blogspot.com/

    Hey I have been following your blog for quite sometime and would love feedback on mine from a such an expert blogger and poster.

    I really love all this stuff, I hope you feel the same way about mine.



  6. This was played at CebiT IEM wasn't it?

  7. @Leestander

    I read through most of the red posts the occur on the forum every day and try to cherry pick the most informative ones. 75% of them are funny, casual, or jokes but a good amount of them give hints into chacacter development, rewords, buffs/nerfs, and upcoming content. Couple this with twitter and other social media that rioters post on and this is where I get most of my news.

  8. As sad as it sounds, I actually had no idea how armor in this game stacked at all until now...

  9. Thanks for the info! I had no idea how flat amour worked!

  10. Trying to learn some stuff about LoL, its confusing.

  11. This is really interesting bit of game mechanics

  12. that could be an awesome pick up line! Allow me to penetrate your armor! ;D

  13. wouw good to know, never understood that (in wow than)

  14. ok, while I understood what he meant in his percent APen example, he choose very bad numbers to describe it.
