Rumble Art Spotlight

The art spotlight for the new mech driving yordle Rumble is out! Be sure to tune in later this week when Riot unveils his abilities!

"You've seen some early concept art for our new mischievous little yordle. Now watch as Riot Games artist Katie DeSousa revs up her Photoshop and assembles an image of the mechanical miscreant in a 2D space. Her high-tech renderings of rocket launchers and flamethrowers will obliterate your expectations!

Please enjoy this accelerated construction of Rumble, the Mechanized Menace.
- Phreak, Community Coordinator, via the official forums.


  1. the guy who did this is pretty talented

  2. It's like an orgy between Teemo, Blitz, Nunu, and Heim.

  3. not sure if this is a video game or not.. .but looks interesting!

  4. that ..creature in the video is cute!

  5. Wish I could draw on a computer seems harder then with paper for some reason.

  6. Always amazes me how people are able to create things like this

  7. nothing short of amazing!!! very talented. i will follow this blog daily..comment and click.. return the favor and i'll keep doing the same. have a awesome day!!!!!

  8. Another super-cutesy champion! KILL IT WITH FIRE.
