5-10-11 Hotfixes Deployed to NA

Posted on at 7:39 AM by Moobeat

A hotfix has been applied to the NA servers correcting a few issues left in the wake of patch I'm suprised enough people play Karma to realize these problems so fast /trundleface.
Hello everyone,

I realize the servers are experiencing some stability issues right now, but we have deployed some hotfixes to the NA servers so any games that start from this point on will include these fixes. We will be deploying to EU soon.

1. Fixed Karma's Q, W, and E spells not gaining effect from cooldown reduction

2. Fixed summoner spells placing Karma's spells on cooldown

3. Fixed Vayne's W sometimes causing infinite Guardian Angel loops

4. Fixed Master Yi's Alpha Strike teleporting over walls more often against neutral monsters (reverted to 4-26-11 patch)

Thank you for your patience.

- Guinsoo, Game Designer, via the official forums.


  1. fixes look pretty essential

  2. good news. thanks for updating us.

  3. good update.
    but is there anyone else that gets that annoying over 9000 message while waiting to log on?

  4. I see I really have to get back to LoL ... I haven't played it for so long! Thanks for updating us.

  5. The never ending patch releases. D: Not saying it's a bad thing, buuuuuuuuuut... itcangetannoying. ><

  6. Thank God. I hated when Yi would jump to the dragon in a 3v3.

  7. Good thing that they fixed Karma

  8. Thanks for the info. Good post.

  9. Hmmm... I suppose now is the time to try LoL.

  10. rofl so abused the Master Yi alpha strike. I don't play Karma though, but i play WITH Karma's.

  11. Interesting hotfix! thanks for the update ;D

  12. I quite like Karma so hopefully its sorted now
