The tenth episode of IP Boost, a podcast dedicated to League of Legends, is now available for the listening pleasure of all!
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In episode ten we discuss what we think about the new champion Vayne, mention the two new skins that got released Monday, and point out some of the hot fixes that were applied in the wake of patch In RAGE QUIT, we rant about the poor practice of "blaming the pug" for the downfall of your premade. This week, our CHAMPION SPOTLIGHT on Ezreal The Prodigal Explorer comes to us from our good friend Elderaine. In NOOB CORNER, we address Doran's Items and why they are great starting items.
Head on over to the IP BOOST blog to check out the show notes and listen to the show. Alternatively, you can listen to us on iTunes by simply searching for "IP Boost" in the iTunes store. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns of the heart, shoot an email to