No Orianna this Tuesday

Posted on at 8:22 PM by Moobeat
The sad news comes to us from WhattayaBrian in a thread where a concerned summoner inquires about the upcoming patch. As I noted yesterday, there will still be a patch Tuesday but it will not include the mysterious new champion Orianna. This comes due to several complications Riot has experienced recently. Power Outages, Moving Offices, and Dreamhack being right around the corner no doubt make for a hectic time at the Riot office.

I was sort of expecting this one, but is it such a bad thing? We've been berated by new champions every two weeks consistently for the past few months! I, for one, am still very impressed with Riot's dedication to their game and will not be picking up my pitchfork and torch and joining the mobs of angry summoners on the forums.. Besides, we are all still trying to figure out how to deal with end game Vayne right?

"We have had a number of complications recently (including a power outage at the office) that hurt our designers' ability to improve and refine (and refine each improvement). After a large amount of deliberation, we decided that Orianna wouldn't hold up to the standards we put on our champions if we released her Tuesday.

It's likely that the next champion after Orianna will also be on a three-week cycle, partly due to Dreamhack considerations. Afterwards we should be back on a normal two-week cycle.
- WhattayaBrian, Engineer, via the official forums.