Yesterday, Morello posted a few things that are in the pipeline but will NOT be implemented this patch. They are all going to be welcomed changes, especially the further buffs to Fiddlesticks as his rework left him a bit below mark.
I wanted to speak real quickly about some things we have upcoming that aren't in this patch for some various reasons, and let you know the status on some awaited changes;
* Fiddlesticks: The update for Fiddsticks pushes him in an AP direction and makes him more consistent, which we like, but the numbers are wrong. You'll see a buff to at least AP ratios, perhaps more. I expect this in the patch after next.
* Garen: Again, there's a lot of hyperbole that Garen is trash or unusable, and from all the data we see, that's not the case. However, he could still use a little nudge. We want to make his ult castable during Judgment, and probably a small AD ration increase on it.
* Lee Sin, the Blind Monk: Lee Sin has come into his own as an amazing jungler, but does fall off too early. No details on changes yet, but we're looking to add better late-game scaling without improving jungle speed.

Riot has posted Summoner Showcase #29! Watch the video below to check out some tape artwork, an impressive Caitlyn fan art, a bit of Spanish LoL cosplay, Monopoleague, and some delicious dubstep.