"Vlad will be nerfed" - NMST

Posted on at 12:01 AM by Moobeat

Well, it looks like a sad day for Team Vlad. Nerf Master Suck Town has decided to an aggressive stance on getting Vladimir to an appropriate power level. Even after nerfing Hextech Revolver to address a very popular and powerful build for Vlad, he is still not in a desirable place. His mixture of massive health return, sustained damage, "free stats" from his passive have kept him quite the complicated champion to balance.
"I'm gonna let you all in on a secret that I don't share often. 

I laugh at the NMST thing and gladly come tank forum rage. But truth be told, I don't move to nerf hardly anything. The Live team makes proposals and I help guide them and approve changes (so yes, they're still my responsibility!), but I very rarely go "nerf this thing."

This is one time I'll be changing that approach.

Vlad, I've tried to avoid this - I really wanted to do minor nerfs, and just try to salvage you somehow. I truely have. But you keep being powerful in all levels of the game, and having very little counter-gameplay or interesting interactions, along with being negative attrition to the umpteenth power. You just crutch on "but my early game sucks! I'm fine!" but I'm on to you. I know those innocent eyes hide a true maniac.

Vlad will be nerfed, and this time, as dictated by me. I've handed the team their orders. They will show no mercy, and do what needs to be done. Though, I actually think he'll -still- be good."
- Morello, Lead Champion Designer, via the official forums.

Morello also said in another post that "Hint: we're only making one change. It's not going to be devastating, but it will be noticeable.". What do you think this change will be? I would wager it is either in relation to this passive or maybe a stab at the Tides of Blood ability.


  1. hextech was already a huge nerf. it's not like players are supposed to be aggro when laning against him >_>

  2. that's one of the coolest characters i've seen

  3. Vlad is definitely ridiculously overpowered, needs a nerf IMO. Friend of mine mains Vlad and dominates, but it just seems far too easy.

  4. Vlad the lad is looking a real cool dude. Excellent post.

  5. nice, hopefully the game will be more balanced

  6. oh no i hope it doesnt effect him too much or make him awful now or anything !

  7. I wish they went ahead with full rework. So much potential will be wasted, when they eventually overnerf him.

  8. This will surely turn the game more balanced :)

  9. nerfed!?

    man that sucks he was my faveourite

  10. They better have some stakes and crosses at the RiotGames HQ now...

  11. I hate when devs nerf things

  12. I think this is a good change for gameplay.

  13. nice post.
    btw i think you messed up the link in the las paragraph. 'a' (in 'another') is not part of the link.

  14. Vlad need a good nerf yeah... imba !

  15. was in desperate need of a nerf tbh!

  16. ok that guy is definitively a vampire!

  17. but he looks like such a cool character

  18. We'll see how they do it hopefully he doesn't suck afterwards.

  19. One of my favorite heroes, and is going to be nerfed.
    Life sucks.

  20. finally not my character will be nerfed

  21. eu servers are down -.-
    but I like the nerf.

  22. I've really wanted to try this game out. Any recommendations?

  23. It's always tough to get them just right, people shouldn't complain about stuff like this, they're fixing the game.

  24. Awwww. It's like when they nerfed BM hunters in Wrath of the Lich King. I wept.
