The information came at first from Morello saying "We're going to wreck CV." while duo queing with the ever-so-popular streamer Guardsman Bob. Immediately, the forums ignited with questions and concerns about the changes. Here are a few of the more revealing answers from a slew of different threads on the matter.
First up, we have a retort about the actual statement itself. "Wreck" seems like a fairly vague but negative way to paraphrase some intense changes to one of the most valuable summoner spells, so how about some clarification?
"To clarify, we're likely doing a lot of changes to CV - it'll have a different functionality than global vision on a low CD. This is based on some analysis of it in relation to what we saw in the qualifiers."

Woah! But what about the other summoner spells? Are you just going to leave them as is?
"We have some useless ones, some OP ones - we just need to take a swipe at all these and find a better balance. CV is ugly too"

The most obvious of these "useless" spells would be Rally, a spell that you only see in "troll" games or builds and very rarely servers a purpose. Perhaps it's time to scrap it and implement something new?
"I actually want to remove Rally and make a more "cool" summoner spell there, one that could be easier to balance too"