"A Hawaiian Ashe"
by KissableKasindra
108 Votes (23.74%)
"A Tribute to MINION: The True Champion"
by Pika7
105 Votes (23.08%)
by Pika7
105 Votes (23.08%)
"Walkin' the Void Puppy"
by Scribble Cloud
97 Votes (21.32%)
Each of these fine artists gets a $10 Riot Point card for free!
In addition to those above, I've selected the following two entries, at random, to recieve $10 Riot Point cards.
by sevenbeleven
"Fiddlesticks casting CROWSTORM"
by profaneman
Grats to everyone who won and PLEASE contact me to claim your prize! My email, in game name, and twitter information is plastered all over the thread for your convenience.
I'd like to send out one last thanks to all the people who contributed to the contest. This is my first, of hopefully many, League of Legends related contest and I've learned a lot about what to do and not to do for next time.