Elo Decay

Elo Decay is a relatively important, yet mysterious, term when it comes to making sure you lock down those end of Season One rewards. Here is a quote from rjcombo explaining exactly how it works.

Here's how Elo decay currently works:

- Elo is decayed after 3 weeks of inactivity
- For normal rating, inactivity is defined as no activity in any queue
- For ranked rating, inactivity is defined as no activity in the specific queue (arranged 5x5, arranged 3x3, and solo 5x5 are all tracked separately)
- Elo decays at a rate of 25 per week for both normal and ranked ratings
- Elo will not decay below a rating of 1400
- rjcombo, Senior Game Designer, via the official forums.


  1. cool glasses bro! lol. and thanks for explaining how Elo Decay works. :)
