League of Legends is turning two years old this month and Riot seems to have some goodies in store for us. Check out the post below for an invitation to the "surprise party" and see if you can figure out who the special guest might be. You would also be well advised to make sure you check out the interactive timeline Riot has posted up. The time line features a nice recap of previous patches and champion releases as well as major events of times past.
Summoners!- NeeksNaman, Web Content Specialist, via the official forums.
Here at Riot Games, October is our favorite time of year. And that’s not just because we like carved pumpkins, delicious candy, colored leaves, blustery days, scary stories, mysterious concoctions, and the occasional costume party. It’s because a couple of years ago, around this time of year, we all got together and shipped a little game called League of Legends!
That’s right, summoners! League of Legends is turning two this year, and we’d like to extend you all a cordial invitation to come celebrate this momentous occasion with us. A lot can happen in a year, but we hope that you all agree that League of Legends, like a fine wine, is only getting better with age!
We’ve got a couple surprises in store, so be sure to check back on Thursday, the 27th of October, to celebrate the birth of League of Legends with all of us!