More Halloween Skins revealed?

Posted on at 1:13 PM by Moobeat
State of the League, another fantastic website following LoL, is reporting to have found more Halloween skins nestled within the coding of the PBE. These three skins are Witch Nidalee, Ghost Nocturne, and Surprise Party Fiddlesticks.

While Witch Nidalee and Ghost Nocturne certainly sound ghoulish enough to fit into our Harrowing skin line up, Surprise Party Fiddlesticks is a beast of a different nature. Originally born out of a brilliant forum thread, SPF was confirmed at PAX Prime 2011 and seems to be preparing his surprise crowstorm into our humble game soon. I can not express how wonderfully delighted I am about this skin's existence.
Summoner rendition of the ever so epic SPF idea