Changes in store for Summoner Spells in Season 2

Riot just posted an insider look at what they have in store for Summoner Spells during Season 2. It looks like they have a lot in store for us so check out the post below.
Going into Season Two, we’d like to open up the playing field for a greater variety of summoner spell choices. With this objective in mind, we’re going to retouch the existing summoner spells to shake up the classic compositions, and to help them better support the strategy of a given team composition. 

Here are a few changes that you can expect to see coming up in Season Two.

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!

Most of the classic summoner spells that you’re used to seeing will still be there for you to use heading into Season Two. Many of them will be getting retuned, however, to better suit the more aggressive gameplay that we want to promote in the new competitive season.

Most notably, Flash and Clairvoyance – largely considered the two most powerful summoner spells – will each be coming down a notch going into Season Two. Flash will now have both reduced range and an increased cooldown to make summoners feel less obligated to select it. Clairvoyance will also be receiving an increased cooldown and reduced duration to make it require more tactical use and be less punishing to junglers. 

Heal and Cleanse, on the other hand, will each be receiving buffs to make them more attractive selections. Heal will now scale much more strongly into late game, while Cleanse will now remove summoner spell effects such as Ignite and Exhaust.

Out with the Old!

In addition to these changes, there were a couple of older summoner spells that didn’t really fit into how the game has developed since release. We opted to remove these less utilized summoner spells and replace them with some new options. In particular, we’ll be bidding farewell to both the Fortify spell and the Rally spell.

Rally suffers from a few unique disadvantages that are not symptomatic of the other summoner spells. Not only is it a stationary effect in a game that favors high-mobility play, but it can be quickly focus-fired and destroyed by an enemy team with good combat awareness. As a result, the Rally spell has seen little usage, and won’t be making a comeback in Season Two.

As for Fortify, one of the goals of our design changes going into the new competitive season is to continue to encourage aggressive, exciting gameplay. Having a summoner spell that promotes stagnant play by completely shutting down pushes, while also being unpopular, doesn’t mesh with our Season Two goals. We’ll be replacing this relic with a spell we think has a stronger place in the game. 

And in with the New!

To fill the void left by the removal of these two spells, we’ll be supplementing the remaining complement of summoner spells with some new choices. This includes the return of the Promote summoner spell and the introduction of the new “Surge” (name not yet final) spell.

“Surge” is a brand new summoner spell that will imbue your champion with a powerful aura, boosting the combat effectiveness of both you and your allies. This new spell will fill the same niche that Rally was intended to occupy without suffering from all the adverse caveats that come with being linked to a stationary object. 

Additionally, rather than promote stagnant gameplay through the Fortify spell, we’ve retooled the Promote spell for use on Summoner’s Rift. Like its Dominion equivalent this spell will provide a single minion with a significant buff to its Range, Health, Armor, and Magic Resistance stats. Unlike the incarnation of Promote that was present in the League of Legends Beta, however, this new spell can only be cast on a cannon minion, preventing a group of players from spamming it to aggressively push a single lane.

Spell it out for me!

Ultimately, these new summoner spells will help encourage more aggressive and exciting gameplay in the new season. Additionally, the spells will help to promote more varied team strategies in order to open up the playing field for unexpected new styles of play. We hope that these changes will make for a generation of new and interesting gameplay as we head into Season Two!
- ByronicHero, Web Content Editor, via the official forums.

So the TLDR version would be that Clairvoyance and Flash will be getting nerfs, Heal and Cleanse will be getting buffed, Rally and Fortify will be removed, and two new spells, Promote and Surge, will be added.

I have to say I'm glad that Riot is finally stepping up to this issue. I can attest to the uselessness of Rally ever since I started playing this game and how Fortify rarely does more than just prolong the life of a tower by a few seconds. I also think everyone can agree that Flash holds a bit of a monopoly on the Summoner Spell's market. The real question is how is this all going to effect gameplay? Without the crutch of being able to keep eyes on the jungler as often with CV and not being able to constantly flash out of danger, will we see the development of more aggressive game play knowing that players are more prone to ganks?

In terms of the new spells, I'm really interested to see how this new Surge spell will turn out. I always had a secret desire that Rally would be buffed into usefulness someday, but alas this might fill that urge. Perhaps we will see Taric packing around this bad boy for a sudden burst of "my team just got barrel full of AD and AP" and some team fight dominance?

P.S I think the first thing that popped in my mind after reading about these intended changes was ... WHAT ABOUT MASTERIES?! Fingers crossed for an update to them before the start of Season 2.


  1. I'm having mixed feelings about the Flash change. It maybe is too powerful right now. When the range is shorter is will require more skill to play, which means in will make a lot of less skilled players fail = broad grins during gameplay.

    Rally was not used a lot so I'm not too set back by it's departure.
    I am a little sad to see Fortify go. Not is more satisfying to see an enemy champ tower diving and then activating Fortify to accelerate the fire speed of the tower and then getting the kill from across the map XD

    Anyway, we'll see how it will pan out. Maybe now people will stop saying "heal n00b" when someone takes the better scaling Heal.

  2. Turrets also need to be nerfed, about half their damage is required for the level 1 turrets.

  3. As you feeled it, Masteries got changes ;D nice expectation.
