A Few Hidden Goodies in the Volibear Patch

So, here are two little things that managed to sneak themselves into this patch.

First off, Red buff now procs on direct damage spells ( i.e spells like Urgot's Q or Annie's Q ). I remember a while back when Guinsoo commented on spells applying the Red Buff as "OP" but I guess it remains to be seen how this will pan out. The idea of a handful of junglers coming out the with, what will essentially be, Nunu's Q is.. diabolical and will certainly open a few new options for CC less junglers such as Akali.

Secondly, it appears as if Warwick has received a new run animation and a new animation for his Q. Check it out in this video from LerajeRandom.

edit: It looks like Volibear and Zilean have some flavor "secret passives" when you get them on opposite teams.


  1. Looks cool. I actually really like the new Gangplank model. It's really well done.

  2. Check out Zilean and Volibear on opposite teams, two special debuffs.
