"Update" on Stealth Rework

More like no update! We haven't heard anything about the stealth rework that has been lurking in the shadows for months, so I figure I'd plaster up this post from Morello saying there isn't much currently going on.
Sorry guys, no update right now on this. Not what you wanted to hear, but I will update when there's news. I also apologize for talking about this earlier than we should have - poor planning on my part.
- Morello, Lead Champion Designer, via the official forums.

Xypherous posted later on in the thread mentioning that "I keep trying to own pushing this to PBE but I keep being relegated to other projects. ". I'd love to see something like this hit the PBE. At the moment we haven't seen any major reworks or gameplay changes hit the PBE, so this might breathe some life into it's desolate player base.

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