450 Riot Points for being a Good Summoner.

( Sorry for the delay in news! The holidays are hear and that's a busy time about the ole' Moobeat homestead. Stick with me folks! )

Well, a lot of summoners have asked for this and it looks like Riot has been listening; we are finally getting a reward for being a loyal followers of the Summoner's Code. Starting between last night and December 28th, everyone who has not been banned in the past two months will be gifted 450 Riot Points! I've already received mine so keep a look out for your wonderful gift.

Since early spring, we’ve been working with you through the Tribunal to identify those summoners who have had a negative impact on your play experience. For your efforts, and to celebrate the holiday season, we thought it was a good time to thank all those summoners who’ve made a point upholding the Summoner’s Code this year. If you’re over level 6 and haven’t been banned from League of Legends in the past two months, you’re in line to receive 450 Riot Points as a gift from the co-founders and all of us here at Riot Games in appreciation.

We’ve already begun the process of distributing these Riot Points to you, and eligibility of summoners was determined two days ago. But there are an awful lot of good sports out there in the community, so we estimate that everyone should have their Riot Points by December 28, 2011 at midnight. On behalf of all of us here at Riot Games, thank you for making League of Legends a part of your lives! (All weekend sales will be extended by one day, to accommodate the time it may take for all summoners to receive their RP.)

Additionally, this reward is the first step toward a new program that grants Riot Points to summoners as they progress through the game. While we’re focusing this initiative primarily on new summoners, we wanted to ensure that we included everyone who’s made a concerted effort to be a positive force in the League of Legends community before we got into full swing.

Also be sure to take a moment to view a special holiday message from Riot Games Co-Founders Marc ‘Tryndamere’ Merrill and Brandon ‘Ryze’ Beck. On behalf of all of us here at Riot Games thank you for making League of Legends part of your lives, and a for making it a great experience for all summoners the world over. 

Happy Snowdown Showdown, summoners! We hope to see you all out there on the Fields of Justice in the New Year!
- Pendragon, Director of Community Relations, via the official forums.

Now that you've gotten a whole 450 Riot Points you might want to take some extra precautions in safe guarding your account from.. mean people. Check out Riot's Summoner Safety Initiative for some tips and tricks when it comes to securing your account.

If free Riot points weren't good enough, Riot has also compiled a warm and fuzzy thank you to the community that showcases some of the best League of Legends fan content. Check it out below!


  1. I was banned once before for one day because my computer crashed in a few games. I would always come back, but I still got banned for leaving 2 minutes in a few games

    Im a posotive force in the community, I just had a bad computer!

  2. Sweet free riot points...no idea what i'm talking about.

  3. Its nice to be rewarded for being a good little summoner.

  4. Sweet! I've just received my free Riot Points!

    >> FreeRiotPoints.me <<
