Champion Pages, Colorblind mode, Contest Results, and more!

Can't play Ahri because someone always snags her before you? Don't fret! I have a few small updates and news bits to keep you entertained!

1) New Champion pages are back.

These spiffy new Champion pages have been re-enabled and are simply fabulous! This has to be one of my favorite changes to the game so far. You can check out recommended builds, small clips of every ability, and even purchase new content right without having to navigate to the store. I wonder what else might be in store for us in the UI department?

2) A Sneak Peek at Colorblind mode

RiotVeonneth is proud to report the long awaited and much requested Colorblind mode is finally shaping up into something tangible. The mode will, when completed, change a variety of colors within the game to those more easily distinguishable to someone who is colorblind. Currently this mode is slated for release in early 2012. You can find out more information as well as a quick tutorial to enable a partial version of the mode on the current client by checking out this thread.

3) Winner and Community Pick for the "Wear it Proudly" Contest.

The dashing little number above is the winner of Riot's Wear it Proudly contest. This contest was geared towards Summoners creating their own gear they'd like to see in the League of Legends merch store. Sermyn, the player responisble for the awesome Signed design, will be walking away with a cool 15,000 Riot Points and some merch of his own. Riot is also urging the community to get involved and choose, via a poll on the forums, their favorite submissions! This community chosen winner will receive a buttload of Riot points so make sure you cast your vote. My vote easily goes to this adorable Teemo shirt ... surprising right?

4) Dodge Refunds to begin on 16th of December.
I know some of you are just itching to pick up our foxy new champion and are patiently waiting for Riot to issue the first wave of Dodge Rune refunds to give you those influence points you desperately need, but hold on just a little bit longer! RoreBAWW, a Riot Ambassador, posted today reminding us that the refund is still on track to begin this Friday and end eleven days later on December 25th.

5) Fansite Focus: Volibear
Rioter Aurum posted a handful of awesome fansite impressions, reviews, and guides for Volibear.It is a day or so old, but I was featured on this! I know some of you might now be viewing my blog thanks to this and I just wanted to take a second to thank Riot and thank you for stopping by!


  1. Yup. It was thanks to Riot that I've discovered your blog (which have a tremendous quality) and I'm now following it everyday.

    Congrats for the good job and for the feature!

  2. This is the only place I can find something LoL related with my web blocker -.- I can't WAIT to go home and look at those champion pages. SO SEXY

  3. The Minions Have Spawned podcast really gave you a hard time about getting recognized by Riot.
    I am a fan of you and this podcast, so I just thought you might want to be aware you have haters. =)

  4. Yeah, I listen to them pretty frequently and was pretty bummed that they just threw me under the bus.

  5. You should guest on our show next week, if you are interested let me know

  6. Oh crap autech knows im a double agent.

