If you happened to notice that Pulsefire Ezreal was recently removed from the skin preview screen, don't fret! Tamat swooped in to drop some knowledge darts. Looks like the skin is going to be making a come back as a Legendary ( 1820 RP price point ) skin!
Hey everyone,- Tamat, Lead Community Manager, via the official forums.
Earlier today one of our Ambassadors mentioned that Pulsefire Ezreal would not be a Legendary skin. Unknown to them were the secret plans of our amazing Skins team, who just recently decided to make some changes to Pulsefire Ezreal … for the better!
We had originally intended to release this skin this month, but during a brainstorming meeting with our artists, we decided that there Pulsefire Ezreal was such a great idea that we should take things a step further and fully develop him as a Legendary skin. However, that means Pulsefire Ezreal needs more time to create than a regular Epic skin.
We know that Ezreal fans have eagerly wanted a skin of legendary quality for some time, and even though he won’t be available for a bit, he will feature new sound effects and voice overs in addition to other goodies. We’re sure he’ll be worth the wait!
Pulsefire Power!