The Lunar Revel has begun!

The Lunar Revel, a Valoran parallel to New Years, has begun! This new holiday includes new festive item icons, new log in splash and music and, most importantly, NEW SKINS!

Dragonblade Talon, Dragon Fist Lee Sin, Guqin Sona, and Emerald Dragon Wukong are now available for purchase and will cost you 975 Riot Points each. All of the skins have small particle, animation, or sound changes and it is worth mentioning that these skins are NOT marked as limited or legacy skins and will remain available after the festivities end.

Check out the screen shots that Riot posted of the Lunar Revel skins below!

 Dragonblade Talon
 Dragon Fist Lee Sin
 Guqin Sona
 Jade Dragon Wukong

If you want to sneak a peek at some more information regarding the Lunar Revel holiday, take a trip to the official mini site Riot has posted for the event.!

While we will need to wait another week for balance changes and the new champion, Riot did sneak a few updates to Viktor into this mini patch.
hey everyone, in case this hasn't been messaged elsewhere (it's 4:30am so i don't really want to search) here are the gameplay changes that accompanied the lunar revel content.

-base mana regen per 5 seconds increased to 6.9 from 4.3
-basic attack frame has been improved to be more responsive
-fixed a bug with chaos storm where the opposing viktor could control your storm
-fixed a bug where gravity field's stun effect could not be cleansed
-improved death ray to be more responsive
-fixed a bug where viktor's augments displayed a cost of 1200g instead of 1000g
- ricklessabandon, QA Analyst, via the official forums.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Those skins are pretty baller! I love that league produces such great artwork. I hope these aren't limited skins!

    Btw, -B-ook of The End is finished!

  3. @Apocalypto

    I got the information from my client.

  4. This looks like an amazing game. I have wanted to play it for the last like year and a half :P

  5. Hey I know this doesn't have anything to do with this, but I think Galio is getting new art? I play on NA servers. If you click his champ info the art isn't new, but I thought this was cool.

  6. @Aaron

    It's the Chinese art. Riot made mention after that mini patch that they more or less would probably use them if people liked them more. I'll add it in my quick hits post I'm getting ready to whip up
