Current Status of the Hecarim Patch

When you log in tomorrow, you’ll notice we released a small patch. This was to address a performance issue that was keeping a small group of summoners from successfully finishing games. This is the only change we plan on making to League of Legends this week.

We know a lot of summoners are curious about our plan to debut Hecarim this week. We just wanted to check in to let you know that with your help on the Public Beta Environment, we ran into a few game-breaking bugs that if released into the wild would really hinder your enjoyment of the game. We figure you guys like being able to target every champion on the field – and prefer that your enemies are able to surrender after you give them the business for 20 minutes. 

With that in mind, we’re circling up to tackle these and a couple other big issues we’ve uncovered. We’ll share more updates with you as soon as we have them, so stay tuned for more info as it develops.
RiotRara's Avatar- RiotRara, Service Community Manager, via the official forums.

On a more personal note, sorry for the lack of posts over the last two days. I had an impromptu two day hospital visit that has left things a bit hectic. I'll try to catch up with anything I may have missed tomorrow sometime.


  1. Well, it's a good thing the bugs were caught before the patch got out. I think this is a similair situation as with the Leona patch

  2. Anyone know what the game breaking bugs are? I love bugs :D

    1. "We figure you guys like being able to target every champion on the field – and prefer that your enemies are able to surrender after you give them the business for 20 minutes."

      I think the above quote was about the issues

  3. A someone who plays on the PBE, I encountered the following (percentages approximate):

    1. Cannot surrender 80% of the time
    2. Karthus Ult deals no damage 80% of the time
    3. Massive lag (chars with skills shots almost unplayable)
    4. Soraka Ult no Heal 20% of the time

    1. Ah cool, so multi-target was broken, I guess surrender counts as multi-target :P

      Also, by massive lag, that's not just coz your play on PBE from EU is it? XD

    2. I am in Pennsylvania. And I mean beyond the normal level of lag on the PBE (which always has a bit, since it is a low priority server). we're talking multiple second response times.

      Added bugs:
      5. Some characters are getting 'permanently' knocked up, ie you see them vault into the sky and then they become invisible until some event resets the model (such as flash).
      6. Characters becoming unable to attack specific other character or characters in general or buildings for a time. I've actually had this happen once on live too.

  4. Are you ok! What happened with the hospital, a little worried that it was a unexprected visit.

  5. hey guys??? When Hecarin and Varus join League of Legends And When do the spotlights join youtube???

    1. Its normally the same day that the US gets patched. A day before if your EU

  6. Art spotlight come 2 weeks before!!

  7. Replies
    1. Yup, that riot post been updated to say it'll take even longer. Shame, new guy is so fun on PBE

    2. I don't care about Hecarim. I want the XP system adjustments so my support or jungle champion isn't always so far behind the rest of the team.

    3. Jungle is a bitch if you don't get "ahead" with a load of successful ganks, and support is always behind XD

      Also, you may want to write an article about

  8. Apparently people with transformations (Karthus, Kog'maw, Swain, Nidalee) are getting stuck with visual glitches and invulnerabilities. Judging by the tone of this post (reporting an issue with Karthus), I'm pretty sure Riot thought they fixed it already, which probably the patch is going to delay even more.

    1. At this rate we'll get two champions at the same time, I hope XD
