A Closer Look At The 6-8 PBE Files.

Remember the 6-8 PBE update? Lots of goodies came out of that one, didn't they? ARAM Map, New Skins, and some new splash arts. Between the Jayce files and the incomplete skin textures, there was also a lot of "not for our eyes" sort of stuff plugged in there.

Thanks to an anonymous submitter, we now a few more goodies from that particular update. This  generous submitter was curious to what else the patch may contain and chose to dig even deeper. Below are the fruits of his curiosity.

Obviously these files, taken from the 6-8 PBE Client, are bits and piece of things not yet completed things and I should remind you that everything I'm presenting below IS TENTATIVE.  I'm just going to be making stabs at what the files could be part of, based on their names relative to how other files are named; I don't have any sort of insider knowledge or anything.

New Champions Stuff:

Starting off, there are a few interesting names included in these files. There are a ton of files labeled as "DarkSovereign", "Diana", and "Xara" , so I'll start with them, as well as a few files relating to "Teek", "Seth", and "Hexmage"

DarkSovereign seems to be one of the bigger working champion names to pop up. DS has a load of abilities and animtions packed in including what seems to be abilities called "Void Ball", "Nova" ( probably her ultimate ability ), and "Q Missle"

Speaking of Moon themed abilities, "Diana" is next in line. She, too, has a lot of abilities included in the files, such as " Penumbra", "Moonlight Sword", and "Lunari (Pulse?)", as well as something to do with a lance.

Under "Xara", there are a lot of odd nature related files - "seed", "oaken enemy", "twilight", "vine" - as well as a bunch of references to abilities of other champions ( "megaadhesive", "eyeofthestorm", "sapling" ). Based on the first point, this could be the nature mage that Morello made mention of a while back?

"Seth" seems to be a sand based champion with only one clump of files, seemingly it's "W" ability as that pops up in the file name.. This is probably the "dry" champion Ezreal mentioned ( near bottom ) that is NOT an Egyptian god.

The next entry, "Hexmage", has very few files associated with it, but boy does that sound like a working name or what?

Lastly we have "Teek", who appears to have an "infest", "scent", and "invis(ability)" files. Perhaps this is another stealth champion slated after the work?

New Skins Stuff:

There seems to be a new "Greek" Cassiopeia skin in the works. This should ring out pretty well with the community as Cass tends to be one of the most neglected champions, skin wise. ( ninja edit, it would make sense if this was the Greek LoL launch skin, similar to our most recent Pantheon skin )

Dreadknight Tryndamere, as mentioned in a previous post, has several files floating around. I can only assume this is going be in the same vein as Dreadknight Nasus and Dreadknight Garen.

Similarly, Glacial Malphite and "Lubu" Jarvan, both of which have unmapped textures, are present.

Some pretty neat stuff, if you ask me. These shots are all sliced and diced from screen caps of the files, viewed Skin Installer Ultimate ( a simple way to browse .RAF files ).  If anyone can shed some light on these ( perhaps they are always hanging around or are from abandoned champions? ) or has anything to add, feel free to comment!


  1. Should be Lu Bu Xin Zhao, not Jarvan.

    1. No, Xin Zhao is Zhao Yun, Jarvan looks like Lu Bu more

    2. Xin Zhao is Zhao Yun dumdum

  2. Hey man, just reporting in as a fellow dataminer. As far as I've seen in my past viewings, these are all new. I've not seen the like of them.

    A buddy and I were discussing it, and we're feeling a multi-champion release for the 100th. Riot Loophole perhaps?

    1. Both of those champions ( assuming DarkSov isn't Diana ) with moon abilities seem suspicious. I was actually sort of thinking they might be a double release.

      It is awkward we haven't heard anything about big 100, but I assume Riot has something planned and doesn't want it to be all lame due to the server problems.

    2. I would agree about the awkwardness. It's usually like them to delete forum posts, but they're not saying Word 1 about Jayce, info or no info. Usually they'll say a minor thing, or at least confirm our info with a Sneak Peek.

      Even including the server issues of last week, I'd think they'd keep up with that.

  3. Oh, by the way, silly though it is, it just occurred to me that the information you posted on this DarkSovereign's abilities is actually one new ability. Two of them, Reckoning and SpellFlux_Light are in fact representations of the effects that are visually applied to the new champion by Karthus and Lux respectively. DarkBinding is also present, ala Morgana.

    However, some NEW abilities/particles I see are the "Q-Missile", that Void_Ballad, and the Nova.

  4. Hey by the way, you're welcome for the "share" on the official site. I figured people ought to get to know this fancy-schmansy blog!

    1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIdUV3AH7bE

      DUDE, Jayce revealed. clicky clicky :D

  5. Isnt Hexmage is supposed to mean Victor?
    maybe hes getting some passive reworks

  6. i think the number 100 surprise is going to take a while because they lately release 1 or 2 skins and a champion and taking into consideration that not only pulsefire ez, se xerath and foxfire ahri are still unavailable but also the NA and EUW server problems i believe that we are going to need a lot of patience....

  7. YES YES YES!!! A NEW CASS SKIN!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!

  8. - Patience activate. Do you require some more ?
    - No ! Let's do this !


    This post enjoyed my morning <3

    1. A girl in an LoL Blog? IMPOSSIBRU!

    2. Oh my god why am I here ?? I apologize, I should ben in da kitchen OMG report me ! XDDDDD

    3. lol Caalamity so awesome!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. maybe for 100th they are releasing 4-5 champs at the same time =)

  11. Moon themed champion? Dat parrot on forums have to know something about this... :D

    1. R u talking about the infamous Ironstylus??????

    2. Infamous? How DARE you speak such HERESY?!

  12. so this dataminer sagajin seems to have reveald jayce's abilities http://eune.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=457242&highlight=jayce

    thought you should know.

  13. First of all i want to say that i dont know anything about reading files like these, but i just got a little thought i would like to share. Could the "xara" names have something to do with the stealth remake, as both Maokais saplings and Graves smokebomb are mentioned? These would both affect something stealthed i guess. Furthermore the files seems to have a lot to do with the texture. But again - just a quick thought.

  14. It's not like we are going to see any of this for a while. The servers are still too messed up from the last patch; they aren't going to deploy anything else except fixes until things are working again, and at this rate who knows when that will be. Game is still half unplayable from disconnects, extreme lag spikes, missing data, and malfunctioning champions.

  15. http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vmiu6/first_footage_of_jayce_preview_of_his_abilities/

  16. Why are people saying VoidBallad? It's clearly "Void Ball Add", "Void Ball Add 2", etc.

  17. Something to keep in mind with Dark Soverign is that if you go back through the @Ezreal thread on the forums he talked about wanting to make Kog'Maw's dad a champ (Kog himself mentions him in his taunt "Terror coming. Daddy coming.") and Ezreal mentions "The void creature caster is in the icebox until we find a good visual reference for the character. We want it to fit the void themes while both exuding 'caster', exuding intellect (which is more difficult than you would think for monsters), and making it not grotesque.
    " Perhaps this is that void mage monster talked about before and maybe even Kog'Maw's "Daddy".

  18. Yep, dreadknight tryndamere confirmed by .. phreak? about 3 days ago when someone was complaining that newer 975rp skins were so much better than legendary twisted fate and.. corki?

    Something along those lines. Thats when Phreak (or Morello?) jumped in and explained that its kind of like having an old car: You can't expect your car manufacturer to replace your old car whenever they make new models. He then said that Dreadknight Tryndamere will also be of "legendary" work but will be treated as a regular 975 skin.

    1. Well fancy that. I'm actually enjoying the fact that new skins are being made with new animations, like Pool Party Ziggs. It would be nice if they can edit some skins and add animations or sprites.

  19. by the way im pretty sure diana is riot's answer to "will there be an anti-leona".

    leona, lady of the dawn..
    diana.. lady of the dusk? :DDDDD<3

  20. Seth IS EGYPTION GOD, main evil there, anti Horus

    1. Horus? You dare speak the traitor's name? Burn Heretic!

  21. and his the god of desert(sands)

    1. "is a god of the desert, storms, and foreigners in ancient Egyptian religion." And know we watch the skills

  22. So now we have zyra(probably xara first) and diana, that means there are 4 left: DarkSovereign, seth, hexmage and teek. Lets wait and see...

  23. Seth is the god of storms I want a champion with a rain ability! It would be sick and I hope that at least one of these are a sport champion!

  24. xara = zyra
    diana = now already come to live
    "DarkSovereign", so I'll start with them, as well as a few files relating to "Teek", "Seth", and "Hexmage" <- champion that gonna be revealed on gamescom probably .

  25. It's pretty likely that Teek became Rengar.

    1. Probably but there are only so few files about Teek in this post... can we judge only by his ult?

    2. Teek is the new Kha'Zix. (Confirmed by Phreak)

      I guess he'll be somewhat in the same style as Rengar. Only you can probably choose how Kha'Zix looks and wich skillset he uses. Even the files mention something about invis. So maybe he has stealth or camouflage(partly stealth and visible).

      Anyway these are only speculations and we should just wait a week for more info :)

  26. the few files that have the name hexmage may refer to viktor as they may give him tier3 passive items
