- Morello, Lead Champion Designer, via the official forums.This is fair, but we still have to be careful with this - if everyone wanted to have a reasonable dialog or it was a smaller group, this approach would be sucessful, I agree.
I'm going to burn for this, but WTH....
I can say I have "signed off" on the design of it, but particle/anims/production has to still be done. The design is in numbers tweaking, but mostly it's about making it read well. I think they're both fun, but the "jump out from invisible and own you" is, as designed, gone on Eve. That element is what made us do this in the first place.
I have a feeling this will come back to haunt me even if it gets released when I want it to. I will be giving a detailed look when it's 99% locked (still a few details to make sure we test more).
Morello on the Stealh Remake
Posted on
June 8, 2012
at 7:36 AM by Moobeat
In lieu of yesterday's "stealth remake isn't canned" answer from Morello, he did return to the forums to offer us a tease of some new information regarding the fabled Stealth Remake ( which is going on a year of development ) : He has signed off on the design, so the particles, animations, and other production are on the way and ( hopefully ) this means we will see the stealth remake in the coming months.