Problems with the 6-17 Patch and the subsequent down time

Posted on at 8:14 PM by Moobeat
Well, looks like things got busted with this morning's patch, resulting in a rollback to the latest Draven patch, here is the original announcement from earlier today:

Hi Summoners,

There is a lot of awesome stuff in the 1.61 patch and we were excited to get it out to you this weekend. Unfortunately, we ran into a really nasty bug where in certain cases, players couldn't log into their accounts.

Rather than risk any further issues, we are rolling back the patch to the Draven patch and restoring all of the players accounts to working order. No information is expected to be lost during the rollback, including all wins, losses, ELO changes, or other player actions made since the patch earlier today. Going forward, we've identified the root cause of the issue and will be including a fix before the 1.61 patch is deployed at a later date.

We currently estimate that the NA servers will be back online later tonight.

We sincerely apologize for the issues.
 - RiotMixdj, International Community Coordinator, via the official forums.

As of right now ( roughly 8 pm PST ), the maintenance thread  reads:


NA servers have been brought offline for emergency maintenance due to several issues preventing players from logging in and properly creating and entering games. We will provide regular updates as we continue to address these issues. Thank you for your patience. Due to some bugs within the 1.61 patch that we discovered we are also rolling back to the 1.60 patch. 

19:58 PST: We have determined that the issues are more complicated than we originally believed and are working to bring the servers back online as fast as we can. We have a full, cross-disciplinary team that is working to resolve the issues and will continue to post updates as they come. 

17:41 PST: We're still working hard to restore our servers. We currently do not have an ETA, but we expect that they will be back online within the next couple of hours. We will update you again when we have more information to share. Thank you for your continued patience.
15:41 PST:We currently expect NA servers to be back up late tonight. Thank you for continuing to bear with us.
14:31 PST: We do not yet have a fix prepared to restore stability. We apologize for the continuing downtime.
14:06 PST: Our investigation into today's issues is still ongoing.
13:30 PST: We are still investigating the root cause of today's issues. Thank you for your patience.
13:08 PST: We are continuing to work towards resolving in-game issues. Logins are still disabled.
- Jozrael, Network Ops Technician, via the official forums.