Red Posts About Xerath and LeBlanc

Solcrushed has been trolling around the forums and he gave us two little bits of information about Xerath and LeBlanc!

The upcoming Scorched Earth Xerath skin.
If you have tried out Xerath ( possibly awaiting the upcoming skin ) in the past few days, you may be noticed his ultimate acting a little funny. His ult has went from near instant to having a noticeably slower cast time. Turns out it isn't a bug per say, but an unintentionally applied change that was shipped without the intended buffs to compensate for the difference.

Hey guys, here to explain what happened with Xerath and provide some updates

First, the ultimate change was intended for a number of reasons: 
1) It brings Xerath’s playstyle closer to what we originally envisioned with the character (Constant siege barrage instead of instant burst) 
2) The animation was broken with the previous ultimate and we wanted to fix that

We were also aware that this was a significant nerf to Xerath and intended to buff him at the same time to compensate for it, what we did NOT intend was the animation changes going in without the buffs accompanying it.

We will be giving Xerath the intended buffs in the next patch. We messed up on this one and I apologize on behalf of the team to all the Xerath players out there
- Solcrushed, Live Game Designer, via the official forums.

Secondly, Mr. Solcrushed posted, in a different thread, a little tid bit about a mysterious "deceivery" buff coming soon for LeBlanc. What could it be? My bet goes that it's something to do with her passive.

We have a buff/tweak to her this patch that should raise her skill cap quite a bit and allow her to pull off awesome things time to time 

It's not going to change her damage output but makes her more... 'deceivery' (dis word is in troll lexicon)
- Solcrushed, Live Game Designer , via the official forums.


  1. What are they attempting to accomplish by nerfing Xerath?

    He's quiet strong but pales in comparison to champions established as dominating the AP bracket. At a first glance I'm disappointed because this doesn't seem to reflect balancing but reaffirming that certain champions dominate the Mid Lane.

    Please feel free to criticize what I've said, all of it will be appreciated.

    1. It's not intended to be a straight nerf, it was a mistake. There is a second part to the change that is a buff to make up for the delay in casting. I assume they are going to, in spirit of his flavor as a long range cannon not a burst mage, give him increased damage/range/ratios/radius soon to compensate for the longer cast time.

    2. I understand that it wasn't the only adjustment to Xerath, and this was simply a mistake. But the transition from a burst mage to more of a long range cannon without the context of the other adjustments just seems peculiar.

  2. this still doesn't make up for not releasing a champ for more than a month.. i know they've had some problems on the na servers but i really dont care they should've been more careful with the patch in the first place. now they lost a lot of players that went off trying out dota 2 or smite.

    1. "some problems" doesn't do it justice. They royally shafted the servers, and game, for about a week and are still experiencing problems. This is likely the darkest spot on Riot's record.

    2. Thank you sir for teaching me a new word, apparently to shaft means to fuck something up. i had to google it xD. On a more sober note: even though they don't realize it they harmed the EU servers too by leaving us behind. The delay on champion releases were too freaking long! as i said above it's still their fault for messing up the patch, if they could delay the release of a champ they can surely delay a patch that didn't bring anything of value except -5 gold on mana pot and smoother control on ulti minions... seriously? Riot messed up big on this one. I expect multiple champ releases to make up for this mess.

    3. I for one have no problem with them releasing champs less often. We already have plenty.

  3. I still don't see it with Xerath's ult change. Hell, he should be buffed even with the old ult.

    1. I agree. Even though he has one of the most reliable stuns in the game for mages. He just doesn't equate to other mages considered to be in the upper tier of the AP bracket.

  4. I hope the Le Blanc change includes putting her passive on an AI. You can always tell the clone because it stands there for a sec. If it moved intelligently then you would be able to actually fool people. Put it on the same AI routine as the intermediate AI Le Blanc Bot, complete with no damage abilities,k and then it will actually be useful.

  5. I hope they will rectify the delay on Xerath's ulti because it really spoils his strategy. Xerath is my favorite champion and i was devastated when i realize they messed with his ulti for no apparent reason. As if his targeting system was not hard enough to master, the delay in his ulti makes it almost impossible to play him right. Plz fix this.. :(

  6. they ruined xerath, period. no one is playin him and they made him worse so no one will ever play him again. i loved xerath but now... cmon... his ult is pretty much useless cause its SO EASY to escape.

    1. Actually xerath is my main and 90% of my games are with him.

      I do agree with what they did really hut him for me now.
