Video of Jayce's Abilities

As has become normal, Skin Spotlights devlivers with some fabulous content - The profile "ability" videos for Jayce, our next champion! As I linked the other day, he seems to have two abilities for each button, one for when he has his Cannon Deployed and one for when he has his Hammer deployed. Enjoy the video below: 

Still coming at this with rough guesses, here is what his abilities seem to line up as  ( compliments of reddit and names possibly tenative):
Q - To the Skies / Shock Blast
Hit and Slow
Extra damage shot
W - Static Field / Hyper Charge
Aoe Damage
Attack Speed bonus
E - Thundering Blow / Acceleration Gate
Knock back on next hit
Shots go faster and do more damage when passing through

R - Weapon Swap ( Deformation / Transformation ? )
Weapon changes and you get some sort of bonus ( or passive trigger ) and first attack is different.


  1. is he a lvl1 ult available champ or u start with one of the 2?

    1. I doubt we can know yet, I hope this is the case though otherwise you'll have to play him one way for the start of laning phase :/

    2. His passive, allegedly, is tied to transforming so I would hope level one.

    3. Nidalee is almost the same: only ranged until lv6, then she can switch between ranged mode and melee mode.
      In my opinion he will start being melee then ranged, so he is "somewhat" different from nidalee.

  2. it used to be a normal skill(the swap) maybe they changed it now i'd say he prob wont start with it, as nida does not...

    he does not look like the "female with small breasts" that riot announced as the 100th champ... but he looks nice

    1. It was never said that the 100th was female only that it had "small breasts". Males have breasts too!

    2. Philidia a french emissary from riot said 1 Week Ago :
      " I'm gonna be nice !

      I've announced :
      - The 100ème champ gonna be female
      - She won't have big boobs
      - She won't be from noxus
      - It's FeralPony works (mainly voices)

      The first one was from Ezreal, wich deleted his post for unknow reason :p.
      Last 3 are from FeralPony, and are still available."

      source :

    3. @Kaiz0ku

      Emissaries don't work for Riot, the are normal and, generally, helpful players. He probably just copied the information from FeralPony post and added in the "she"

      Look at this link and you can see exactly what Feralpony said,

    4. It was actually said that he "Won't have big boobs," never that he is specifically small breasted.

  3. The 100th Champion would be "too popular". He would the THE No. 100 and he would ask a lot of other things in the shadows. And so I think that Riot will release "several Champions" as the 100th Champion. I think this could make sense. Also with all the leaks today.

  4. Awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee champion I want it !!!!!! please make it more fast

  5. They won't release anything big with half the community in server rage mode. Apparently spending is way way down right now since people don't want to use real money till they are sure riot can fix everything. It would be a waste of publicity to release with the community in that mood. I and most people I normally play with are off trying Dota 2 until they fix things.

    1. Its almost like the NA server is like what EU was for a whole year :/

  6. Replies
    1. he says "Energize!" right there, not hammertime (sadly)

  7. Say, the champion sure looks and feels nice - a damn, space marine and all that. But, what exactly is he bringing to the table. Now, we don't know the stats of his spells - and we know it what makes or breaks competitive champions in the end. My point is he doesn't really appear to have anything "big" on his arsenal - sure some aoe damage, some slow, the opportunity to swap between melee and ranged but I'm struggling to see what he will be good at. I can't tell what would be the quality that makes you take it to your team comp. Anyone willing to throw a wild guess?

    1. Hopefully a melee/ranged character without facing controlled abilities. He is already better than Nidalee in that case.

    2. He is gonna be a great top laner, he can duel well in hammer foem and he can deny a ton of cs with cannon form, he is an ad carry and a tanky dps.

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  10. kind of nice "copy" of Vita and Graf Eisen from Mahou Shojo Lyrical Nanoha( i mean on the wing thingies and the hammer form)...... rofl but looking good

    i even could imagine the weapon to speak like Eisen XD

  11. is it just me or does this guy kind of look like Mako with the red scarf?

    1. Lol no. They are way different looking.

  12. I was hopping Urf as the 100th champ... QQ

  13. kind of is, does anyone else see 'flippy-floppy' :P
    Swap that weapon!
