7-16: News: Eve Spotlight, PBE Update, and more!

Posted on at 1:08 AM by Moobeat
In today's news we have a new champion spotlight, several changes from the recent PBE update, an informative graphic about the newly increased tower detection radius, and a brand spanking new champion sale. Off we go!
To catch players up to speed on her recent remake, Riot has released an updated champion spotlight for Evelynn. Check out her new kit, in action, below!

I assume we'll see a similar spotlight for Twitch in the very near future.

My PBE was downloading ever so slowly today despite the estimated time.
Moving on, the biggest chunk of today's news comes from the 7-16 update to the PBE. As you may recall, the PBE was last updated a few days ago to include Zyra and the Eve, Twitch, and Xin Zhao. While tonight's update didn't include anything massive, there was a slew of small changes.

First off, Zyra has a new trick up her sleeve. As teased at earlier today on the forums, her W ability, Rampant Growth, now includes passive cool down reduction starting at 4% and increasing by an addition 4% per rank to a maximum of 20%.

Image courtesy of pidimension.

Evelynn got some new icons to go along with her fancy new skill rework.
Two new icons for the Widowmaker.
 For those who may not have noticed, Twitch already had new icons during the previous update.

Rounding out the 7-16 PBE changes, Cassiopeia now has her updated particle effects that ricklessabandon mentioned a few days ago. Check out a screen cap or enjoy a video of them below.

So, speaking of PBE, there was another change I overlooked from the previous iteration of the PBE: Towers now have a larger stealth detection radius. This is an intended change and you can take a looksie at the picture below to get a better idea of where the new ranges sit.

Images compliments of redditor Zikel.

Lastly in today's news, there is a new champion and skin sale! Between July 17th and the 20th you can catch sale prices on Leona ( 487 RP ), Kassadin ( 487 RP ), and Dr. Mundo ( 292 RP ). Skin wise you can pick up Superb Villain Veigar ( 487 RP ), Tundra Hunter Warwick ( 260 RP ), and Siren Cassiopeia ( 487 RP ) at discounted prices.


  1. I despise the way Cassiopeia's Q and W look now. The Q doesn't look like it responds as quickly (and there's already a delay on the damage, so now it just looks impossible to land), and the W looks too puffy, like it's supposed to be a fog-of-war cloud or something. FIX IT RIOT.

    1. gee douche calm the fuck down u do realize that it's just a graphic change not a change to anything , absolutely no delay was changed and the W's puffy cause the it's fading in the last picture

    2. what makes the OP a "douche" about disliking the changes? i think the only douche is you akerajoe having such an overly emotional response to someone whose opinion differs from yours.

    3. The man is jumping to conclusions and rageinf over nothing, demanding riot fix what is only beoken on his head there is NO evidence that the Q delay is any longer hes just pulling rhis idea out of his ass, next he complains that a cloud is too puffy? Hes a sweet 16 conplaining her new ferari is res instrad of green.

    4. Nice butchering of the english language

    5. Typeing on a tiny cell phone keyboard with no ability to backspace or recorrected what has already been typed is brutal, but your a big boy im sure you can use context clues to figure ot out.

    6. *typing
      I'm not a grammar nazzi but this is fun! :-D

  2. New particles are nice and the bonus to Zyra's W was much needed

  3. I didn't get the reason for adding a cooldown reduction passive. I played her a few times and she was pretty much balanced. Maybe they can even decrease the base damages for late levels. I doubt she will be like orianna, everyone will DIE to play her, but they'll fail her and she'll be off on the shelf .like others.

    1. Because there was no reason to rank it up, other than to get 1 rank of it. Now it has much better incentive for some builds.

    2. I still think that there needs to be something more that happens if the enemy steps on the seed. They are denying you a big part of your damage output, so there should be a penalty beyond vision. Just look at all the other items placement abilities in the game; hers is the weakest of them all.

    3. Granted, you deny her damage output, but firstly, the seeds cost no mana, so it's not a big loss for zyra. Also, my guess would be that you would usually cast the seed right after another ability (q or e) to maximise the damage output. If you don't it probably would usually be cast for vision, in which case the revealing only makes sense.

    4. I guess that's how you counter her, stand on her plants.

    5. You didn't get it guys. Let me give you an example thoughout the game so that you can understand. It is likle giving CDR to charm of Ahri's. Some skills are utility based and you leave it until lvl 18.

    6. You know, maxing charm 2nd is legit too if you need the extra cc duration to counter i.e. Merc threads. Can we move on and accept there's not only one way to skill a champ. The same goes for items - You always adapt them to your needs.

  4. Destitution_IsThy_NameJuly 17, 2012 at 3:21 AM

    I loved the way her 'Q' looked before with the snakes fleeing. The miasma change was fine, but the 'Q' looks way too similar. Nice how they updated her Ult particles. 'E' still looks the same but still good. Just her 'Q', i guess, was the only downside for me. Haven't seen what the particles look like on her other skins, but will be disappointed if it is the same as her default or Exalted.

    1. Actually what I don't like about it is that it makes the affect appear to linger longer than it does, which will cause people to go around the area after it is no longer necessary in fear of poison, costing them kill.

  5. i still see no HUGE reason to lvl her seeds, if you absolutely need extra cd reduction then yea but i would still lvl her damaging abilities first

    1. Some take it 2nd, some 3rd. It all depends - as said already - on your needs, lane matchup, gameflow, etc. The point is there actually IS a reason to ponder about maxing it 2nd or 3rd now compared to before. That's definitly a good improvement for me.

  6. I still dont see any point in putting points into W beyond the first, all this change will do is massivly increase her 15-18 when she starts getting rons of free cdr late game.

    1. I really think that's the point. Not to give her an additional option early game but to make her more viable late game. People are silly ;P

    2. Her ratios are solid, and her aoe is incredible, of they thought she needed cdr to be viable late game they would just tune her cookdowns. This is about choices and cdr is not what is needed to force choices.

    3. Moobeat can you look into mobile commenting? The keyboard is unresponsive without warning and i am unable to delete what i write or add in empty lines, if i make a mistake i have to close the page and start all over again, most times my messages are cut short becuase the keyboard refuses to repond its buggy as hell. I dont have this problem on any other site

    4. @"Look at mobile commenting guy"

      I'm not sure what the problem i. I just tried it out on my phone and it was working fine. I double checked to see there was any sort of options I maybe have messed up but I didn't see anything. Got any more inform that might help me out?

    5. Forgot to menrion this problem is on IOS, im pretty sure the problem occurs when dragging the cursor around to spell check or add/ delete sentences a pop up comes up for copy,select,etc and the onscreen keyboard refuses to respond the only way to fix it is to hit "done" and select the very bottom so spot checking is impossible you have to delete everything in between the bottom and any minor spelling error you whish to correct.

  7. i just got LOL for my mac, avent plaied yet. waiting for summer school to be over. cant wait though to play for hours, been needing a new game

  8. They also reverted the searching for matchmaking alert. :(

  9. When is the freaking patch, I thought it was gonna be the 17th. I am sad T____T

  10. one more new update on pbe

  11. I just noticed the new update myself, havent found any notes yet, im assuming it might be a slew of bugfixes

  12. Phew, thank goodness the buffed tower sight. I mean, good lord, stealth was almost a viable ganking tool! Do you realize how preposterous that is? And it's a good think Riot really brought the hammer down, because Shaco has been escaping the stealth nerfs for too long. With this vision buff, stealth based ganks will never be viable in high level play. Because to hell with variety, right?
