7-28/29 News: Not a lot going on.

Posted on at 7:21 AM by Moobeat
Since the exciting Diana PBE update, we've had quite a slow few days of news. Alas, I'm offer you two meager red posts - one about the possibility of Sivir buffs and the tossing around the idea of  CC effects scaling with ability power.

On the topic of Sivir and her power level relative to other AD Carries, Morello mentioned the possibility of getting hers auto attack increased. Hey says:
"I think the Sivir part is valid - I'll ask the live dudes their thoughts. Off-the-cuff though, this makes sense, especially with the new richochet mechanic."

Moving on, Morello revealed something fairly interesting on the forum yesterday. In a thread discussing the recent Janna AP ratio nerf,  he made mention of possibly adding crowd control abilities that scale with ability power, not the damage on the spell but the % rates or duration of it. Here is what he said:
"The problem with AP mages that have the utility of Janna is they do everything - all the disruption of a strong support with all the killing power of a mage.

In the long-term, we're exploring making the UTILITY functions of Supports scale with AP. Slow %'s, CC, etc."
What do you think of this idea? Is it moving in the wrong direction or something that can save the game? As CC effects in League of Legends are pretty short compared to Dota2 or other games, would we start to see long duration stuns, silences, or knock ups once a champion is packing a nice chunk of AP?

At any rate, I'll have some giveaway information as soon as I can get my hands on the loot I've worked out for you guys.


  1. Its not much news but you always report what ever there is keep up the good work moobeat.

  2. As long as the 0 cs support fad keeps going, its not viable.

  3. I think having a reeeeeeally small ratio will work. It's all about balancing around the realistic AP number that a "support" will hit. Honestly the biggest problem with supports right now is itemization.

  4. Since when is Janna a killer mage? That Morello, ntz ntz ntz.

    1. He didn't say the damage will increase but the utility (slow, stuns , etc)

  5. Well, Janna can be a good AP mid. I think that's what he wanted to say.

    Ratios on CCs are a good idea, but I agree with Jacob, only if ratios are small (or capped ?). Don't want to see a support going AP carry and get 15 secs stuns/slows :o

  6. It seems like it would be a good idea. As long as it isn't all CC. imagine Fiddle's fear scaling with his AP!

    1. That's the scariest thing I've ever heard.

    2. veigar's stun

  7. I think this cc thing is bad idea... Maybe items like sheepstick or eul's in Dota would be good.

  8. Exactly what Jared Isbell said, imagine Fiddle fear scaling with AP ? Would be ridiculous.

    What I like about LoL is that comebacks are always possible, for DotA or HoN ? Not so much.

    While yes, no AP scaling CC is more friendly, it also makes the game harder, as you have to plan/organize your cc to the fullest in order to get the most use out of it.

    Scaling cc with AP would be ridiculous and a bad idea. The gameplay/cc is already good as it is.

    1. The AP scaling wouldn't be added onto existing durations. Imagine Fiddle's fear only lasted 1 second at all ranks, but with enough AP it'd finally last several seconds. Thats what the idea is.

      BUT by the sounds of it... it'll only be a change for AP Carry mages with support-like spells. Such as Ori/Morg.

  9. Fiddlesticks Fear ._.

  10. I hope we don't see any long cc duration, it would ruin the game. The cc/stun/snare that even has like 2-3 duration can give you a kill in ganks etc, now imagine if they increase those to higher numbers, it would really destroy the game league of legends is. About the abilities getting some kind of cc, I think that is a good idea when you nerf something, as long as the cc doesn't last longer than 1.5-2 secs, it should be ok.


  11. I really think they should just explore other ways of changing support...

    It's good to know that this wont happen soon

  12. Replies
    1. malphite ult knocks ppl into the heavens, after this patch, theyll stay up there..

  13. I see what Morello's getting at, but I reckon that a change like this would not only make Supports compulsory, but also add a strong "Flavour of the Month" culture to LoL, with the Support most able to clear abandoned lanes or whatever appearing in most games. We've only got a few Supports as it is!
    Also, although I play Janna, for example, Supportively, I gear for lots of latergame Ability Power, because the extra damage is handy with her range for the team, and because her EotS and Monsoon scale in such a way that I'm better enabled to Support my allies (stronger shield, stronger heal); and besides, I somehow got a double kill with Howling Gale the other day, and I WON'T give THAT up! >:D

    Finally, keep up the nice work, Moobeat - yours is one of my most visited sites!

  14. 3 seconds in LoL is like 3 mins in real life, longer CC duration would allow a team to completely over run someone or even a team. Think of rammus's taunt, Sion's Stun, Fiddles Fear and Silence, and other such annoying effects. Like everyone else is saying, it would completely ruin the game

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    1. i was good guy greg and i gave you a ref. you're welcome.

  16. I like the idea of scaling CC, but it has to be a relatively small amount (like .2 seconds per 100 AP, with practically NO base amount). Otherwise it would make any single champ with that terribly OP because it would be the only scaling CC. If they did something across the board it would be more even but it would change the whole game. I like the idea but it needs to be regulated closely.

    Some interesting ideas would be things like Lulu's vision of enemies scaling - gives you vision of enemies for longer with more AP. Not technically a CC, but it could be a cool idea.

  17. More effective CC will surely make Cleanse and QSS more common. I have to imagine that with the fairly recent nerf to QSS, Riot doesn't want to see it become an item all ten players buy in a game though.

  18. I really like the system how it is now, yet i would like to see few Champs having scaling of 100 AP = +5% more slow or something between those lines, not in hard CC though (Stun, Silence or taunt). This system doesn't need to be planted on every champ in the game only on those who need it. Perhaps janna or sona. Just not on everyone.

  19. Bad idea.. The game will transform in:
    Stun and kill = GG easy.. No more fun..

    1. i feel exactly the same, late game it will be all about who gets off the first group stun..

  20. "All the killing power of a mage?" Janna only has two damage abilitie: one's psretty good and the other used mainly for its knock up. Compared to the likes of Cassioepeia, Ziggs, and most other mages she does nowhere near the damage. I don't even play Janna, but I feel bad for people who do play her because she's being nerfed into hell. Maybe this would help, but whatever they do help her somehow.

    1. she got too much cc with the scalings she have, this is the big problem, if we look at cass or ziggs, they have 1 or 2 cc and they usually can be reduced by tenacity (not ziggs) janna got 2 hard cc that is unaffected by tenacity, but I might be wrong too :P

  21. I think it should be good if Riot put another scalig "counter" in the game...

    There are Attack Damage, Ability Power e maybe something called "Domain Points" (lol).

    Domain Points should control the CC time/effect of abilitys in all characters.

    So, mages (AP carry) will not be so OP for getting lot of AP (damage + CC).

    Just an ideia... Sorry for my english. =X

  22. Moobeat i didnt understand a thing.
    are they buffing the range of sivir aa or the base dmg or projectile speed/ animation speed?

  23. Lol U guys don't understand. A long time age I created chapm ( for fun) and I gave him x% slow(plus x.xAP). They want to do sth similar, but not with every cc ability. I believe they know what are they doing. They won't affect hard cc, It'd b stupid - they know it. Not every shield is affected with ap, etc...

  24. Hey, Just wanted to give you this:

    The Valkyrie skin splash

    and the 3D model as changed they added some gold, teal and brighter purple:



    1. Damn, you got there before me with the splash art announcement :P
      But wow, the model looks better...I think. I need to see it in action...

    2. Thanks, I was just looking at that. Trying to decide if I should give it its own post or wait for some other stuff to come out.

  25. if morgana's stun duration grows she'll be way too powerful, and she already is. the way cc is now, it takes skill and timing to use it appropriatly and i dont think that should change but maybe buff the cc that is lacking damage, give it a little more "umph" like maokai's stun for example.scaling cc would change the game fully and the role of a support and as it is now yu can really tell a good support player from a poor one. i think thats necissary.

  26. Link to mentioned sivir thread anyone? ^_^

    1. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=27526178#post27526178

    2. Why thank you!

  27. Are you people stupid or what? They said they are experimenting with the STRENGTH of a CC scaling with AP not duration that means % of a slow not how long it lasts. God...

  28. I think people miss the point, more likely it'll just be another support nerf since they can't afford to get AP.

    Because someone will have 0 cs as long as there are 4 sources of farm on the map but 5 players in each team.
