7-9 News - New Skins, More Zyra, Karma Rework, and New Sale

We've got a grab bag of news from today, Panda Teemo and Augmented Singed are now available for purchase, Morello commented a bit more about the upcoming champion Zyra, Guinsoo tweeted out that the Karma rework was still on track, and we have a new skin sale!

First up, Panda Teemo and Augmented Singed are now available in the store, carrying a price tag of 975 Riot Points each. Both of these skins include fancy new particles, which you can see below! 

While I've already purchased both of these, I can't help but wonder what's holding back a few of the other skins we've seen slip into the PBE yet remain unreleased for several weeks, such as Foxfire Ahri or Scorched Earth Xerath.

The Zyra art spoiled by Morello a few days ago

Following up on his reveal from the other day, Morello mentioned a bit more about Zyra,  the 101st champion today by saying "One of her abilities spawns a seed on the ground that, initially, does almost nothing." He also has let out several other, small quips about her in the passing days, including "AP mid is definitely a primary role for her." and, regarding thehttp://surrenderat20.blogspot.com/2012/06/closer-look-at-6-8-pbe-files.html related files from the 6-8 PBE Leak, "This is almost from 2+ months ago - several abilities are completely rebooted from this.". You can check out the entire thread here, in the easy to view CLG Red Tracker, to get in on the discussion.

Guinsoo ( @RiotGuinsoo on twitter ) tweeted out two messages, about the long awaited Karma rework , a little while ago.
For those who might have problems reading the screem ca[s "A lot of people have asked about the status of Karma. Gameplay-wise, she's coming along well. Still OP but fun. She's also getting... ... non-gameplay improvements as well as ability changes. Those changes are the ones holding up the remake at this point."
What could these "non-gameplay improvements" be? Perhaps some updates to her model or animations to accompany her ability changes? Looks like only time will tell!

Lastly we have a new champion / skin sale rolling into town. Between July 10th through the 13th, you can pick up  the electrifying  Volibear ( 487 RP ), the deceptive Leblanc ( 487 RP ), or the ever sneaky Teemo ( 260 RP ) for half price! Additionally, Full Machine Viktor ( 487 RP ), Tango Twisted Fate ( 487 RP ), and Bird of Prey Anivia ( 260 RP ) are on sale!

Got feedback? Feel free to leave it in the comments below! I read all this junk, so if you'd like to see something, don't be afraid to request it. For example, I never post the champion / skin sales, but I've received some requests to do so lately.


  1. how do you pronouce zyra?


  2. i find u blog, few days ago, i like it, and all day im IN, nice u add skins/champ sale, last week idk lulu+shyvana sale...

  3. Can't wait for karma remake...

    1. ....oh, and for her boobs to be remaked since they're entirely flat compared to Ahri -.-

    2. dude r u perverted or sometin?

  4. very nice blog! Bookmarked.

  5. Ty Dude ! I think it's a good idea to post the champion / skin sales.

    Now, i just want to buy Firefox Ahri ! So go Riot, release her !

  6. Ahri-Addon for Firefox?
    Seema legit!

  7. Keep this up dude! This blog just gets better and better! Since I first stumbled across this site around the release of Varus, I have been almost checking it daily! Sometimes even several times a day!

  8. Good job Moobeat! Keep it up, i'm relatively new to your blog, i've been here since fiora but you never stop providing info fast. I used to refresh lol wikia for new snippets but the related fiora's abilities to your blog and since than i've been hooked up. uhm...

    on a more serious tone, do you think zyra will be up next week? because it's free week and Jayce should be in the next rotation and that usually means new champ.

    1. I hope she will be and this patch seems to have went off without any real problems. Morello talking about Zyra on the forums and spoiling her early make me think we'll see her next Tuesday, but Riot can be hard to read sometimes.

  9. Just bought voli with IP 2 days ago :(
    Damm u Riottt!!

  10. Personally I'd prefer if the blog keeps to non-public/early information since champ/skin sales can already be seen on the mothership or the Wikia, this makes it cleaner to read at least. But do as you wish, if there is great demand for it then why not. :)

    1. The idea behind posting the sales is similar to the posting of the patch notes / spot lights; Some people can't access the LOL website at work and check places like here for that information. On the other hand, its definitely not as pivotal of information as the others - their just sales.

      I think for now I'll keep them into big, "round up" posts like this, seeing as how feedback has been good. I won't, however, give them their own posts.

  11. I am also a daily checker (more like 5 times a day) and mega-fan of your blog. I too would rather it be kept to leaks and revealing hidden info/news, not public announcements like sales, but again I have full respect for you as the blog owner and if that's what you wanna do I'll still love your site!

  12. I am also (yeah me too) a daily checker. Your blog is on my favorite. I'm not against "public announcements (sales), but i think, like some people said before, that u're blog is famous cause of leaks info.

    Thank's for reading and sry for my bad english... i'm from Switzerland :)

  13. I'm guessing the "non-gameplay improvements" has to do with the textures for the unreleased Karma skin that was pulled out of the early June pbe update. They might be planning on doing it like Soraka, release the rework with a new skin.

  14. They patched PBE with a 125MB patch, give a call to SkinSpotlights, Zyra is surely somewhere in there :D

    1. SkinSpotlights says nothing good, just a bunch of stuff for the upcoming Greek launch.

  15. this is the best blog-website about league of legends, always the first way to find out the last news.

    happy summer moobeat!

  16. Hey man there is a thread somewhere with iron stylus hinting at the moon champion... I dont know where it is... But it has alot of stuff... No pics just subtle hints

    1. That's this thread: http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=24316799&posted=1#post24316799

      Unfortunetly, there's been no new clues for several weeks (a month?) so it's dead in the water til more clues. IronStylus says he's going to continue it though..

  17. when is inferno Alistar coming out?

    1. Hopefully soon! I have no further details.

  18. Man, I really want a Viktor skin, but none of them appeal to me. :/

  19. diese engländer.
    sprechen alles imemr anders aus, wie dumm ihr seit.
    spricht es einfach züra aus. ach ne ihr habt kein ü.
