About Kat and Future Visual Updates

Season two splash art featuring a much better looking Katarina.

IronStylus gave us just a small tease about the future Katarina visual rework today.  First mentioned in early May, the update would be similar to the recent Ashe remake - a new model, animations, and particles for the champion and all of her skins.
Yes, we've confirmed that this is happening. As per usual we can't really give dates, but we've done a ton of work on her and her respective skins. I find them really beautiful. We've also done a full rework on her particles and animations so that ends up taking a while to churn through her and her skins.
- IronStylus, Sr. Concept Artist, via the official forums.

The thread containing the above post spawned from a discussion about the Ryze and Nidalee arts found on Grumpy Monkey's, a Senior Character Artist at Riot, portfolio.

As seen above, these are more serious and detailed concepts for champions who desperately need a little visual love. While these are NOT definitive or confirmation of visual changes for Ryze and Nidalee, it is satisfying to know that Grumpy Monkey, who is the "head guy guy for champion visual updates", has them on his radar. About the subject, he said:
There are so many cool things happening regarding remakes and graphical updates. I can't give you exact dates or what champions will get them (you guys are smart and can probably figure them out) But know that, I feel the same way that many of you do about some of our older models.And you will see some cool updates to your favorite veteran Champs start to work their way into future patches!
- Grumpy Monkey, Senior Character Artist, via the official forums.

Edit: A big thanks to the reader who tossed me a heads up on this one. If you check out the comments for Grumpy Monkey's Darius model, you can see him mention the Singed is "on the radar and "we [Riot] know he needs some art love." Obviously not a big deal, but a nice heads up for Singed players!


  1. Shaco has the worst animations in the game, imo.

    1. Amen, he's my favorite champion but those sleeves on his classic skin lmao :P

    2. I don't think you understand the difference between "Animations" and "Models" Anon :S

  2. Soraka needs it ofc
    And nidalee 2

  3. We all know that Mord needs it the most the man has looked that way for ages now

  4. They should focus on gragas
    So many visual bugs

  5. TF dorito legs needs help

  6. Nida is hot now :DDD

  7. I don't know where I can put this but here is a leak for the nature archetype mage made by morello


    1. I'm not really sure, we both know that a nature mage was coming, leaking an image is no big deal and it looks like a people saw it

    2. You could email it or twitter it to me from the Links on the sidebar. Post is up now though :)

    3. ok Thanks :) I will know if I find something else next time^^

  8. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=26585153#26585153
    check it good info :)


  9. Looks like Morganas sister!

    Oh and btw:
    "Tell me Morello anything unique about her kit that would make us super excited for?"
    - Something you've never seen before in MOBA, but I won't tell


  10. Trynd could do with it definitely and cait :)

  11. Yes, I am the thread poster of the Nidalee and Ryze discussion, I came across his portfolio thanks to the Surrender@20 blog which posted the discussion about Bunny Riven's art (and therefore linked to the thread with his portfolio).

    I think you should add, how GrumpyMonkey posted (in the same Nid/Ryze thread) a hint. I think it's on page 6-8, he posts an edit with random italicized words. When you read only the italics, it says, "we are using those models".

    I am excited for the Nidalee and Ryze remakes haha <3
    Much love to Moobeat who spread the word about the portfolio.

    1. I mean, if it wasn't for this blog (I can't stop reading it daily >_< ) then we would have never had that thread for Reds to confirm the new models :3

      So thanks Moo for your efforts in keeping this blog updated and compiled with so much info.

  12. after all could do a remake in annie also
    She's really ugly.

