8-13 PBE Update: New Splash Arts.

Posted on at 9:36 PM by Moobeat
The PBE has been updated, but not with anything too fancy.  The changes primarily consist of a slew of additional skins splash arts and some heavy alterations to the Rengar specific item, Bonetooth Necklace.

Here are the new splash arts for Riot Graves and Headhunter Rengar.
Riot Graves
Headhunter Rengar
Alongside those two, several of the Katarina skins got new splash arts as well.
Mercanary Katarina
 Red Card Katarina
 Bilgewater Katarina
 Kitty Cat Katarina

Balance wise it looks like Rengar was in the dim spotlight. His ultimate received a minor increase on the cool down ( now: 120/85/50 , old: 120/80/40 ) and Bonetooth Necklace was reduced to 800g ( from 1000 ), it's bonus attack damage reduced to 10 ( from 20 ), the amount of trophies gained per kill was reduced from 2 to 1, and there was also a change to the final Trophy collection bonus. The last tier bonus now grants bonus effects for his ultimate instead of an activated effect.

In a closing note, the PBE update thread mentioned that they have removed all Pool Party Ziggs and Astronautilus skins from all accounts. I wonder what this means exactly. Surely Riot won't be pulling the plug on those skins, so perhaps they were deployed a little too early? That, or Riot wants to give them some drastic changes (be it from external or internal feedback). Either way, I'm eager to see what the plan is.

8/14 edit (12:30 EST ): ricklessabandon put up a post about PPZ and Astronautilus saying they were taken down for "bug fixes and looking into performance hits."  Phew!


  1. Yup, it's as I said.
    Astronautilus and Pool Party Ziggs are not getting released, they'll get the axe just like Rocketeer Trist, Dark Crusader Morde and Exterminator Twitch.
    Derp move Riot.

    1. don't be stupid. rocketeer tristana was available on SEA servers.

  2. My thought:

    Riot listened to the people unsatisfied by AstroNautilus and want to clean them up more.

    1. AstroNautilus was a great skin, I hope they wont give up the idea.

    2. Pool Party Ziggs needs some particle fixes and a bit of cleaning up for his model - it felt cluttered.

      as for astronautilus, the animations were great, but the anchor and his helmet itself didnt really fit
      people i guess were hoping for more of a buzz lightyear helmet type with an actual head inside
      or just a whole visor thing, but not such a dwarf for his head.

  3. hmmm well Riot decided and added battle bunyn riven too after some time, first it was a custom skin too, like pp ziggs, lets hope, they will do it, later maybe

  4. Whoah Mercenary Katarina looks great

  5. Surr@20 , there was some problems with the Astronautilus skin. Problems that not everyone was having on the PBE, but some people were experiencing huge FPS loss whenever he used E or something. Check the PBE Forum, you should still be able to see some of these threads/posts regarding what I just said

    1. Something like that do I have with ziggs W, Varrus E and Jayce lightnhing wall (the one who gives speed boost to allied champs). It's no a FPS loss, but a huge ms (latency) increase. Kind of ruins my games with those champs.

  6. They also changed the stats on the Bonetooth Necklace

    1. I'm on the PBE looking at Bonetooth necklace, in the shop, and it doesn't have those stats on it.

    2. I just played a custom game, it's legit.

    3. I see it now. Thanks for pointing that one out.

  7. Whos that behind singed in the graves splash art....?

  8. Neck thing Attack damage from 20 to 10

  9. Glad Mercenary Kat got an art update, sooooo much better than the former. Although it's a pity High Command nor her Default skins got updated...


      Seriously >_>

    2. Actually it seems I was thinking of a different skin in my head, High Command Kat is perfect :D Don't worry, nobody will touch it. :P

  10. I think Kat's art change is perfect. Always wanted her Chinese splash arts but keeping the default classic and High Comman because they already look so good. Glad Riot thinks the same

    1. I'm so happy that they didn't change her default splash

    2. because it already has been changed

  11. Hmm maybe i'll buy a kat skin now. D:


    I was hoping for the new one made by Katie de Sousa (ashe treatment) all we got is having lame chinese splashes after little edit.
    Im so sad and dissapointed. They changed her kit, they ruined her artworks i played her for 3 years, i just want to quit lol... Too many dissapoinmtemnts recently.

    1. You won't be missed. See you.

    2. Like LoL needs people maining Kat for 3 years. Guess why she never was in competitive play? You surely watch no streams.

    3. Rotfl, come at me baddies and stream sheep.

      You are trying to imitate playstyle from high elo streams but you end up failing and accusing jungler or support.
      I played with bads like you. Used "stream" argument when it was conveniant, when i asked why he doesnt buy wards, because everyone on streams buy wards i just got insulted.
      Braindead monkeys. Of course i wont be missed, because i will be one less person stomping your pathetic faces with teemo and kata.
      And surprise, Katarina will never be played in tournaments. Shocking, i know, sheeple.

    4. I would agree to an extent with the guy above (except I wouldn't be so rough with the words). Normal players tend to imitate professionals way too much and forget to play just for the fun of it. They get in queue with the sole idea of picking a certain champion that a favorite streamer of theirs has won a game with. They completely ignore their team and don't stick to the role their team needs, thinking "If he [the pro] won, I can do it too! I don't need these guys on my team, I can win this on my own". Which, of course, inevitably leads to a defeat most of the times because the team lacks a certain vital role and proper communication.

    5. And after all three call mid and lock in, you pick Sona with smite and revive in hopes that one of them will dodge, but THEY NEVER DO.

    6. This is why I don't watch, or pay attention to streams. ;p I take advice from players that earn my respect.

  13. hahaha baron and dragon skulls in the Headhunter Rengar splash, I love it!

  14. hey, i really like this new thing going on with the website, it actually looks like a website instead of blog now. but i feel you need to bring back the way we could scroll down and keep reading instead of pressing "continue reading" button, offcurse this makes the page very long and all that. but at the top you could put a list over the last 5 updates that will take you to the one you want to see instead of all the scrolling. just giving my opinion thanks for this awesome website and hope we can keep this going :)

  15. So they used all the Chinese art splashes for Katarina now

    1. I'm fairly certain they used chinese art for the ashe skins too when they changed ashe but only as a kind of placeholder. They later changed them to original pieces(frejlord artwork) is bad now.

  16. i HATE the red hair on kitty cat katarina .
    brown was so much better .
    disgusting ..

    1. Kay...calm down much? It's not something worth getting all iffy over..

  17. Those boobs on mercenary...definitly my favorite skin for Katarina, maybe because of the blue hairs.

  18. Yo ... Rastafari Fizz ... Anybody?

  19. Ah, I hope Astronautilus comes soon.
    I find it so adorable *o*

  20. This new champ has a really bad ultimate. Looks like you cant even 1v1 anyone top unless there making him tanky just for looking buff. His passive looks like its takes years to empower his attacks.

    1. maybe its because hes a jungler....

      oh wait HE IS.
      lets take skarner for instance. when was he last seen top lane again?

  21. he has short cooldowns and no mana, dont think his passive is so slow to reach empowered abilities :D i want him live now!

  22. "Balance wise it looks like Regnar was in the dim spotlight."

    It should say "Rengar" not "Regnar"

  23. Red Post about Pool Party Ziggs and Astronaut. http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?p=28228500#28228500

  24. They are fixing the astronautilus fps drop when he uses his e.... The fps drop is insane

  25. head hunter team with rengar and tha yi... need more hunters

  26. That cat on the moon, I loled XD
