8-20 PBE Update: Small Changes to Rengar's Q

A very small patch was applied to the PBE tonight. The only change I've been able to spot is a reduction on the bonus damage on Rengar's Savagery ferocity bonus. It was reduced from 170% bonus damage to 150% bonus damage.
Considering how scary this first blood tactic is, I'm totally ok with this change.
Hopefully this teeny tiny little patch means Riot is tossing in some last minute tweaks to get Rengar ready for his big debut!


  1. Pretty short cooldown at level 1.

  2. seriously, they had to nerf his ferocity Q, it was too strong :/

  3. Lv 1 combo Q+EmpoweredQ+Q + ignite could kill almost any enemy champ at lv 1 in two seconds.

    Now you'll just have to do another basic attack, lol.

  4. looks like they changed his idol too

  5. I doubt this small teak is enough, he deals way too much damage with basically no items, when you think things couldn't get any worse after the darius thingy, rengar comes and shows you that it can be worse.

    I just wonder when will they get tired of making bruisers all the time....

    1. yeah zyra, diana, and draven just boring tanky dps... oh wait thats right your full of it.

      darius isnt even ban worthy and you think hes OP? what a joke.

      and now you think rengar is tanky dps? melee = tanky dps i guess, i mean hes only got 4 nukes, and a stealth how much harder do they need to scream assassin in your ear before you get it?

    2. You're so beyond the point, I'm so sick and tired of people like you claiming Darius ain't op, let me tell you a few things, they've tried balancing it and that worked so amazingly good that in fact they're thinking about redoing his ultimate.

      You rarely see anything else being realised beside bruisers, it's like, lets give them an ad carry or a mage and after that 2 or 3 bruisers and so on, just look at the latest releases.

      Rengar is way over the top, seen him a couple of times hitting 700-1000 damage in early game in 1 sec and around 1300 in late which is a bit too much, not to mention the slow heal and so on + the ultimate which can't be delayed like the other inv spells. Try running from rengar through a brush, he hops like a freaking rabbit which is seriously pathetic.

    3. how am i beyond the point? do you watch major tourneys, darius shows up maybe once or twice, great picks show up 10-15 times each and are even banned from time to time, no major league team out there even gives two shits about darius if he was truely OP like you say hed be picked or banned EVERY game, thats just not the reality, YOU ARE DELUSIONAL.

      if you havent figured it out yet not every melee champion is a tanky dps, theres assassins, melee carries, tanks, and of course your favorite tanky dps, but if your willing to call rengar generic tanky dps youll apply the label to anything. so 3/5 recent releases have been melee champs big deal, ones a mage/assassin, ones an AD/assassin, and finally yes darius was a tanky dps.

      I NEVER commented on rengars power I was trying to point out hes an assassin and not a tanky dps by breaking down his kit, but you were too buissy to notcie I guess. Whether hes Op or not well have to see, and no im not talking scrubs crying they lose lane, im talking about proffessional players evaluating their strength as part of a team.

    4. Of course proffesional players don't need one click champs like rengar and darius because they got enough skills to play champs that require some thinking.

      I'm not here to QQ about Rengar, never lost my lane against Rengar(on pbe so far) nor to Darius, nor to Diana but that doesnt mean they arent overpowered. Darius is op because no matter how hard he is feeding on lane he can only swing his ulti on some targets steal the kills from their team-mates(like 90% of them do) and get the farm that you worked for the entire game in a couple of minutes.

      Competitive play will never be affected by these champions because they will hardly play them.

      But you are clearly a lover of overpowered champions so anyone would have better chances on moving a wall then get you to understand something.

    5. You dont see the difference between overpowered and pub stomp. The champs crush bad players for being disorganised or makeing bad deacisions. Their not op for stomping scrubs their just "poorly desighned" they arent strong enouph to be played at the highest skill level but stomp low skill levels thats not what you would call OP. truely OP champs like pre nerf zyra have tremendous win% even at platinum elo and are constantly picked/banned in money on the line pro games. Dont throw the word OP unless its truely overpowered

      I love that Assume i play these people you perceive are op, "people like you" "clearly a lover of over powered champions" AHAHAHA how niave i disagree witj you because your arguements dont hold water, not because im some bond villian who wanta the game unbalanced for personal gain. You make me laugh. The difference between you and I is that i trust the pros the best of the best to gauge champion strength and i trust riot to balance the game at the highest skill level. If a champ has a 50% win rate in platnum but a 90% win rate at 900 or lower elo thats fine, the bads will just drown in their own incompetence, those that finaly learn will climb up.

    6. The only truly op champion Riot has ever released is Lee Sin.
      Riven and Xin used to be in this circle.

      Everything else is pubstomp.

  6. From what I saw on the spotlight, Rengar's ult when activated has the old-stealth mechanic. Anyone know if close-proximity to Rengar reveals him? Or if he can remain hidden even when ghosting through champs?

    1. It's more or less like twitch's new stealth. Lasts for 7 seconds.

    2. Twitch and Evelynn's stealth can be delayed by attacking, Rengar jumps in stealth whenever he pleases without being bothered by anything.

    3. Eves works like this too, dots wont stop her passive.

    4. Ignite was removed from stopping her from going into stealth but normal attacks stop her.

  7. Rengar use the same stealh as talon why are people QQing about that

    1. Their not QQing about his steakth their qqing about his normal Q, enrage Q , E, normal Q combo it deals tremendous damage as early as level 4. Winning him most trades against other popular top lanes, snowballing him very quickly.
