8-24 PBE Update: Katarina changes.

Posted on at 6:46 PM by Moobeat
Another small update was applied to the PBE tonight. It contained tentative balance changes for Katarina and Ziggs, as well as a tweak to the still unreleased Syndra.

As passionate as you may be about balance changes, please remember that these are all TENTATIVE and are SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

Lots of balance changes are popping up in these small and frequent PBE patches. This iteration saw several changes for Katarina and a revert on the Ziggs change we saw in a previous PBE patch.

  • Bouncing Blade's dagger damage changed to 60/95/130/165/200(+0.45*AP) damage from 50/85/120/155/190(+0.5*AP)
  • Bouncing Blade's mark AP ratio reduced to +0.15 from +0.2
  • Shunpo's  base damage increased to 60/85/110/135/160  from 40/70/100/130/160
  • Shunpo's damage reduction reduced to 15% from 20%
  • Shunpo's cooldown decreased to 12/10.5/9/7.5/6 from 14/12/10/8/6 seconds
  • Sinister Steel's AP Ratio reduced to .25 from .3
  • Her passive, Voracity, changed to "reduces all cooldowns by 15 seconds" from "refreshes basic abilities and reduced ult by 10 seconds"
  • Previous Mega Inferno Bomb change reverted, reduced damage for enemies on edge of spell is back to 75% from 80%.

While Syndra still isn't available for play, Riot is actively tinkering with her abilities. For those who might have missed her reveal, her passive is called Transcendent and amplifies her normal abilities when they reach max rank. At Gamescom, her Force of Will bonus read as "Projectiles briefly knock enemies into the air" and it now reads "Extends the slow duration to 2 seconds".


  1. Why'd they 'remake' cat in the first place...

    1. because dog was also remade.

    2. Kat was very inconsistent. SHe was either the super ultra hyper carry, or she was a cardboard target. There was no middle ground for Katarina and that is not something that makes the game very fun.

  2. Soooooo...they buff Ziggs then nerf him.

    Ziggs was reasonable now. We cannot have that. Riot logic.

    1. They nerfed Ziggs then buffed him again. Other way around, buddy.

    2. They basically just reverted a change from a previous patch. He's exactly how he is on live atm.

    3. No he was right... it was Buff to nerf

    4. It was a buff then a nerd, BUDDY. His damage near the edge of his ultimate went up to 80% from 75% and is now back to 75%. Read before you respond.

    5. REDUCED damage, my friend. Means that 80% reduced damage would be only 20% damage from the middle, now it's 25%.

      It was a nerf first, then buff back to normal.

    6. Think riot just made a horrible sentence there which can be interpreted multiple ways but, I hardly believe that ziggs' ulti only deals 20-25% when you are not in the middle, so 75-80% damage is more logic.

    7. Ziggs ult deals 75% damage at the edge of the ult. They buffed it to 80%, then nerfed it to 75% again.

    8. They did nothing - to be simple - they did nothing at all. Nothing ever happened, Ziggs was never touched. His ulti is the same as it has been for a while. ;]

  3. so much updates yet no Syndra. Big tease Riot...

  4. Im not even gonna play her on the PBE. Im gonna wait two weeks and just buy her...Its not worth the teasing an wait.

  5. 90% of the community thinks the new Kat is sorta underpowered, WHY NERF HER ALREADY SHITTY AP RATIOS?, the Shunpo changes are good but the nerfs are still ridiculous. Rengar also needs a HUGE buff even more desperately than Evelynn

    1. Seriously? Rengar is pretty freaking amazing. Maybe you don't know how to use him? Because, if anything, he should be nerfed, lol

      Though, I agree on the Kat part. I thought it was just because I wasn't used to her, but I now realize she just sucks now. :/ I used to play her all the time.

    2. Rengar is completly useless late game but early game he can devastate target with that empowered q... Maybe make it scale better for late game...?

    3. Yeah, Rengar is essentially an Alistar with no utility. He's good at early levels, but he falls off immensely. People that know how to insta-gib early say he's fine, but those that can't use him properly QQ about running into the entire enemy team and not being able to do anything.

    4. You cant build him as you would another jungler.
      he needs double bloodthisters!

    5. Katarina isnt viable after the remake, so they are nerfing her. Because in global this is an another nerf. Riots logic.

  6. syndra changes... check reign of gaming

    1. The ranges / ratios I'm not worried about until she becomes playable, I do already have the passive change though.

  7. Rengars should have his q reverted back to 170% instead of 150%, or at least make his e do some more dmg, it does no dmg at all for its lengthy cooldown..

    1. Rengar probably needs changes to his ferocity bonus on W/E. If Q went back to 170 then you have even LESS of a reason to utilize the rest of his kit.

  8. So Kat who was already on the weak side gets nerfed.

    1. overall, it looks like it.

    2. Riot hates Kat.
      Q - nerfed
      W - nerfed
      E - some balancing
      R - minor buff trough the passive buff
      Riot simply cant understand Kat isnt viable, high elo players are simply bad as Katarina too /except Tiensi../. Why are they nerfing her, no one know, even Rioters i think.

    3. Its simple - broken champ will always remain broken. In some cases extremely OP, in other cases just shit and free kills. Like i said Kat is just BROKEN.

    4. Except for that bit where they buffed her flat damage on bb and shunpo so she does more damage without items, now. They buffed her early game so she'll have a better time against strong early opponents now.

    5. Indeed. Ratio nerfs not as big as they seem. .05 AP ratio=200 AP for 10 dmg. So basically kat now does more dmg before hitting 200 AP, and less afterwards. This seems to encourage a gunblade rush vs other builds.

  9. it would be nice if they could make Syndra's force of will work both ways, push and pull

    1. i think that would make her gameplay more deep even if it doesn't even have to do damage

    2. scatter the weak you mean.

  10. Didn't they change Zigg's R from 70-80% and then from 80% to 75%? I guess you could call it a "nerfed buff".

    1. Nope. It was 75% since release. They did 75 -> 80 in one PBE patch a few days ago, then they've gone and un-did that. Not sure why, it was a justified buff.

  11. "Shunpo's base damage increased to 60/85/110/135/160 from 40/70/100/130/16"
    Oh that's why my Katarina doesn't do enough damages :3.

    1. This is only early game buff....and no one maxes E first...

    2. As an ap you actually did before the rework as it was her ap nuke and gave you better cd. Now I'd max it second due to the better cd. Though some max it still first for cd and sinister steel afterwards leaving 1 point in Q. Ever heard of adapting to different situations?

    3. Umm. He;s talking about rank five typo. It says 16.2

    4. Oops. I meant 16

  12. Wow, Syndra's shaping up to be pretty lame. Recolor skin, pseudo-passive, and then that passive gets nerfed. Nice job Riot, I'll just put her on the waiting list next to Zyra, while I spend my IP on champions that actually do something, and aren't threatened with losing their unique strengths out of the blue in the next patch.

  13. They could at least buff the AD ratio on sinister steel. These Katarina buffs/changes in this patch were not needed.

  14. Awwww, that level 5 E spell of Syndra's sounded so op, too bad they had to change it.

    1. The [E] didn't change at all, was always 50% width increase.

      It was the [Q] that changed from 20% to now 15% damage increase to champs, and the [W] that was changed from a brief knock up to and increase 2 sec slow.

      For the [W], you can think of it this way:
      Originally with the hit it does a 2 sec slow (no passive bonus)
      With the original passive, it's a 1 sec knock up, plus it's 2 sec slow.
      Now with changed passive, it's a 4 sec slow.

      In other words you're getting a bit more time, but losing a bit of a stun. Or at least that's how I see it.

    2. I meant W, not E, my mistake.

  15. The nerf isn't that big for Katarina. At 500 AP her combo will do about 55 less damage (3x 0.05 ratio nerf, 20 damage increase to Shunpo), BUT we get our 15 seconds from our passive back so we can often use Death Lotus twice in Team Fights which increases our damage at the end.
    Also, the Base Damage buff of Bouncing Blades was more then needed, just like the lower CD on shunpo, she actually did no damage at her early levels and had low mobility compared to her old state.
    I actually think those changes make her more viable.

  16. I too feel that Kat remake made her easier to play, but a lot weaker. Her laning phase seems harder than easier. Now they do seem to be nerfing her early game again and giving a slight buff to death lotus.

    Nobody is going to level shunpo first and using it is still going to leave her vulnerable especially since her damage reduction from shunpo is going from 20% to 15% reduction.

    And then they are buffing the base damage of bouncing blades but nerfing the bounce ap ratio and nerfing sinister steel ratio?

    What the heck is Riot thinking...

    1. The reduced cooldown of Shunpo indirectly reduces the damage you'd get by more then those 5% that have been nerfed. If this hits live you can dodge skillshots more often with Shunpo (ofc only if it's needed, you still need a escape in case you get ganked) and you can ward-jump far more often with this change. That's far more useful then 5% less damage.

      And what do you mean with "they do seem to be nerfing her early game again"? Higher Q und E base damage, and the ratios that have been lowered are a joke early game. 0.05? With 100 AP early your combo will deal 15 less damage from the nerfed ratios, but you get 30 more base damage for it. If you're going to say "but I can spam W", the lowered CD and buffed damage of Shunpo makes up for that early game, and is a bit weaker if you got about 200 AP.

      But I agree with you that no one is going to level Shunpo first. I guess Riot realized that and that's why the base cooldown will be lowered (but it will be the same as now at max rank).

      And the "buff" to Death Lotus via her passive isn't as slight as you think. If you get 3 kills in a teamfight then it's guaranteed that you can use your ultimate again (-45s, cd is 60/55/50) and right now it would only be -30s. You could almost never use Death Lotus twice.

      And also read me previous post.

      -ChanceWolf, EUW

    2. Not to mention you get the 15% dmg reduction MORE OFTEN now than before.

      And yeah, like you said. In any almost any teamfight getting 3+ kills/assists gives you your ult back. Which is pretty much a given if:

      A: You ulted at all
      B: Your team killed 3 enemies.

  17. Kat is not being nerfed, 0,05? are you kiding me? Lets remember that Kat is a manaless champion, she can spam all that she wants. Kat is a poke to death champion. I excel at it, with and without the remake. The only thing you need with kat is pacience and think fast. I don´t know why people don´t use her. just search in my profile. XenonBladez NA server. The unique time i failed at it was because ww ganked me 24/7, wich was annoying.

  18. i dont get it if kat its manaless why qq over her bn a bit nerfed/buffed a bit... she its a manaless champ that make her easier cuz u just need to focus on your ap/hp/CDR if u actually need it that it not on kat case... i see like a bit of balance against all the ap mid mana based champ soo they can lane against her in early without bn poke to the death in early on

  19. omg, most of you guys whining about kata nerf... u are probably very bad at playing her... is pretty damn good after the rework and she is pretty viable too. I saw xpeke playing her on a tournament something that i have never seen before... also i saw some other good players playing her at ranked.. 2.3k+ elo and they did also pretty good.. so stop whining and l2p maybe :P

  20. What was the point of making it reduce all cooldown by 15 seconds instead of making the 10 of the ultimate go 15... I mean the rest cover those 15 anyway

  21. when will be ready syndra? i want her D:

  22. You act like it's not natural to get mad over things.
