Arcade Sona and Riot Graves Available in the Store!

Posted on at 8:09 PM by Moobeat
Since  this seasons NA Regionals are well underway at PAX Prime, we have some new skins entering the store! You can now purchase the fabulous Arcade Sona and have another chance to grab Riot Graves before he leaves the store again!
Riot Graves and Arcade Sona are available in the store to mimic the skins being given away, by Riot, at PAX Prime!
These skins are available for Summoners across all regions. Continue reading to for more information and to see skin previews!
Riot Graves
Riot Graves is 975 RP and will only be available between August 31st and September 2nd. After that, you'll have to wait until the next big event to add him to your roster!

Arcade Sona
Arcade Sona, on the other hand, will run you 975 RP and will remain in the store after the event! To reiterate, she is NOT a limited edition skin, just an awesome and always available skin!


  1. Buy Arcade Sona, stick to your Mafia Graves

  2. Didn't they say sona goes op sale for 2 days?

    1. Does anyone know if this is true? If it is a limited time only skin, then I'm going to buy me some RP... And Sona...

    2. nope, it's exactly like full metal rammus. Given for free/released at an event, available forever in the store.

    3. I'll wait until it's on special then... It's probably the most awesome skin every, but I don't even play her.

    4. Same, waiting for skin sale though that might never come given how in-demand this skin is...

    5. Op here

      They said it on the official site. They meant available for purchase -.-. Thank you riot for ruining my day!!

    6. Riot making a skin for the store ruins your day?


  3. When comes my Rocketeer Tristana -.-...
    They had it on the Pax I saw it but when he comes ?

    1. This skin is in devolepment for a looooooong time. We will never know until it's out.

    2. Like Pulsefire Ezreal. Who knows, maybe that skin becomes in a epic one too.

  4. Im sure that Rocketeer Tristana would be a new theme, it wont be just a normal skin.

    I'm very happy with my Arcade Sona :)

  5. I'm hungry for MORE NEWSSS!!
    surrender pls

  6. Sonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

  7. Why the asia server(garena) always takes forever to release a skin? Even the panda teemo skin is still not out yet!

  8. because asia is for noobs..

  9. Sona looks wonderful in this skin! Even though the splash could have been better the in-game model and spells make up for it!

    Too bad i cant grab her for free ;_;. And i already own Pentakill.
